[classic][Cata][] offset dump menu

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    klumpen's Avatar Active Member
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    [classic][Cata][] offset dump

    Haven't had the chance to test out all of the values yet. About an ~80/20 split between sigs and hardcoded offsets.

    pub mod wow_classic_4_4_0_54481 {
        pub const CLIENT_VERSION: &str = "";
        pub struct Addon;
        impl Addon {
            pub const COUNT: usize = 0x3708C78;
        pub struct ObjectManagerEntry {
            pub next: Pointer64<ObjectManagerEntry>,
            pub guid: GUID,
            pub address: Pointer64<Object>,
        impl ObjectManagerEntry {
        pub struct Player {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xDC: [u8; 0xB4],
            pub dynamic_flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x68],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x158: [u8; 0x4],
            pub rotation: f32,
            pub pitch: f32,
            _pad_to_0x500: [u8; 0x3A0],
            pub unit_info_ptr: Pointer64<UnitInfo>,
            pub display_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x6E8: [u8; 0x1DC],
            pub cast_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x710: [u8; 0x24],
            pub cast_start: u32,
            pub cast_end: u32,
            pub chan_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x720: [u8; 0x4],
            pub chan_start: u32,
            pub chan_end: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8C0: [u8; 0x198],
            pub aura_table_1: Address,
            pub aura_table_2: Address,
            _pad_to_0xD75D: [u8; 0xCE8D],
            pub class: u8,
            _pad_to_0xD790: [u8; 0x32],
            pub in_combat_flag: u32,
            pub unit_flag_one: u32,
            _pad_to_0xED88: [u8; 0x15F0],
            pub health_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEEC0: [u8; 0x134],
            pub health_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEF80: [u8; 0xBC],
            pub target: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xEFB4: [u8; 0x24],
            pub race: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFB7: [u8; 0x2],
            pub gender: u8,
            pub power_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFC0: [u8; 0x7],
            pub level: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFE4: [u8; 0x23],
            pub faction: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF010: [u8; 0x28],
            pub mount_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF208: [u8; 0x1F4],
            pub power_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF230: [u8; 0x24],
            pub power_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0x14000: [u8; 0x4DCC],
            pub inventory_count: u32,
        impl Player {
        pub struct Globals;
        impl Globals {
            pub const BAG_GUID: usize = 0x37072C0;
            pub const CHAR_SELECT: usize = 0x35E79BD;
            pub const CORPSE_POSITION: usize = 0x30F0AE0;
            pub const CVAR_BASE: usize = 0x36AFEC8;
            pub const DIALOG_WINDOW_OWNER_GUID: usize = 0x335E850;
            pub const FOCUS_GUID: usize = 0x335E838;
            pub const FRAMESCRIPT_REGISTERFUNC: usize = 0x335DEB8;
            pub const GAME_TIME: usize = 0x335E290;
            pub const GET_PARTY_INFO_ACTIVE_PARTY: usize = 0x36B08C8;
            pub const IN_GAME_STATUS: usize = 0x36AF2B0;
            pub const KEY_BINDINGS: usize = 0x30D58D8;
            pub const LAST_ENEMY_GUID: usize = 0x335E818;
            pub const LAST_FRIENDLY_GUID: usize = 0x335E828;
            pub const LAST_TARGET_GUID: usize = 0x335E808;
            pub const LOADING_SCREEN: usize = 0x32E1FF8;
            pub const LOADING_SCREEN_TAXI_SPLINES: usize = 0x3324F30;
            pub const LOGIN_SCREEN: usize = 0x35E8618;
            pub const LOOT_WINDOW: usize = 0x36B0B54;
            pub const MOUSEOVER_GUID: usize = 0x36AF2B8;
            pub const NUM_CHARACTERS: usize = 0x35E79E0;
            pub const PET_GUID: usize = 0x36B09D8;
            pub const PLAYER_GUID: usize = 0x3597DF0;
            pub const PLAYER_NAME: usize = 0x30C1318;
            pub const TARGET_GUID: usize = 0x335E7F8;
            pub const ZONE_ID: usize = 0x36AF1B0;
        pub struct Aura {
            _pad_to_0x88: [u8; 0x88],
            pub spell_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xB0: [u8; 0x24],
            pub size: u32,
        impl Aura {
        pub struct Keybinding {
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x18],
            pub next: Pointer64<Keybinding>,
            _pad_to_0x30: [u8; 0x10],
            pub key: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
            _pad_to_0x40: [u8; 0x8],
            pub action: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
        impl Keybinding {
        pub struct Keybindings {
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x18],
