[C++] Descriptors dumper & Find descriptor offsets menu

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    ejt's Avatar Contributor
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    [C++] Offset Dumper

    I've moved the code to gitlab, click the link below.


    Updated to support both retail and classic wow, patterns go outdated from time to time, will do my best to keep them up-to-date

    How to manually update offsets
    How to automatically update offsets (In progress)

    As I couldn't find a descriptors dumper for bfa I decided to modify the one made by tomrus88, thought I'd post it here if anyone else needs it.

    Example output

    #pragma once
    #include "Define.hpp"
    const uint32 DescriptorMulti = 0x4;
    const uint32 DescriptorOffset = 0x10;
    enum CGObjectData
    	Guid = 0, // size 4
    	EntryID = 4, // size 1
    	DynamicFlags = 5, // size 1
    	Scale = 6, // size 1
    	CGObjectDataEnd = 7
    enum CGItemData
    	Owner = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ContainedIn = CGObjectDataEnd + 4, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Creator = CGObjectDataEnd + 8, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GiftCreator = CGObjectDataEnd + 12, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	StackCount = CGObjectDataEnd + 16, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	Expiration = CGObjectDataEnd + 17, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	SpellCharges = CGObjectDataEnd + 18, // size 5 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	DynamicFlags = CGObjectDataEnd + 23, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Enchantment = CGObjectDataEnd + 24, // size 39 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PropertySeed = CGObjectDataEnd + 63, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	RandomPropertiesID = CGObjectDataEnd + 64, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Durability = CGObjectDataEnd + 65, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	MaxDurability = CGObjectDataEnd + 66, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	CreatePlayedTime = CGObjectDataEnd + 67, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModifiersMask = CGObjectDataEnd + 68, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	Context = CGObjectDataEnd + 69, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ArtifactXP = CGObjectDataEnd + 70, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	ItemAppearanceModID = CGObjectDataEnd + 72, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	CGItemDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 73
    enum CGContainerData
    	Slots = CGItemDataEnd + 0, // size 144 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	NumSlots = CGItemDataEnd + 144, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGContainerDataEnd = CGItemDataEnd + 145
    enum CGAzeriteEmpoweredItemData
    	Selections = 0, // size 4
    	CGAzeriteEmpoweredItemDataEnd = 4
    enum CGAzeriteItemData
    	Xp = CGItemDataEnd + 0, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Level = CGItemDataEnd + 2, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	AuraLevel = CGItemDataEnd + 3, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	KnowledgeLevel = CGItemDataEnd + 4, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	DEBUGknowledgeWeek = CGItemDataEnd + 5, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	CGAzeriteItemDataEnd = CGItemDataEnd + 6
    enum CGUnitData
    	Charm = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Summon = CGObjectDataEnd + 4, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Critter = CGObjectDataEnd + 8, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_SELF
    	CharmedBy = CGObjectDataEnd + 12, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SummonedBy = CGObjectDataEnd + 16, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CreatedBy = CGObjectDataEnd + 20, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DemonCreator = CGObjectDataEnd + 24, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LookAtControllerTarget = CGObjectDataEnd + 28, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Target = CGObjectDataEnd + 32, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BattlePetCompanionGUID = CGObjectDataEnd + 36, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BattlePetDBID = CGObjectDataEnd + 40, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ChannelData = CGObjectDataEnd + 42, // size 2 flags: 
    	SummonedByHomeRealm = CGObjectDataEnd + 44, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Sex = CGObjectDataEnd + 45, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DisplayPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 46, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OverrideDisplayPowerID = CGObjectDataEnd + 47, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Health = CGObjectDataEnd + 48, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Power = CGObjectDataEnd + 50, // size 6 flags: 
    	MaxHealth = CGObjectDataEnd + 56, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MaxPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 58, // size 6 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PowerRegenFlatModifier = CGObjectDataEnd + 64, // size 6 flags: 
    	PowerRegenInterruptedFlatModifier = CGObjectDataEnd + 70, // size 6 flags: 
    	Level = CGObjectDataEnd + 76, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	EffectiveLevel = CGObjectDataEnd + 77, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ContentTuningID = CGObjectDataEnd + 78, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingLevelMin = CGObjectDataEnd + 79, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingLevelMax = CGObjectDataEnd + 80, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingLevelDelta = CGObjectDataEnd + 81, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingFactionGroup = CGObjectDataEnd + 82, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingHealthItemLevelCurveID = CGObjectDataEnd + 83, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingDamageItemLevelCurveID = CGObjectDataEnd + 84, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	FactionTemplate = CGObjectDataEnd + 85, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	VirtualItems = CGObjectDataEnd + 86, // size 6 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Flags = CGObjectDataEnd + 92, // size 1 flags: 
