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  1. #1
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    havent tested them all seem to be working just a fast idc script to dump them so some may be broke

    using System.Reflection;
    namespace LazyLib.Wow
        public class PublicPointers
            /// <summary>
            /// Globals
            /// </summary>
            public enum Globals
                PlayerName = 0x2994D88,
            /// <summary>
            /// InGame
            /// </summary>
            public enum InGame
                InGame = 0x28B6368,
                LoadingScreen = 0x25812F0,
                RealmName = 0x28022E0,
        internal class Pointers
            /// <summary>
            /// ActionBar
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ActionBar
                ActionBarFirstSlot = 0x28C21E0,
                ActionBarBonus = ActionBarFirstSlot + 0x240,
                CurrentActionBar = 0x28C2834,
            /// <summary>
            /// Battleground
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Battleground
                BattlegroundStartTickcount = 0x28C0624,
                Timestamp = 0x25D383C,
                IsBattlegroundFinished = 0x28C08CC,
                BattlegroundWinner = 0x28C08D0,
                BattlegroundInfo = 0x24EF1C0,
                UISelectedBattlegroundId = 0x290401B,
            /// <summary>
            /// Corpse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Corpse
                X = 0x0,
                Y = X + 0x4,
                Z = X + 0x8,
            /// <summary>
            /// Party
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Party
                PartyOffset = 0x28C0480,
                IsInGroupHome = 0x28C0480,
                IsInGroupInstance = 0x28C0488,
                NumOfPlayers = 0x178,
                NumOfPlayers_SuBGroup = 0x17C,
                PlayerGuid = 0x10,
            /// <summary>
            /// AutoLoot
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AutoLoot
                Pointer = 0x28B5F10,
                Offset = 0x5C,
            /// <summary>
            /// ClickToMove
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ClickToMove
                Pointer = 0x28B5EF0,
                Offset = 0x5C,
            /// <summary>
            /// Reversed from CGUnit_C__GetCreatureRank 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgUnitCGetCreatureRank
                Offset1 = 0x17B8,
                Offset2 = 0x34,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGUnit_C__GetCreatureType 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgUnitCGetCreatureType
                Offset1 = 0x17B8,
                Offset2 = 0x30,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGWorldFrame__GetActiveCamera
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgWorldFrameGetActiveCamera
                CameraPointer = 0x28B6EC0,
                CameraOffset = 0x3330,
                CameraX = 0x8,
                CameraY = 0xC,
                CameraZ = 0x10,
                CameraMatrix = 0x14,
            /// <summary>
            /// Search for CGUnit_C::GetSkinnableType_Checked 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Skinning
                SkinnableFlags1 = 0x17B8,
                SkinnableFlags2 = 0x0CC,
            /// <summary>
            /// AuctionHouse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AuctionHouse
                AuctionListCount = 0x2901FF8,
                AuctionList = 0x2902000,
                AuctionOwnerCount = 0x2902018,
                AuctionOwnerList = 0x2902020,
                AuctionBidderCount = 0x2902038,
                AuctionBidderList = 0x2902040,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGActionBar__IsCurrentAction
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AutoAttack
                IsAutoRepeatingSpell = 0x25EE650,
                IsInMelee = 0xAF6C,
                IsInMelee1 = 0x18A8,
                AutoAttackFlag = 0xEE8,
                AutoAttackMask = 0xEEC,
                ///Address seems to show the GUID of the Auto Attack target
                AutoAttackGUID = 0xAF6C,
                ///Shows 0x06 when not wanding, 0x0C or 0x0E when wanding
                ///Wanding = 0xEF8
            /// <summary>
            /// CastingInfo 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CastingInfo
                IsCasting = 0x1990,
                ChanneledCasting = 0x670,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGWorldFrame__GetActiveCamera
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Chat : uint
                ChatStart = 0x2883EA0,
                chatBufferPos = 0x28B39C0,
                OffsetToNextMsg = 0xCB8,
                MsgSenderGuid = 0x00,
                MsgSenderName = 0x34,
                MsgFullMessage = 0xE6,
                MsgChatType = 0xCA0,
                MsgChannelNum = 0xCA4,
                MsgTimeStamp = 0xCB0,
                ChatQueueDepth = 0x3C,
            /// <summary>
            /// BlueChat
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Messages
                EventMessage = 0x28B51D0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Container
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Container
                EquippedBagGUID = 0x28C0470,
            /// <summary>
            /// Globals
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Globals
                RedMessage = 0x28B51D0,
                MouseOverGUID = 0x28B6370,
                LootWindow = 0x28C5D30,
                ChatboxIsOpen = 0x25F8D64,
                CursorType = 0x294DF80,
                CursorType2 = CursorType + 0x04,
                SelectedSpellId = 0x28D4698,
                CGGameUI__m_cursorItem = 0x28B5160,
                CGGameUI__m_cursorSpell = 0x28B5188,
                IsMouseButtonPressed = 0x25D388C,
                Indoors = 0x25D7879,
                IsBobbing = 0x14C,
                ArchFacing = 0x198,
                ArchFacingOffset2 = 0x30,
            /// <summary>
            /// KeyBinding
