i ever try search the address of buff,but it is dynamic.
someone has any solution ? i only know whether i mount
i ever try search the address of buff,but it is dynamic.
someone has any solution ? i only know whether i mount
Easiest mount check is speed, if speed > 7, you have speed/mounted. For checking buffs you need a list of all mount spell id's.
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
If you actually mean the Druid forms (?) It was posted, buff flag(s) we posted in one of the dumps below this.
From Cypher's 3.0.2 dump (Needs to be updated)
Found @ http://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-me...formation.htmlCode:[20:49:33]: 0x00561D40 -> IsLoggedIn [20:49:33]: 0x00560620 -> IsFlyableArea [20:49:33]: 0x00568F10 -> IsIndoors [20:49:33]: 0x00568F70 -> IsOutdoors [20:49:33]: 0x00568FD0 -> IsOutOfBounds [20:49:33]: 0x00569040 -> IsFalling [20:49:33]: 0x005690A0 -> IsSwimming [20:49:33]: 0x00569100 -> IsFlying [20:49:33]: 0x00569160 -> IsMounted [20:49:33]: 0x005691C0 -> IsStealthed
i find a solution..
UNIT_FIELD_MOUNTDISPLAYID = 0x44 .. (catch my mount id, if > 0 then ..)
how to get the speed ?(UNIT_MOD_CAST_SPEED = 0x50) <-- but it's not.
Last edited by j121780im; 03-02-2009 at 12:08 AM.
That is the +MOD to your casting speed (Casting spells); I seen the moundID, but I wasn't sure if it returned 0/x or x all the time, but that would work fine.
I'm not seeing a speed modifier, but I'm sure I remember one when I was playing with WoW. If anything you could calculate speed your self..
Something like (C#)...
I just wrote that so there might be typos, but you should get the Idea; I wrote it as simple as I could so you could get the Idea..Code:TimeSpan _span = DateTime.Now - LASTUPDATE float _distance = (float)Math.Sqrt((point[0].X - point[1].X)^2 + (point[0].Y - point[1].Y)^2); //Pythagoras Theoram float _speed = _distance / _span.Milliseconds;
But it would be the "_span" from the update tick - the last update tick(DateTime), then the Distance traveled from the last tick (Point[0]) to this tick with the help of some math / the TimeSpan which is "_span".
This would not give you an absolute in-game speed as it would depend solely on your update tick-rate in a sense.
ok!~ i know your idea~
sound like great method, but i haven't speed. i only mount the something and find some herb
maybe i will use this method in high demand lately.
i give you +rep ^^
[[playerObj] + 0x9C0]
[[[playerObj] +0x108] + 0xF8]
24757 = brewfest kodo
22350 = brewfest ram
19483 = switft white hawkstrider
24745 = zhevra
vehicles (ice mammoth etc) are not covered by this field...
didnt check yet for NPCs, but one should work
shapeshift form should be at
[[[playerObj] +0x108] + 0x1D3] (byte size)
in case you need it..
Last edited by g3gg0; 03-02-2009 at 08:27 AM.
[00:03:57]: 565C10 -> IsLoggedIn
[00:03:57]: 5644F0 -> IsFlyableArea
[00:03:57]: 56CE30 -> IsIndoors
[00:03:57]: 56CE90 -> IsOutdoors
[00:03:57]: 56CEF0 -> IsOutOfBounds
[00:03:57]: 56CF60 -> IsFalling
[00:03:57]: 56CFC0 -> IsSwimming
[00:03:57]: 56D020 -> IsFlying
[00:03:57]: 56D080 -> IsMounted
[00:03:57]: 56D0E0 -> IsStealthed