            pub next: Address,
            _pad_to_0x30: [u8; 0x10],
            pub key: Address,
            _pad_to_0x40: [u8; 0x8],
            pub action: Address,
        impl Keybindings {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x30D58D8;
        pub struct Runes {
            pub start_time: u32,
            _pad_to_0x20: [u8; 0x1C],
            pub end_time: u32,
            _pad_to_0x48: [u8; 0x24],
            pub default_type: u32,
            _pad_to_0x60: [u8; 0x14],
            pub rune_type: u32,
        impl Runes {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x36E41A0;
        pub struct Actionbar;
        impl Actionbar {
            pub const CURRENT_PAGE: usize = 0x36BB164;
            pub const FIRST_SLOT: usize = 0x36BA960;
        pub struct UnitInfo {
            _pad_to_0x30: [u8; 0x30],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x34: [u8; 0x3],
            pub family: u8,
            _pad_to_0x38: [u8; 0x3],
            pub rank: u8,
            _pad_to_0xE8: [u8; 0xAF],
            pub gather_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x120: [u8; 0x37],
            pub name: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
        impl UnitInfo {
        pub struct GameObject {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xA0: [u8; 0x78],
            pub flags: u32,
            _pad_to_0x108: [u8; 0x64],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x34],
            pub name: Pointer64<GameObjectName>,
            _pad_to_0x210: [u8; 0xC0],
            pub owner: GUID,
        impl GameObject {
        pub struct Unit {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xDC: [u8; 0xB4],
            pub dynamic_flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x68],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x158: [u8; 0x4],
            pub rotation: f32,
            pub pitch: f32,
            _pad_to_0x500: [u8; 0x3A0],
            pub unit_info_ptr: Pointer64<UnitInfo>,
            pub display_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x6E8: [u8; 0x1DC],
            pub cast_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x710: [u8; 0x24],
            pub cast_start: u32,
            pub cast_end: u32,
            pub chan_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x720: [u8; 0x4],
            pub chan_start: u32,
            pub chan_end: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8C0: [u8; 0x198],
            pub aura_table_1: Address,
            pub aura_table_2: Address,
            _pad_to_0xD75D: [u8; 0xCE8D],
            pub class: u8,
            _pad_to_0xD790: [u8; 0x32],
            pub in_combat_flag: u32,
            pub unit_flag_one: u32,
            _pad_to_0xED88: [u8; 0x15F0],
            pub health_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEEC0: [u8; 0x134],
            pub health_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEF80: [u8; 0xBC],
            pub target: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xEFB4: [u8; 0x24],
            pub race: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFB7: [u8; 0x2],
            pub gender: u8,
            pub power_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFC0: [u8; 0x7],
            pub level: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFE4: [u8; 0x23],
            pub faction: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF010: [u8; 0x28],
            pub mount_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF208: [u8; 0x1F4],
            pub power_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF230: [u8; 0x24],
            pub power_max: u32,
        impl Unit {
        pub struct Container {
            _pad_to_0x6D8: [u8; 0x6D8],
            pub count: u32,
            pub items: u32,
        impl Container {
        pub struct Cooldown {
            pub last_cooldown: Address,
            pub next_cooldown: Address,
            pub spell_id: u32,
            pub item_id: u32,
            pub tick_time: u32,
            pub recovery_start: u32,
            pub recovery_time: u32,
            pub category_id: u32,
            pub category_start: u32,
            pub category_time: u32,
            _pad_to_0x38: [u8; 0x8],
            pub global_id: u32,
            pub global_time: u32,
            pub global_start: u32,
        impl Cooldown {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x30E9450;
        pub struct Spellbook;
        impl Spellbook {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x36AF6C8;
            pub const COUNT: usize = 0x36AF6C0;
            pub const PET_BASE: usize = 0x36AF6E8;
            pub const PET_COUNT: usize = 0x36AF6E0;
        pub struct Battleground;
        impl Battleground {
            pub const FINISHED: usize = 0x36B2A68;
            pub const INFO: usize = 0x30F9700;
            pub const WINNER: usize = 0x36B2A6C;
        pub struct Item {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0x150: [u8; 0x128],