            /// </summary>
            internal enum KeyBinding
                NumKeyBindings = 0x28C4010,
                First = 0x188,
                Next = 0x178,
                Key = 0x30,
                Command = 0x58,
            /// <summary>
            /// Quest
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Quest
                m_quests = 0x28C4780,
                m_numQuests = 0x28C4610,
                m_currentQuest = 0x28E8C74,
                m_questTitle = 0x0,
                m_gossipQuests = 0x28BB028,
                QuestsCompleted = 0x24ED2C8,
                GetNumQuestChoices = 0x28F81C0,
                GetQuestReward = 0x28F81C8,
                CGQuestInfo_Available__Quest = 0x28F78C0,
                CGQuestInfo_Available__Num = 0x28E8C8C,
                CGQuestInfo_Active__Num = 0x28E8C90,
                CGQuestInfo_Active__Quest = 0x28EE114,
            /// <summary>
            /// ObjectManager
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ObjectManager
                CurMgrPointer = 0x2694158,
                LocalPlayerGUID = 0x2994D70,
                TargetGUID = 0x24ED8A0,
                PetGUID = 0x28C52FC,
                StorageField = 0x10,
                ObjectType = 0x20,
                NextObject = 0x70,
                FirstObject = 0x18,
                LocalGUID = 0x58,
            /// <summary>
            /// Script_UnitAffectingCombat 
            ///v4 = v2 && (*(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(v2 + 284) + 316) >> 19) & 1; 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum InCombat
                Mask = 19,
                Offset2 = 0x158,
                Offset1 = 0x188,
            /// <summary>
            /// Runes 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Runes
                RuneTypes = 0x0,
                RunesOffset = 0x0,
                //Offset is usually RuneTypes + 0x64
            /// <summary>
            /// CGUnit_C__GetShapeshiftFormId 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ShapeshiftForm
                BaseAddressOffset1 = 0x188,
                BaseAddressOffset2 = 0x27B,
            /// <summary>
            /// SpellCooldown
            /// </summary>
            internal enum SpellCooldown : uint
                CooldPown = 0x24DA7E0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Search for PowerTypePointer  
            /// </summary>
            internal enum PowerIndex
                PowerIndexArrays = 0x263AA50,
                Multiplicator = 13,
            /// <summary>
            /// Swimming 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Swimming
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x100000,
            /// <summary>
            /// IsFlying 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum IsFlying
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x1000000,
            /// <summary>
            /// IsFalling 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum IsFalling
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x1000000,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGUnit_C__GetAura 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitAuras : uint
                AuraCount1 = 0x1AC8,
                AuraCount2 = 0x1AD0,
                AuraTable1 = 0x1AD0,
                AuraTable2 = 0x1AC8,
                AuraSize = 0xA8,
                AuraSpellId = 0x88,
                AuraStack = 0x39,
                TimeLeft = 0x40,
                OwnerGUID = 0x20,
                AuraTableOffset = 0x00,
                AuraFlags = 0x90,
                AuraLevel = 0x92,
            /// <summary>
            /// UnitName 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitName : uint
                ObjectName1 = 0x478,
                ObjectName2 = 0xE0,
                PlayerNameGUIDOffset = 0x20,
                PlayerNameStringOffset = 0x31,
                PlayerNameCacheNext = 0x0,
                PlayerNameCachePointer = 0x22BBB18,
                UnitName1 = 0x17B8,
                UnitName2 = 0xE0,
            /// <summary>
            /// UnitSpeed 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitSpeed
                Pointer1 = 0x198,
                Pointer2 = 164,
            /// <summary>
            /// WowObject 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum WowObject
                X = 0x1600,
                Y = X + 0x4,
                Z = X + 0x8,
                RotationOffset = X + 0x10,
                Pitch = X + 0x14,
                GameObjectX = 0x1B0,
                GameObjectY = GameObjectX + 0x4,
                GameObjectZ = GameObjectX + 0x8,
                GameObjectRotation = GameObjectX + 0x10,
                TransportGUID = 0x15F0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Zone 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Zone : uint
                ZoneText = 0x28B5128,
                ZoneID = 0x28B5D8C,
                SubZoneText = 0x28B5130,
                ContinentId = 0x22D697C,
                GetContinentIDOffset = 0xE0,
            /// <summary>
            /// UiFrame 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UiFrame
                ScrWidth = 0x22BA8B4,
                ScrHeight = 0x22BA8B8,
                FrameBase = 0x25D4288,
                CurrentFramePtr = 0x25D4288,
                CurrentFrameOffset = 0x1A0,
                FirstFrame = 0xCD0,
                NextFrame = 0xCC0,
                LastFrame = 0x0CC8,
                RegionsFirst = 0x1A8,
                RegionsNext = 0x198,
                Visible = 0xC8,
                Visible1 = 0xA,
                Visible2 = 1,
                LabelText = 0x188,
                Name = 0x20,
                FrameBottom = 0x90,
                FrameLeft = 0x94,
                FrameTop = 0x98,
                FrameRight = 0x9C,
                EffectiveScale = 0xC0,
                ParentFrame = 0xD0,
                IconNumber = 0xF0,
                ButtonEnabledPointer = 0x210,
                ButtonEnabledMask = 0xF,
                ButtonChecked = 0x268,
                EditBoxText = 0x238,