    	Flags2 = CGObjectDataEnd + 93, // size 1 flags: 
    	Flags3 = CGObjectDataEnd + 94, // size 1 flags: 
    	AuraState = CGObjectDataEnd + 95, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	AttackRoundBaseTime = CGObjectDataEnd + 96, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	RangedAttackRoundBaseTime = CGObjectDataEnd + 98, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_SELF
    	BoundingRadius = CGObjectDataEnd + 99, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CombatReach = CGObjectDataEnd + 100, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DisplayID = CGObjectDataEnd + 101, // size 1 flags: 
    	DisplayScale = CGObjectDataEnd + 102, // size 1 flags: 
    	NativeDisplayID = CGObjectDataEnd + 103, // size 1 flags: 
    	NativeXDisplayScale = CGObjectDataEnd + 104, // size 1 flags: 
    	MountDisplayID = CGObjectDataEnd + 105, // size 1 flags: 
    	MinDamage = CGObjectDataEnd + 106, // size 1 flags: 
    	MaxDamage = CGObjectDataEnd + 107, // size 1 flags: 
    	MinOffHandDamage = CGObjectDataEnd + 108, // size 1 flags: 
    	MaxOffHandDamage = CGObjectDataEnd + 109, // size 1 flags: 
    	AnimTier = CGObjectDataEnd + 110, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PetNumber = CGObjectDataEnd + 111, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PetNameTimestamp = CGObjectDataEnd + 112, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PetExperience = CGObjectDataEnd + 113, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	PetNextLevelExperience = CGObjectDataEnd + 114, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_OWNER
    	ModCastingSpeed = CGObjectDataEnd + 115, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModSpellHaste = CGObjectDataEnd + 116, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModHaste = CGObjectDataEnd + 117, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModRangedHaste = CGObjectDataEnd + 118, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModHasteRegen = CGObjectDataEnd + 119, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModTimeRate = CGObjectDataEnd + 120, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CreatedBySpell = CGObjectDataEnd + 121, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	NpcFlags = CGObjectDataEnd + 122, // size 2 flags: 
    	EmoteState = CGObjectDataEnd + 124, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Stats = CGObjectDataEnd + 125, // size 4 flags: 
    	StatPosBuff = CGObjectDataEnd + 129, // size 4 flags: 
    	StatNegBuff = CGObjectDataEnd + 133, // size 4 flags: 
    	Resistances = CGObjectDataEnd + 137, // size 7 flags: 
    	BonusResistanceMods = CGObjectDataEnd + 144, // size 7 flags: 
    	BaseMana = CGObjectDataEnd + 151, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BaseHealth = CGObjectDataEnd + 152, // size 1 flags: 
    	ShapeshiftForm = CGObjectDataEnd + 153, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	AttackPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 154, // size 1 flags: 
    	AttackPowerModPos = CGObjectDataEnd + 155, // size 1 flags: 
    	AttackPowerModNeg = CGObjectDataEnd + 156, // size 1 flags: 
    	AttackPowerMultiplier = CGObjectDataEnd + 157, // size 1 flags: 
    	RangedAttackPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 158, // size 1 flags: 
    	RangedAttackPowerModPos = CGObjectDataEnd + 159, // size 1 flags: 
    	RangedAttackPowerModNeg = CGObjectDataEnd + 160, // size 1 flags: 
    	RangedAttackPowerMultiplier = CGObjectDataEnd + 161, // size 1 flags: 
    	MainHandWeaponAttackPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 162, // size 1 flags: 
    	OffHandWeaponAttackPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 163, // size 1 flags: 
    	RangedWeaponAttackPower = CGObjectDataEnd + 164, // size 1 flags: 
    	SetAttackSpeedAura = CGObjectDataEnd + 165, // size 1 flags: 
    	Lifesteal = CGObjectDataEnd + 166, // size 1 flags: 
    	MinRangedDamage = CGObjectDataEnd + 167, // size 1 flags: 
    	MaxRangedDamage = CGObjectDataEnd + 168, // size 1 flags: 
    	PowerCostModifier = CGObjectDataEnd + 169, // size 7 flags: 
    	PowerCostMultiplier = CGObjectDataEnd + 176, // size 7 flags: 
    	MaxHealthModifier = CGObjectDataEnd + 183, // size 1 flags: 
    	HoverHeight = CGObjectDataEnd + 184, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MinItemLevelCutoff = CGObjectDataEnd + 185, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MinItemLevel = CGObjectDataEnd + 186, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MaxItemLevel = CGObjectDataEnd + 187, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	WildBattlePetLevel = CGObjectDataEnd + 188, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BattlePetCompanionNameTimestamp = CGObjectDataEnd + 189, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	InteractSpellID = CGObjectDataEnd + 190, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	StateSpellVisualID = CGObjectDataEnd + 191, // size 1 flags: 
    	StateAnimID = CGObjectDataEnd + 192, // size 1 flags: 
    	StateAnimKitID = CGObjectDataEnd + 193, // size 1 flags: 
    	StateWorldEffectID = CGObjectDataEnd + 194, // size 4 flags: 
    	ScaleDuration = CGObjectDataEnd + 198, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LooksLikeMountID = CGObjectDataEnd + 199, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LooksLikeCreatureID = CGObjectDataEnd + 200, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LookAtControllerID = CGObjectDataEnd + 201, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildGUID = CGObjectDataEnd + 202, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGUnitDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 206
    enum CGPlayerData
    	DuelArbiter = CGUnitDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	WowAccount = CGUnitDataEnd + 4, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LootTargetGUID = CGUnitDataEnd + 8, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PlayerFlags = CGUnitDataEnd + 12, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PlayerFlagsEx = CGUnitDataEnd + 13, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildRankID = CGUnitDataEnd + 14, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildDeleteDate = CGUnitDataEnd + 15, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildLevel = CGUnitDataEnd + 16, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	HairColorID = CGUnitDataEnd + 17, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CustomDisplayOption = CGUnitDataEnd + 18, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Inebriation = CGUnitDataEnd + 19, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ArenaFaction = CGUnitDataEnd + 20, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DuelTeam = CGUnitDataEnd + 21, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildTimeStamp = CGUnitDataEnd + 22, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	QuestLog = CGUnitDataEnd + 23, // size 1600 flags: MIRROR_PARTY