            pub id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x178: [u8; 0x24],
            pub owner: GUID,
            pub container: GUID,
            _pad_to_0x1B8: [u8; 0x20],
            pub stack_count: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1CC: [u8; 0x10],
            pub durability_current: u32,
            pub durability_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1E0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x2F4: [u8; 0x110],
            pub enchant_id: u32,
            pub enchant_expiry: u32,
        impl Item {
        pub struct MacroManager;
        impl MacroManager {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x30FBCC8;
        pub struct PlayerNameCache {
            _pad_to_0x8: [u8; 0x8],
            pub len: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x4],
            pub arr: Address,
        impl PlayerNameCache {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x32F1C10;
        pub struct CombatLog;
        impl CombatLog {
            pub const EVENT_TYPE: usize = 0x35F2EB0;
            pub const EVENTS: usize = 0x30EACC0;
        pub struct GameObjectName {
            _pad_to_0xE0: [u8; 0xE0],
            pub name: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
        impl GameObjectName {
        pub struct Quest;
        impl Quest {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x36C2370;
            pub const CURRENT: usize = 0x36E5624;
            pub const NUM: usize = 0x36C2190;
            pub const NUM_CHOICES: usize = 0x36F4C30;
            pub const REWARD: usize = 0x36F4C38;
            pub const TITLE: usize = 0x36F0770;
        pub struct Cvar {
            _pad_to_0x8: [u8; 0x8],
            pub value: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
            _pad_to_0x40: [u8; 0x30],
            pub desc: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
            _pad_to_0x50: [u8; 0x8],
            pub key: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
        impl Cvar {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x36AFEC8;
        pub struct Screen {
            pub width: u16,
            pub height: u16,
        impl Screen {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x30D4AC0;
        pub struct UnitStats {
            _pad_to_0xDA40: [u8; 0xDA40],
            pub mainhand_speed: u32,
            pub offhand_speed: u32,
            pub strength: u32,
            pub agility: u32,
            pub stamina: u32,
            pub intellect: u32,
            pub spirit: u32,
            _pad_to_0xDA84: [u8; 0x28],
            pub armor: u32,
            _pad_to_0xDA8C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub fire_resistance: u32,
            pub nature_resistance: u32,
            pub frost_resistance: u32,
            pub shadow_resistance: u32,
            pub arcane_resistance: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF484: [u8; 0x19E4],
            pub expertise: f32,
            pub block_chance: f32,
            _pad_to_0xF494: [u8; 0x8],
            pub parry_chance: f32,
            _pad_to_0xF49C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub melee_crit_chance: f32,
            pub ranged_crit_chance: f32,
            pub spell_crit_chance: f32,
            pub unk_2: f32,
            _pad_to_0x10B1C: [u8; 0x1670],
            pub defense_rating: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10B24: [u8; 0x4],
            pub unk_1: f32,
            _pad_to_0x10B2C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub melee_hit_rating: u32,
            pub ranged_hit_rating: u32,
            pub spell_hit_rating: u32,
            pub melee_crit_rating: u32,
            pub ranged_crit_rating: u32,
            pub spell_crit_rating: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10B50: [u8; 0xC],
            pub resilience_defense_rating: u32,
            pub resilience_offense_rating: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10B5C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub melee_haste_rating: u32,
            pub ranged_haste_rating: u32,
            pub spell_haste_rating: u32,
        impl UnitStats {
        pub struct Camera {
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x10],
            pub position: Position,
            pub matrix: [f32; 0x9],
            pub field_of_view: f32,
        impl Camera {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x35739E0;
            pub const OFFSET: usize = 0x3878;
        pub struct Object {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
        impl Object {
        pub struct ObjectManager {
            pub max: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8: [u8; 0x4],
            pub arr: Address,
            pub count: u32,
            _pad_to_0x60: [u8; 0x4C],
            pub zone_name: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
            pub subzone_name: Pointer64<ReprCString>,
            _pad_to_0x140: [u8; 0xD0],
            pub unk_1: u32,