  2. Thanks _chase, maikel233 (2 members gave Thanks to charles420 for this useful post)
  3. #2
    scimmy's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by charles420 View Post
    havent tested them all seem to be working just a fast idc script to dump them so some may be broke

    using System.Reflection;
    namespace LazyLib.Wow
        public class PublicPointers
            /// <summary>
            /// Globals
            /// </summary>
            public enum Globals
                PlayerName = 0x2994D88,
            /// <summary>
            /// InGame
            /// </summary>
            public enum InGame
                InGame = 0x28B6368,
                LoadingScreen = 0x25812F0,
                RealmName = 0x28022E0,
        internal class Pointers
            /// <summary>
            /// ActionBar
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ActionBar
                ActionBarFirstSlot = 0x28C21E0,
                ActionBarBonus = ActionBarFirstSlot + 0x240,
                CurrentActionBar = 0x28C2834,
            /// <summary>
            /// Battleground
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Battleground
                BattlegroundStartTickcount = 0x28C0624,
                Timestamp = 0x25D383C,
                IsBattlegroundFinished = 0x28C08CC,
                BattlegroundWinner = 0x28C08D0,
                BattlegroundInfo = 0x24EF1C0,
                UISelectedBattlegroundId = 0x290401B,
            /// <summary>
            /// Corpse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Corpse
                X = 0x0,
                Y = X + 0x4,
                Z = X + 0x8,
            /// <summary>
            /// Party
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Party
                PartyOffset = 0x28C0480,
                IsInGroupHome = 0x28C0480,
                IsInGroupInstance = 0x28C0488,
                NumOfPlayers = 0x178,
                NumOfPlayers_SuBGroup = 0x17C,
                PlayerGuid = 0x10,
            /// <summary>
            /// AutoLoot
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AutoLoot
                Pointer = 0x28B5F10,
                Offset = 0x5C,
            /// <summary>
            /// ClickToMove
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ClickToMove
                Pointer = 0x28B5EF0,
                Offset = 0x5C,
            /// <summary>
            /// Reversed from CGUnit_C__GetCreatureRank 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgUnitCGetCreatureRank
                Offset1 = 0x17B8,
                Offset2 = 0x34,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGUnit_C__GetCreatureType 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgUnitCGetCreatureType
                Offset1 = 0x17B8,
                Offset2 = 0x30,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGWorldFrame__GetActiveCamera
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgWorldFrameGetActiveCamera
                CameraPointer = 0x28B6EC0,
                CameraOffset = 0x3330,
                CameraX = 0x8,
                CameraY = 0xC,
                CameraZ = 0x10,
                CameraMatrix = 0x14,
            /// <summary>
            /// Search for CGUnit_C::GetSkinnableType_Checked 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Skinning
                SkinnableFlags1 = 0x17B8,
                SkinnableFlags2 = 0x0CC,
            /// <summary>
            /// AuctionHouse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AuctionHouse
                AuctionListCount = 0x2901FF8,
                AuctionList = 0x2902000,
                AuctionOwnerCount = 0x2902018,
                AuctionOwnerList = 0x2902020,
                AuctionBidderCount = 0x2902038,
                AuctionBidderList = 0x2902040,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGActionBar__IsCurrentAction
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AutoAttack
                IsAutoRepeatingSpell = 0x25EE650,
                IsInMelee = 0xAF6C,
                IsInMelee1 = 0x18A8,
                AutoAttackFlag = 0xEE8,