    	VisibleItems = CGUnitDataEnd + 1623, // size 38 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PlayerTitle = CGUnitDataEnd + 1661, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	FakeInebriation = CGUnitDataEnd + 1662, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	VirtualPlayerRealm = CGUnitDataEnd + 1663, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CurrentSpecID = CGUnitDataEnd + 1664, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	TaxiMountAnimKitID = CGUnitDataEnd + 1665, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	AvgItemLevel = CGUnitDataEnd + 1666, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CurrentBattlePetBreedQuality = CGUnitDataEnd + 1670, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	HonorLevel = CGUnitDataEnd + 1671, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGPlayerDataEnd = CGUnitDataEnd + 1672
    enum CGActivePlayerData
    	InvSlots = CGPlayerDataEnd + 0, // size 780 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	FarsightObject = CGPlayerDataEnd + 780, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SummonedBattlePetGUID = CGPlayerDataEnd + 784, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	KnownTitles = CGPlayerDataEnd + 788, // size 12 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Coinage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 800, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	XP = CGPlayerDataEnd + 802, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	NextLevelXP = CGPlayerDataEnd + 803, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	TrialXP = CGPlayerDataEnd + 804, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Skill = CGPlayerDataEnd + 805, // size 896 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CharacterPoints = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1701, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MaxTalentTiers = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1702, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	TrackCreatureMask = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1703, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	TrackResourceMask = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1704, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MainhandExpertise = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1706, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OffhandExpertise = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1707, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	RangedExpertise = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1708, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CombatRatingExpertise = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1709, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BlockPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1710, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DodgePercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1711, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DodgePercentageFromAttribute = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1712, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ParryPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1713, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ParryPercentageFromAttribute = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1714, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CritPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1715, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	RangedCritPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1716, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OffhandCritPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1717, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SpellCritPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1718, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ShieldBlock = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1719, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ShieldBlockCritPercentage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1720, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Mastery = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1721, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Speed = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1722, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Avoidance = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1723, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Sturdiness = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1724, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Versatility = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1725, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	VersatilityBonus = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1726, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PvpPowerDamage = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1727, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PvpPowerHealing = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1728, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ExploredZones = CGPlayerDataEnd + 1729, // size 320 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	RestInfo = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2049, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModDamageDonePos = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2053, // size 7 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModDamageDoneNeg = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2060, // size 7 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModDamageDonePercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2067, // size 7 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModHealingDonePos = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2074, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModHealingPercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2075, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModHealingDonePercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2076, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModPeriodicHealingDonePercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2077, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	WeaponDmgMultipliers = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2078, // size 3 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	WeaponAtkSpeedMultipliers = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2081, // size 3 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModSpellPowerPercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2084, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModResiliencePercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2085, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OverrideSpellPowerByAPPercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2086, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OverrideAPBySpellPowerPercent = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2087, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModTargetResistance = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2088, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModTargetPhysicalResistance = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2089, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LocalFlags = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2090, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PvpMedals = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2091, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BuybackPrice = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2092, // size 12 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BuybackTimestamp = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2104, // size 12 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	YesterdayHonorableKills = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2116, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LifetimeHonorableKills = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2117, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	WatchedFactionIndex = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2118, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CombatRatings = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2119, // size 32 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PvpInfo = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2151, // size 54 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MaxLevel = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2205, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ScalingPlayerLevelDelta = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2206, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	MaxCreatureScalingLevel = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2207, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	NoReagentCostMask = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2208, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PetSpellPower = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2212, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ProfessionSkillLine = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2213, // size 2 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	UiHitModifier = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2215, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	UiSpellHitModifier = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2216, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	HomeRealmTimeOffset = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2217, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	ModPetHaste = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2218, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	NumBackpackSlots = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2219, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OverrideSpellsID = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2220, // size 1 flags: 
    	LfgBonusFactionID = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2221, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	LootSpecID = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2222, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	OverrideZonePVPType = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2223, // size 1 flags: 
    	BagSlotFlags = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2224, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BankBagSlotFlags = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2228, // size 7 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	InsertItemsLeftToRight = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2235, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	QuestCompleted = CGPlayerDataEnd + 2236, // size 1750 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Honor = CGPlayerDataEnd + 3986, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	HonorNextLevel = CGPlayerDataEnd + 3987, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PvpTierMaxFromWins = CGPlayerDataEnd + 3988, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PvpLastWeeksTierMaxFromWins = CGPlayerDataEnd + 3989, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGActivePlayerDataEnd = CGPlayerDataEnd + 3990
    enum CGGameObjectData
    	CreatedBy = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildGUID = CGObjectDataEnd + 4, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DisplayID = CGObjectDataEnd + 8, // size 1 flags: 
    	Flags = CGObjectDataEnd + 9, // size 1 flags: 
    	ParentRotation = CGObjectDataEnd + 10, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	FactionTemplate = CGObjectDataEnd + 14, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Level = CGObjectDataEnd + 15, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PercentHealth = CGObjectDataEnd + 16, // size 1 flags: 
    	SpellVisualID = CGObjectDataEnd + 17, // size 1 flags: 
    	StateSpellVisualID = CGObjectDataEnd + 18, // size 1 flags: 
    	SpawnTrackingStateAnimID = CGObjectDataEnd + 19, // size 1 flags: 
    	SpawnTrackingStateAnimKitID = CGObjectDataEnd + 20, // size 1 flags: 
    	StateWorldEffectID = CGObjectDataEnd + 21, // size 4 flags: 