            _pad_to_0x160: [u8; 0x1C],
            pub map_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x240: [u8; 0xDC],
            pub unk_2: u32,
        impl ObjectManager {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x364F970;
        pub struct Inventory {
            pub equipment_first: u32,
            _pad_to_0x110: [u8; 0x10C],
            pub equipment_last: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1E0: [u8; 0xCC],
            pub bag_slot1: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1F0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bag_slot2: u32,
            _pad_to_0x200: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bag_slot3: u32,
            _pad_to_0x210: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bag_slot4: u32,
            _pad_to_0x230: [u8; 0x1C],
            pub backpack_first: u32,
            _pad_to_0x320: [u8; 0xEC],
            pub backpack_last: u32,
            _pad_to_0x3B0: [u8; 0x8C],
            pub bank_slot_first: u32,
            _pad_to_0x560: [u8; 0x1AC],
            pub bank_slot_last: u32,
            _pad_to_0x570: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag1: u32,
            _pad_to_0x580: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag2: u32,
            _pad_to_0x590: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag3: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5A0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag4: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5B0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag5: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5C0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag6: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5D0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag7: u32,
        impl Inventory {
        pub struct Map;
        impl Map {
            pub const MINIMAP_SUBZONE_TEXT: usize = 0x36AE508;
            pub const SUBZONE_TEXT: usize = 0x36AE500;
            pub const ZONE_TEXT: usize = 0x36AE4F8;
        pub struct ActivePlayer {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xDC: [u8; 0xB4],
            pub dynamic_flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x68],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x158: [u8; 0x4],
            pub rotation: f32,
            pub pitch: f32,
            _pad_to_0x500: [u8; 0x3A0],
            pub unit_info_ptr: Pointer64<UnitInfo>,
            pub display_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x6E8: [u8; 0x1DC],
            pub cast_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x710: [u8; 0x24],
            pub cast_start: u32,
            pub cast_end: u32,
            pub chan_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x720: [u8; 0x4],
            pub chan_start: u32,
            pub chan_end: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8C0: [u8; 0x198],
            pub aura_table_1: Address,
            pub aura_table_2: Address,
            _pad_to_0xD75D: [u8; 0xCE8D],
            pub class: u8,
            _pad_to_0xD790: [u8; 0x32],
            pub in_combat_flag: u32,
            pub unit_flag_one: u32,
            _pad_to_0xE668: [u8; 0xED0],
            pub xp: u32,
            _pad_to_0xED88: [u8; 0x71C],
            pub health_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEEC0: [u8; 0x134],
            pub health_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEF80: [u8; 0xBC],
            pub target: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xEFB4: [u8; 0x24],
            pub race: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFB7: [u8; 0x2],
            pub gender: u8,
            pub power_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFC0: [u8; 0x7],
            pub level: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFE4: [u8; 0x23],
            pub faction: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF010: [u8; 0x28],
            pub mount_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF208: [u8; 0x1F4],
            pub power_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF230: [u8; 0x24],
            pub power_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xFF10: [u8; 0xCDC],
            pub money: u32,
            _pad_to_0xFF24: [u8; 0x10],
            pub next_level_xp: u32,
            _pad_to_0x14000: [u8; 0x40D8],
            pub inventory_count: u32,
        impl ActivePlayer {

    Edit: I goofed. Posted the offset dump off of the beta build, not the most recent version of wow_classic. Updated to match.
    Last edited by klumpen; 05-01-2024 at 05:38 AM.

    [classic][Cata][] offset dump
  2. Thanks Razzue (1 members gave Thanks to klumpen for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Razzue's Avatar Contributor Avid Ailurophile

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    Originally Posted by klumpen View Post
    Haven't had the chance to test out all of the values yet. About an ~80/20 split between sigs and hardcoded offsets.

