Im using Ac Web 7.6 and Today i saw 7.7 Was out. Anyone know how to change from 7.6 to 7.7 I still want every character and custom items,
dont want to loose them. Anyone can help? i'll +Rep
Im using Ac Web 7.6 and Today i saw 7.7 Was out. Anyone know how to change from 7.6 to 7.7 I still want every character and custom items,
dont want to loose them. Anyone can help? i'll +Rep
just dump your world database, create a new db in the mysql for 7.7 and insert it. So you just need to edit the name of the db in ascent.conf!
gratz^^ you did it
Graphic designer for crossfire-entertainment! And thx to Brightchild for my great sig
Lols dont understand
Shouldn't i replace any things in the Ac Web/Ascent folder?
yeah! og course, just delete the whole AC-web folder, shift+delete and download the new 1. Then go into your db using navicat (username root, password ascent) then make a new db and extract in your older db, then you might get the latest ascent sql updates to have your repack up-to-date.
Graphic designer for crossfire-entertainment! And thx to Brightchild for my great sig
Hmm... Ima try O_o
he got custom made items.
You need to back up your tables try find a guide using this link!
Click le' Link!
Lols. Im backing up all my items i made it "Insert new data" and i will try to re:install AC Web with 7.7 and then Execute the SQL File into the server.
Would it work? O_o
yeah! backup the tables you want to keep! it should work: If I understood right what your doing
Graphic designer for crossfire-entertainment! And thx to Brightchild for my great sig