    	CustomParam = CGObjectDataEnd + 25, // size 1 flags: 
    	CGGameObjectDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 26
    enum CGDynamicObjectData
    	Caster = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Type = CGObjectDataEnd + 4, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SpellXSpellVisualID = CGObjectDataEnd + 5, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SpellID = CGObjectDataEnd + 6, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Radius = CGObjectDataEnd + 7, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CastTime = CGObjectDataEnd + 8, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGDynamicObjectDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 9
    enum CGCorpseData
    	Owner = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	PartyGUID = CGObjectDataEnd + 4, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	GuildGUID = CGObjectDataEnd + 8, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DisplayID = CGObjectDataEnd + 12, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Items = CGObjectDataEnd + 13, // size 19 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SkinID = CGObjectDataEnd + 32, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	FacialHairStyleID = CGObjectDataEnd + 33, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Flags = CGObjectDataEnd + 34, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	DynamicFlags = CGObjectDataEnd + 35, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT
    	FactionTemplate = CGObjectDataEnd + 36, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CustomDisplayOption = CGObjectDataEnd + 37, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGCorpseDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 38
    enum CGAreaTriggerData
    	OverrideScaleCurve = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 7 flags: 
    	ExtraScaleCurve = CGObjectDataEnd + 7, // size 7 flags: 
    	Caster = CGObjectDataEnd + 14, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	Duration = CGObjectDataEnd + 18, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	TimeToTarget = CGObjectDataEnd + 19, // size 1 flags: 
    	TimeToTargetScale = CGObjectDataEnd + 20, // size 1 flags: 
    	TimeToTargetExtraScale = CGObjectDataEnd + 21, // size 1 flags: 
    	SpellID = CGObjectDataEnd + 22, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SpellForVisuals = CGObjectDataEnd + 23, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SpellXSpellVisualID = CGObjectDataEnd + 24, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	BoundsRadius2D = CGObjectDataEnd + 25, // size 1 flags: 
    	DecalPropertiesID = CGObjectDataEnd + 26, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CreatingEffectGUID = CGObjectDataEnd + 27, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGAreaTriggerDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 31
    enum CGSceneObjectData
    	ScriptPackageID = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	RndSeedVal = CGObjectDataEnd + 1, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CreatedBy = CGObjectDataEnd + 2, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	SceneType = CGObjectDataEnd + 6, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_ALL
    	CGSceneObjectDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 7
    enum CGConversationData
    	LastLineEndTime = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT
    	CGConversationDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 1
    enum CGItemDynamicData
    	Modifiers = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	BonusListIDs = CGObjectDataEnd + 1, // size 260 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	ArtifactPowers = CGObjectDataEnd + 2, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	Gems = CGObjectDataEnd + 3, // size 4 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CGItemDynamicDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 4
    enum CGUnitDynamicData
    	PassiveSpells = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 513 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	WorldEffects = CGObjectDataEnd + 1, // size 513 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	ChannelObjects = CGObjectDataEnd + 2, // size 513 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CGUnitDynamicDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 3
    enum CGPlayerDynamicData
    	ArenaCooldowns = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CGPlayerDynamicDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 1
    enum CGActivePlayerDynamicData
    	ResearchSites = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	ResearchSiteProgress = CGObjectDataEnd + 1, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	DailyQuestsCompleted = CGObjectDataEnd + 2, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	AvailableQuestLineXQuestIDs = CGObjectDataEnd + 3, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	Heirlooms = CGObjectDataEnd + 4, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	HeirloomFlags = CGObjectDataEnd + 5, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	Toys = CGObjectDataEnd + 6, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	Transmog = CGObjectDataEnd + 7, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	ConditionalTransmog = CGObjectDataEnd + 8, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	SelfResSpells = CGObjectDataEnd + 9, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CharacterRestrictions = CGObjectDataEnd + 10, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	SpellPctModByLabel = CGObjectDataEnd + 11, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	SpellFlatModByLabel = CGObjectDataEnd + 12, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	Research = CGObjectDataEnd + 13, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CGActivePlayerDynamicDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 14
    enum CGGameObjectDynamicData
    	EnableDoodadSets = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CGGameObjectDynamicDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 1
    enum CGConversationDynamicData
    	Actors = CGObjectDataEnd + 0, // size 1 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	Lines = CGObjectDataEnd + 1, // size 256 flags: MIRROR_NONE
    	CGConversationDynamicDataEnd = CGObjectDataEnd + 2
    Last edited by ejt; 12-27-2019 at 12:29 PM. Reason: Moved codebase to gitlab

