Wondering if it is possible to create your own Display ID. For instance create a Orc Character with a specific face/hair/facial hair style and then put a specific set of armor on him. create a display ID for that and attach that ID to an NPC?
Wondering if it is possible to create your own Display ID. For instance create a Orc Character with a specific face/hair/facial hair style and then put a specific set of armor on him. create a display ID for that and attach that ID to an NPC?
dont think so....
Graphic designer for crossfire-entertainment! And thx to Brightchild for my great sig
Ok, then I got to do it the hard way.
In common.mpq and Patch.mpq all the npc's textures are listed under Textures/backedNPCTextures
Does anyone know if I mod the files in these folder if i would be able to mod the NPC that it is connected to. If so, does anyone know how I could easily find the NPC's texture in all these files instead of searching through all of them and trying to eyeball out the mob itself?