    pub mod wow_classic_4_4_0_54481 {
        pub const CLIENT_VERSION: &str = "";
        pub struct Actionbar;
        impl Actionbar {
            pub const CURRENT_PAGE: usize = 0x37B5184;
            pub const FIRST_SLOT: usize = 0x37B4980;
        pub struct UnitInfo {
            _pad_to_0x30: [u8; 0x30],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x34: [u8; 0x3],
            pub family: u8,
            _pad_to_0x38: [u8; 0x3],
            pub rank: u8,
            _pad_to_0xE8: [u8; 0xAF],
            pub gather_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x120: [u8; 0x37],
            pub name: Pointer<String>,
        impl UnitInfo { }
        pub struct Cooldown {
            pub last_cooldown: Address,
            pub next_cooldown: Address,
            pub spell_id: u32,
            pub item_id: u32,
            pub tick_time: u32,
            pub recovery_start: u32,
            pub recovery_time: u32,
            pub category_id: u32,
            pub category_start: u32,
            pub category_time: u32,
            _pad_to_0x38: [u8; 0x8],
            pub global_id: u32,
            pub global_time: u32,
            pub global_start: u32,
        impl Cooldown {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x31E3450;
        pub struct Spellbook;
        impl Spellbook {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x37A96E8;
            pub const COUNT: usize = 0x37A96E0;
            pub const PET_BASE: usize = 0x37A9708;
            pub const PET_COUNT: usize = 0x37A9700;
        pub struct Container {
            _pad_to_0x6D8: [u8; 0x6D8],
            pub count: u32,
            pub items: u32,
        impl Container { }
        pub struct Camera {
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x10],
            pub position: Position,
            pub matrix: [f32; 0x9],
            pub field_of_view: f32,
        impl Camera {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x366D9E0;
            pub const OFFSET: usize = 0x3878;
        pub struct ObjectManagerEntry {
            pub next: Pointer<ObjectManagerEntry>,
            pub guid: GUID,
            pub address: Pointer<Object>,
        impl ObjectManagerEntry { }
        pub struct Player {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xDC: [u8; 0xB4],
            pub dynamic_flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x68],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x158: [u8; 0x4],
            pub rotation: f32,
            pub pitch: f32,
            _pad_to_0x500: [u8; 0x3A0],
            pub unit_info_ptr: Pointer<UnitInfo>,
            pub display_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x6E8: [u8; 0x1DC],
            pub cast_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x710: [u8; 0x24],
            pub cast_start: u32,
            pub cast_end: u32,
            pub chan_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x720: [u8; 0x4],
            pub chan_start: u32,
            pub chan_end: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8C0: [u8; 0x198],
            pub aura_table_1: Address,
            pub aura_table_2: Address,
            _pad_to_0xD75D: [u8; 0xCE8D],
            pub class: u8,
            _pad_to_0xD790: [u8; 0x32],
            pub in_combat_flag: u32,
            pub unit_flag_one: u32,
            _pad_to_0xED88: [u8; 0x15F0],
            pub health_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEEC0: [u8; 0x134],
            pub health_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEF80: [u8; 0xBC],
            pub target: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xEFB4: [u8; 0x24],
            pub race: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFB7: [u8; 0x2],
            pub gender: u8,
            pub power_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFC0: [u8; 0x7],
            pub level: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFE4: [u8; 0x23],
            pub faction: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF010: [u8; 0x28],
            pub mount_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF208: [u8; 0x1F4],
            pub power_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF230: [u8; 0x24],
            pub power_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0x14000: [u8; 0x4DCC],
            pub inventory_count: u32,
        impl Player { }
        pub struct Battleground;
        impl Battleground {
            pub const FINISHED: usize = 0x37ACA88;
            pub const INFO: usize = 0x31F3700;
            pub const WINNER: usize = 0x37ACA8C;
        pub struct Aura {
            _pad_to_0x88: [u8; 0x88],
            pub spell_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xB0: [u8; 0x24],
            pub size: u32,
        impl Aura { }
        pub struct CombatLog;
        impl CombatLog {
            pub const EVENT_TYPE: usize = 0x36ECEC0;
            pub const EVENTS: usize = 0x31E4CC0;
        pub struct UnitStats {
            _pad_to_0xDA40: [u8; 0xDA40],
            pub mainhand_speed: u32,
            pub offhand_speed: u32,
            pub strength: u32,
            pub agility: u32,
            pub stamina: u32,
            pub intellect: u32,
            pub spirit: u32,
            _pad_to_0xDA84: [u8; 0x28],
            pub armor: u32,
            _pad_to_0xDA8C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub fire_resistance: u32,