                AutoAttackMask = 0xEEC,
                ///Address seems to show the GUID of the Auto Attack target
                AutoAttackGUID = 0xAF6C,
                ///Shows 0x06 when not wanding, 0x0C or 0x0E when wanding
                ///Wanding = 0xEF8
            /// <summary>
            /// CastingInfo 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CastingInfo
                IsCasting = 0x1990,
                ChanneledCasting = 0x670,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGWorldFrame__GetActiveCamera
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Chat : uint
                ChatStart = 0x2883EA0,
                chatBufferPos = 0x28B39C0,
                OffsetToNextMsg = 0xCB8,
                MsgSenderGuid = 0x00,
                MsgSenderName = 0x34,
                MsgFullMessage = 0xE6,
                MsgChatType = 0xCA0,
                MsgChannelNum = 0xCA4,
                MsgTimeStamp = 0xCB0,
                ChatQueueDepth = 0x3C,
            /// <summary>
            /// BlueChat
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Messages
                EventMessage = 0x28B51D0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Container
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Container
                EquippedBagGUID = 0x28C0470,
            /// <summary>
            /// Globals
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Globals
                RedMessage = 0x28B51D0,
                MouseOverGUID = 0x28B6370,
                LootWindow = 0x28C5D30,
                ChatboxIsOpen = 0x25F8D64,
                CursorType = 0x294DF80,
                CursorType2 = CursorType + 0x04,
                SelectedSpellId = 0x28D4698,
                CGGameUI__m_cursorItem = 0x28B5160,
                CGGameUI__m_cursorSpell = 0x28B5188,
                IsMouseButtonPressed = 0x25D388C,
                Indoors = 0x25D7879,
                IsBobbing = 0x14C,
                ArchFacing = 0x198,
                ArchFacingOffset2 = 0x30,
            /// <summary>
            /// KeyBinding
            /// </summary>
            internal enum KeyBinding
                NumKeyBindings = 0x28C4010,
                First = 0x188,
                Next = 0x178,
                Key = 0x30,
                Command = 0x58,
            /// <summary>
            /// Quest
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Quest
                m_quests = 0x28C4780,
                m_numQuests = 0x28C4610,
                m_currentQuest = 0x28E8C74,
                m_questTitle = 0x0,
                m_gossipQuests = 0x28BB028,
                QuestsCompleted = 0x24ED2C8,
                GetNumQuestChoices = 0x28F81C0,
                GetQuestReward = 0x28F81C8,
                CGQuestInfo_Available__Quest = 0x28F78C0,
                CGQuestInfo_Available__Num = 0x28E8C8C,
                CGQuestInfo_Active__Num = 0x28E8C90,
                CGQuestInfo_Active__Quest = 0x28EE114,
            /// <summary>
            /// ObjectManager
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ObjectManager
                CurMgrPointer = 0x2694158,
                LocalPlayerGUID = 0x2994D70,
                TargetGUID = 0x24ED8A0,
                PetGUID = 0x28C52FC,
                StorageField = 0x10,
                ObjectType = 0x20,
                NextObject = 0x70,
                FirstObject = 0x18,
                LocalGUID = 0x58,
            /// <summary>
            /// Script_UnitAffectingCombat 
            ///v4 = v2 && (*(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(v2 + 284) + 316) >> 19) & 1; 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum InCombat
                Mask = 19,
                Offset2 = 0x158,
                Offset1 = 0x188,
            /// <summary>
            /// Runes 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Runes
                RuneTypes = 0x0,
                RunesOffset = 0x0,
                //Offset is usually RuneTypes + 0x64
            /// <summary>
            /// CGUnit_C__GetShapeshiftFormId 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ShapeshiftForm
                BaseAddressOffset1 = 0x188,
                BaseAddressOffset2 = 0x27B,
            /// <summary>
            /// SpellCooldown
            /// </summary>
            internal enum SpellCooldown : uint
                CooldPown = 0x24DA7E0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Search for PowerTypePointer  
            /// </summary>
            internal enum PowerIndex
                PowerIndexArrays = 0x263AA50,
                Multiplicator = 13,
            /// <summary>
            /// Swimming 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Swimming
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x100000,
            /// <summary>
            /// IsFlying 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum IsFlying
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x1000000,
            /// <summary>
            /// IsFalling 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum IsFalling
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x1000000,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGUnit_C__GetAura 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitAuras : uint
                AuraCount1 = 0x1AC8,
                AuraCount2 = 0x1AD0,
                AuraTable1 = 0x1AD0,
                AuraTable2 = 0x1AC8,
                AuraSize = 0xA8,
                AuraSpellId = 0x88,
                AuraStack = 0x39,
                TimeLeft = 0x40,
                OwnerGUID = 0x20,
                AuraTableOffset = 0x00,
                AuraFlags = 0x90,
                AuraLevel = 0x92,
            /// <summary>
            /// UnitName 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitName : uint
                ObjectName1 = 0x478,
                ObjectName2 = 0xE0,
                PlayerNameGUIDOffset = 0x20,
                PlayerNameStringOffset = 0x31,
                PlayerNameCacheNext = 0x0,
                PlayerNameCachePointer = 0x22BBB18,
                UnitName1 = 0x17B8,
                UnitName2 = 0xE0,
            /// <summary>
            /// UnitSpeed 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitSpeed
                Pointer1 = 0x198,
                Pointer2 = 164,
            /// <summary>
            /// WowObject 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum WowObject
                X = 0x1600,
                Y = X + 0x4,
                Z = X + 0x8,
                RotationOffset = X + 0x10,
                Pitch = X + 0x14,
                GameObjectX = 0x1B0,
                GameObjectY = GameObjectX + 0x4,
                GameObjectZ = GameObjectX + 0x8,
                GameObjectRotation = GameObjectX + 0x10,
                TransportGUID = 0x15F0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Zone 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Zone : uint
                ZoneText = 0x28B5128,
                ZoneID = 0x28B5D8C,
                SubZoneText = 0x28B5130,
                ContinentId = 0x22D697C,
                GetContinentIDOffset = 0xE0,
            /// <summary>
            /// UiFrame 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UiFrame
                ScrWidth = 0x22BA8B4,
                ScrHeight = 0x22BA8B8,
                FrameBase = 0x25D4288,
                CurrentFramePtr = 0x25D4288,
                CurrentFrameOffset = 0x1A0,
                FirstFrame = 0xCD0,
                NextFrame = 0xCC0,
                LastFrame = 0x0CC8,
                RegionsFirst = 0x1A8,
                RegionsNext = 0x198,
                Visible = 0xC8,
                Visible1 = 0xA,
                Visible2 = 1,
                LabelText = 0x188,
                Name = 0x20,
                FrameBottom = 0x90,
                FrameLeft = 0x94,
                FrameTop = 0x98,
                FrameRight = 0x9C,
                EffectiveScale = 0xC0,
                ParentFrame = 0xD0,
                IconNumber = 0xF0,
                ButtonEnabledPointer = 0x210,
                ButtonEnabledMask = 0xF,
                ButtonChecked = 0x268,
                EditBoxText = 0x238,
    Do you have any more info about the UnitAuras structures?