    [C++] Descriptors dumper & Find descriptor offsets
  2. Thanks aeo, imzz, h42, fortiZ, Sychotix, Corthezz, Aoooooooo, Reghero, Creepwalker (9 members gave Thanks to ejt for this useful post)
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    ejt's Avatar Contributor
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    Thought I'd add a post to describe how I updated the offsets for finding descriptors to avoid people asking how to update them later.

    * Updated with improved and easier method.


    x64dbg (for dumping binary)

    Step 1 - Dump binary

    Follow the instructions in https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wor...ow-memory.html (How to Dump Wow from Memory....) to dump the x64 binary as we need this for IDA.

    Optional Rebase program to make your life easier.

    If you don't rebase program you have to substract image base from all addresses
    All the addresses in my pictures are rebased to 0x0

    Step 2 - Find function

    * Use ALT+B hotkey.
    * Search for 40 53 48 83 EC 20 E8 ? ? 00 00 E8 ? ? 00 00 E8.

    You should get to a function like the image below.

    All the sub_XXXXXX calls are functions that initialize a descriptor.

    Step 3 - Get offset

    Double-click on the first sub_XXXXXX function from step 2. You should see something similar to the image below.

    NOTE If its a dynamic descriptor you will see something similar to this, pick the offset that has the lowest address. Afaik CGActivePlayerData is the only dynamic descriptor that doesn't have the correct offset at the beginning of the function but always make sure you pick the lowest address to avoid 10 hours of debugging later.

    The highlighted variable will be the offset for CGObjectData, from what I gathered, if the variable is followed by a +8 you can use the offset directly, if it is not followed by +8 you need to substract 8 bytes from the offset.

    xmmword_2735250+8 = 0x2735250
    unk_27368C8 = 0x27368C0 (-8 bytes)

    Now you can press ESC to go back to previous function.

    Step 4 - Get more offsets

    Repeat step 3 for each sub_XXXXXX call until you have all the descriptor offsets.


    After some work you should have all the updated descriptor offsets.
    You could probably make a IDA script to generate the offsets automatically and if anyone does this feel free to post it in this thread.