  4. #3
    _chase's Avatar Established Member
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    Hi, just starting up in the wow scene. Here are things I'm finding, will update as I go

    Tested Ones

    ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjectsPtr at 0xD39130
    CIntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects at 0xD39080
    CIntObjMgrEnumVisibleUnitsPtr at 0xD391D0

    Script_GetSpellCooldown at 0xFB9BF0
    Script_C_GetSpellCooldown at 0x96DDD0

    GameTime (milliseconds, unint32_t) at 0x25D383C

    IsSpellKnown bool(__fastcall*)(int32_t spellId, int32_t isPet) at 0x0FD5430
    FindSlotBySpellId int64_t(__fastcall*)(int32_t spellId, int32_t isPet) at 0x0FCD550
    CastSpell int64_t(__fastcall*)(int32_t spellId, int32_t isPet, uintptr_t target, uint8_t unk, uint8_t unk2) at 0x0FCB240

    Found a couple goodie ones, I'm passing in pointer to object for move to and attack but it probably would crash if it wasn't a pointer to a unit. I haven't abstracted the different types yet so everything is an object and then I'm just casting descriptors to their correct one.

    Move To (CTM) void(__fastcall*)(pCGObject localPlayer, Vector3 destination) at 0xAB6D30
    Move To And Attack (CTM) void(__fastcall*)(pCGObject localPlayer, pCGObject target, float_t precision?) at 0xAA8B80

    Targeting ones I found

    uintptr_t spriteLeftClick = 0xF68010;
    reinterpret_cast<int64_t(__fastcall*)(pWowGuid)>(base + spriteLeftClick)(guid);

    uintptr_t spriteRightClick = 0xF68400;
    reinterpret_cast<int64_t(__fastcall*)(pWowGuid)>(base + spriteRightClick)(guid);

    Ones I'm unsure of
    FrameScript_RegisterFunction at 0x3A4CE0
    Last edited by _chase; 03-10-2021 at 09:27 AM. Reason: more offsets

  5. #4
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    x64 0x00000000000000A8 Aura::__sizeof
    x64 0x0000000000000088 Aura->spellId
    x64 0x0000000000000094 Aura->duration
    x64 0x0000000000000098 Aura->expirationTime

    same as jad post before
    .text:0000000000995290 Unit_GetAuraByIndex
    .text:00000000009932A0 CGUnit_C__GetAuraSpellId
    .text:000000000099D800 Spell_C_CancelsAuraEffect
    .text:0000000000F7C6A0 Script_HasNoReleaseAura
    .text:00000000003B5180 FrameScript__RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount
    .text:00000000003B58F0 FrameScript__RegisterFunction

  6. #5
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    Move To And Attack (CTM) void(__fastcall*)(pCGObject localPlayer, pCGObject target, float_t precision?) at 0xAA8B80
    This should be: (Tested and it work for me)
    Move To And Attack (CTM) void(__fastcall*)(pCGObject localPlayer, pCGObject target)
    "Move To And Attack" do interact to target(enemy -> attackable), that's difference with "Move To".

  7. #6
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    Are These two(or maybe three four exists?) CTMs wrapper of BOOL __thiscall CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove(WoWActivePlayer *this, CLICKTOMOVETYPE clickType, WGUID *interactGuid, WOWPOS *clickPos, float precision) ?

    guys do you have UpdateMovement address ?

  8. #7
    singed420's Avatar Member
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    guys do you have the login screen addresses? I get stuck on auto login after they added protection via FrameExecute buffer, cant even dostring/loadstring under login screen.

  9. #8
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    my share:
    byte ClickToMove(pCGObject localPlayer, int32 clickType, int128* guid, Vector3* clickPos, float precision);
    class eClickToMoveType(IntEnum):
        FaceTarget = 2
        Face = 3
        Follow = 4
        Move = 5
        NpcInteract = 6
        Loot = 7
        ObjInteract = 8
        FaceOther = 9
        Skin = 10
        AttackPosition = 11
        AttackGuid = 12
        ConstantFace = 13
        Idle = 19
    More wrapper functions:
    int32 FaceTo(pCGObject localPlayer, float facing)
    void MoveTo(pCGObject localPlayer, Vector3 clickPos)
    char ObjectInteract(pCGObject localPlayer, int128 guid, float precision)
    void AttackTo(pCGObject localPlayer, pCGObject target)

  10. #9
    scimmy's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by oiramario View Post
    my share:
    byte ClickToMove(pCGObject localPlayer, int32 clickType, int128* guid, Vector3* clickPos, float precision);
    class eClickToMoveType(IntEnum):
        FaceTarget = 2
        Face = 3
        Follow = 4
        Move = 5
        NpcInteract = 6
        Loot = 7
        ObjInteract = 8
        FaceOther = 9
        Skin = 10
        AttackPosition = 11
        AttackGuid = 12
        ConstantFace = 13
        Idle = 19
    I believe this function has ret addr checks, but the wrappers dont