    Or you could have a look at my program at Ian Manners / WoWOffsetDumper . GitLab to automatically retrieve the offsets. However going thru and getting the offsets manually will help you understand how its done automatically and improves your mega hacking skills that you can take out and brag about at the pub (jk, that would require you to go outside lul).

    As usual, if there are any suggestions on how to improve this method of getting the offsets, feel free to post it here and I'll update this post.
    Last edited by ejt; 08-13-2018 at 07:08 PM. Reason: Added rebase instructions

  4. Thanks DarkLinux, vegoo, imzz, h42, clestor, fortiZ, CLRN, KingPesticide, NoxiaZ (9 members gave Thanks to ejt for this useful post)
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    ejt's Avatar Contributor
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    * Now gets dynamic offsets
    * Added comments to explain FindPattern and FindPatternAll functions

    * CGContainerData is wrong, it takes the offset for NumSlots instead of Slots. Going to update FindPattern and FindPatternAll functions to support disassembler before fixing this.

    * Clean-up code
    * Make code readable
    * Write offsets to file?
    * Update FindPattern and FindPatternAll to support disassembler (capstone)
    * Test on previous versions

    I started thinking about how the manual method of getting the descriptor offsets is boring, this led me to look into an automatic way of doing this. This will help me make my program update all the offsets automatically.

    This was surprisingly easy. I checked what function calls the descriptor functions, and they're all called by one single function.

    So I ended up writing this small function to retrieve all the descriptor offsets.

    These are basicly the steps I take to get the offsets * Outdated for dynamic descriptors *

    40 53 48 83 EC 20 E8 ? ? 00 00 E8 ? ? 00 00 E8

    Read a total of 116 bytes (22 * 5 + 6)
    Discard first 6 bytes
    Read 22 * 5 bytes (all function calls including nullsubs)
    Crawl into all the functions
    For normal descriptor find the first '33 C9 48 8D 05 ? ? ? ?' OR '33 C0 48 8D 0D ? ? ? ?', this will be reladdr to offset
    For dynamic descriptor '48 8D 05 ? ? ? ?' NO 33 C9/C0 before pattern????????????
    I've moved the code to gitlab, click the link below.


    Example output

    Last edited by ejt; 08-13-2018 at 07:09 PM. Reason: Moved

  6. Thanks fortiZ, imzz, h42 (3 members gave Thanks to ejt for this useful post)
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    ejt's Avatar Contributor
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    Update 1
    * Added CooldownPtr

    Started working on automatically getting other offsets such as objmgr, this is what I came up with.

    I've moved the code to gitlab, click the link below.


    Example output

    If anyone has more patterns or offsets they'd like me to add just post it and I'll try implementing them, only have 2 right now but pretty easy to add more.
    Last edited by ejt; 08-13-2018 at 07:10 PM. Reason: Moved codebase to gitlab

  8. Thanks h42, imzz, fortiZ, Vialet (4 members gave Thanks to ejt for this useful post)
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    NoxiaZ's Avatar Active Member
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    This is looking great

    Are there any chances for adding this pattern: E8 BC A5 00 00 48 8B 5C 24 30 48 8B CF - This should be for spellbook

  10. #6
    Vialet's Avatar Member
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    Great Project, have used it since today. Sadly with the current Patch this crashes even if i change the name of the exe to "WowClassic.exe".

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    I have been trying to compile this project for a while now, but with no luck - Hopefully someone else are able to do that.

  12. #8
    qyte's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by NoxiaZ View Post
    I have been trying to compile this project for a while now, but with no luck - Hopefully someone else are able to do that.
    git clone https://gitlab.com/ejt/WoWOffsetDumper.git
    2. Open folder in Visual Studio 2019

    3. Make sure it is set to Release

    Then there is a Build under Build....

    exe resides under build\Release\src\WoWOffsetDumper\WoWOffsetDumper.exe
    Last edited by qyte; 12-11-2019 at 12:15 PM.