  11. #10
    maikel233's Avatar Contributor
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    	// base address
    	static inline uintptr_t Base;
    	// framescript
    	static inline uintptr_t FrameScriptExecute = 0x3A2DA0; //  
    	static inline uintptr_t FrameScriptGetText = 0x39D160;	// 
    	static inline uintptr_t FrameScriptRegister = 0x3A4CE0;	// 
    	// lua
    	static inline uintptr_t PushGuid = 0x3A9860;			// 
    	static inline uintptr_t PushNumber = 0x19596B0;			//  
    	static inline uintptr_t ToLString = 0x195A830;			// 
    	static inline uintptr_t ToNumber = 0x0195A7B0;			// ToNumber/ToInteger
    	static inline uintptr_t lua_gettop = 0x1958B00;			// 
    	static inline uintptr_t lua_settop = 0x195A550;			// 
    	static inline uintptr_t LoadFile = 0x0;					// 
    	static inline uintptr_t LuaState = 0x0;					// 
    	static inline uintptr_t PCall = 0x0;					// 
    	static inline uintptr_t ToInteger = 0x195A7B0;			// ToNumber/ToInteger
    	static inline uintptr_t PushClosure = 0x0;				// 
    	static inline uintptr_t PushString = 0x19596D0;			// 
    	static inline uintptr_t LuaGetTable = 0x1958AD0;
    	static inline uintptr_t lua_isstring = 0x19B6290;		// 
    	static inline uintptr_t luaL_error = 0x195B450;			// 
    	static inline uintptr_t lua_pushboolean = 0x1959330;	// 
    	static inline uintptr_t lua_createtable = 0x0;			// 
    	// State
    	static inline uintptr_t InGame = 0x25C7388; 
    	// object manager
    	static inline uintptr_t ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjectsPtr = 0xD39130;
    	static inline uintptr_t ObjMgrIsValid = 0xD3A010; // OK					
    	//Fastcall CTM(__int64 a1, __int64 a2) 
    	static inline uintptr_t ClickToMove = 0xAEEF00;
    	// pointers
    	static inline uintptr_t InvalidPtrCheckMin = 0x25FBA38; 
    	static inline uintptr_t InvalidPtrCheckMax = 0x25FBA40;  
    	static inline uintptr_t CanPerformAction = 0x00; 
    	static inline uintptr_t HardwareEventPtr = 0x00; 
    	static inline uintptr_t Int3 = 0xFEADC;		// CC CC CC CC
    	// units
    	static inline uint16_t AnimationStatus = 0x14C;
    	static inline uint16_t Owner = 0x534;
    	static inline uint8_t Type = 0x20;
    	static inline uintptr_t Corpsex = 0x24E57A0;
    	static inline uintptr_t Corpsey = 0x24E57A4;
    	static inline uintptr_t Corpsez = 0x24E57A8;
    	static inline  uintptr_t CameraMgr = 0x28B6EC0;				
    	static inline  uintptr_t CameraPtr = 0x3330;
    Localplayer + 0x10
    class UnitField
    	char pad_0000[156]; //0x0000
    	uint32_t TargetGuid; //0x009C
    	char pad_00A0[60]; //0x00A0
    	uint32_t Health; //0x00DC
    	char pad_00E0[4]; //0x00E0
    	uint32_t Energy; //0x00E4
    	char pad_00E8[20]; //0x00E8
    	uint32_t MaxHealth; //0x00FC
    	char pad_0100[4]; //0x0100
    	uint32_t MaxEnergy; //0x0104
    	char pad_0108[80]; //0x0108
    	uint64_t RaceId; //0x0158
    	char pad_0160[816]; //0x0160
    }; //Size: 0x0490
    static_assert(sizeof(UnitField) == 0x490);
    Couldnt find a offset for playerclasses is there one?
    Located at 0xD1 (BYTE)
    Last edited by maikel233; 04-07-2021 at 11:51 AM.

  12. #11
    dnl's Avatar Member
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    Couple additions to previous posts:

    LocalPlayerGuid = [CurMgrPointer] + 0x208

    ObjectGuid = ObjectBase + 0x58

    ChanneledCasting = 0x19C0

    TargetGuid = 0x24ED8D0
    PreviousTargetGuid = 0x24ED8E0

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