  13. Thanks NoxiaZ (1 members gave Thanks to qyte for this useful post)
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    Originally Posted by qyte View Post
    git clone https://gitlab.com/ejt/WoWOffsetDumper.git
    2. Open folder in Visual Studio 2019

    3. Make sure it is set to Release

    Then there is a Build under Build....

    exe resides under build\Release\src\WoWOffsetDumper\WoWOffsetDumper.exe
    Omg, so simple.. Thank you so much for you time showing how to!
    Working perfectly.

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    Gave it a second try, its working again now

  16. #11
    ejt's Avatar Contributor
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    As other posters have noted, Classic client changed the executable name from Wow.exe to WowClassic.exe, as there are several hard-coded Wow.exe strings in the code those needs to be changed to dump classic.

    The "memory library" used by this project is VERY outdated and I'm planning to update it for my own projects using my newer, modern library instead. However a lot of that code is private and needs extensive stripping to make public so it will be a while before I update this project for it.

    Either you can change the hard-coded names every time you want retail/classic, you can edit the code to make it compatible or use the dumper code with your own memory library.

    The reason the executable name is hard-coded to begin with is because its used to get the base address and size of the main module (Wow.exe). This can be changed if you make a new function that gets the main module by enumerating the modules of the process and getting the base address and size from there instead. My new memory library gets the main module from the PEB which is easy but requires you to be able to get the PEB of the process, not that its hard but yeah, just some ideas on what you can do to make it easier.

    Also as a side-note, Spell_GetSpellCooldown pattern broke and its arguments updated

  17. #12
    NoxiaZ's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by ejt View Post
    As other posters have noted, Classic client changed the executable name from Wow.exe to WowClassic.exe, as there are several hard-coded Wow.exe strings in the code those needs to be changed to dump classic.

    The "memory library" used by this project is VERY outdated and I'm planning to update it for my own projects using my newer, modern library instead. However a lot of that code is private and needs extensive stripping to make public so it will be a while before I update this project for it.

    Either you can change the hard-coded names every time you want retail/classic, you can edit the code to make it compatible or use the dumper code with your own memory library.

    The reason the executable name is hard-coded to begin with is because its used to get the base address and size of the main module (Wow.exe). This can be changed if you make a new function that gets the main module by enumerating the modules of the process and getting the base address and size from there instead. My new memory library gets the main module from the PEB which is easy but requires you to be able to get the PEB of the process, not that its hard but yeah, just some ideas on what you can do to make it easier.

    Also as a side-note, Spell_GetSpellCooldown pattern broke and its arguments updated
    I'm happy i was able to compile it my self and rename the hardcoded string, but would be nice a updated library with more pointers, i'm still trying to understand how this "patternsearch" works, so i am really happy for this project.
    So thanks a lot for sharing.

    I'm trying to create a pattern for the "SpellBook", "CorpsePosition" and "SystemMessage/RedMessage" pointers, but still havent been able to come up with anything, and therefor i would like to hear if you know one of these?
    I tried follow a few guides for pattern creation, but for now its over my head.
    Last edited by NoxiaZ; 12-12-2019 at 12:38 PM.

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    Created a pattern for spellbook and redmessage, seems to be working fine.

    { "SpellBook", "4C 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 0F 1F 44 00 ? 8B C2 49 8B 0C C1 8B 41 04 3B D8 75 05 83 39 01 74 5A 83 39 03", SignatureType::NORMAL, 0x3, 0x0 }
    { "RedMessage", "48 8D 15 ? ? ? ? 41 B8 ? ? ? ? 48 8D 8D ? ? ? ? 90 0F B6 01 ", SignatureType::NORMAL, 0x3, 0x0 },

  19. #14
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    WoWClassic.exe version for the lazy people :



  20. #15
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    Originally Posted by pchzpchz View Post
    WoWClassic.exe version for the lazy people :


    Obviously download at own risk but I checked out the binary and it looks good.

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