            pub nature_resistance: u32,
            pub frost_resistance: u32,
            pub shadow_resistance: u32,
            pub arcane_resistance: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF484: [u8; 0x19E4],
            pub expertise: f32,
            pub block_chance: f32,
            _pad_to_0xF494: [u8; 0x8],
            pub parry_chance: f32,
            _pad_to_0xF49C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub melee_crit_chance: f32,
            pub ranged_crit_chance: f32,
            pub spell_crit_chance: f32,
            pub unk_2: f32,
            _pad_to_0x10B1C: [u8; 0x1670],
            pub defense_rating: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10B24: [u8; 0x4],
            pub unk_1: f32,
            _pad_to_0x10B2C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub melee_hit_rating: u32,
            pub ranged_hit_rating: u32,
            pub spell_hit_rating: u32,
            pub melee_crit_rating: u32,
            pub ranged_crit_rating: u32,
            pub spell_crit_rating: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10B50: [u8; 0xC],
            pub resilience_defense_rating: u32,
            pub resilience_offense_rating: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10B5C: [u8; 0x4],
            pub melee_haste_rating: u32,
            pub ranged_haste_rating: u32,
            pub spell_haste_rating: u32,
        impl UnitStats { }
        pub struct ActivePlayer {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xDC: [u8; 0xB4],
            pub dynamic_flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x68],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x158: [u8; 0x4],
            pub rotation: f32,
            pub pitch: f32,
            _pad_to_0x500: [u8; 0x3A0],
            pub unit_info_ptr: Pointer<UnitInfo>,
            pub display_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x6E8: [u8; 0x1DC],
            pub cast_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x710: [u8; 0x24],
            pub cast_start: u32,
            pub cast_end: u32,
            pub chan_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x720: [u8; 0x4],
            pub chan_start: u32,
            pub chan_end: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8C0: [u8; 0x198],
            pub aura_table_1: Address,
            pub aura_table_2: Address,
            _pad_to_0xD75D: [u8; 0xCE8D],
            pub class: u8,
            _pad_to_0xD790: [u8; 0x32],
            pub in_combat_flag: u32,
            pub unit_flag_one: u32,
            _pad_to_0xE668: [u8; 0xED0],
            pub xp: u32,
            _pad_to_0xED88: [u8; 0x71C],
            pub health_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEEC0: [u8; 0x134],
            pub health_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEF80: [u8; 0xBC],
            pub target: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xEFB4: [u8; 0x24],
            pub race: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFB7: [u8; 0x2],
            pub gender: u8,
            pub power_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFC0: [u8; 0x7],
            pub level: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFE4: [u8; 0x23],
            pub faction: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF010: [u8; 0x28],
            pub mount_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF208: [u8; 0x1F4],
            pub power_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF230: [u8; 0x24],
            pub power_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xFF10: [u8; 0xCDC],
            pub money: u32,
            _pad_to_0xFF24: [u8; 0x10],
            pub next_level_xp: u32,
            _pad_to_0x14000: [u8; 0x40D8],
            pub inventory_count: u32,
        impl ActivePlayer { }
        pub struct GameObjectName {
            _pad_to_0xE0: [u8; 0xE0],
            pub name: Pointer<String>,
        impl GameObjectName { }
        pub struct Screen {
            pub width: u16,
            pub height: u16,
        impl Screen {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x31CEAC0;
        pub struct Cvar {
            _pad_to_0x8: [u8; 0x8],
            pub value: Pointer<String>,
            _pad_to_0x40: [u8; 0x30],
            pub desc: Pointer<String>,
            _pad_to_0x50: [u8; 0x8],
            pub key: Pointer<String>,
        impl Cvar {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x37A9EE8;
        pub struct PlayerNameCache {
            _pad_to_0x8: [u8; 0x8],
            pub len: u32,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x4],
            pub arr: Address,
        impl PlayerNameCache {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x33EBC00;
        pub struct Addon;
        impl Addon {
            pub const COUNT: usize = 0x3802C98;
        pub struct Object {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
        impl Object { }
        pub struct ObjectManager {
            pub max: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8: [u8; 0x4],
            pub arr: Address,
            pub count: u32,
            _pad_to_0x60: [u8; 0x4C],
            pub zone_name: Pointer<String>,
            pub subzone_name: Pointer<String>,
            _pad_to_0x140: [u8; 0xD0],
            pub unk_1: u32,
            _pad_to_0x160: [u8; 0x1C],
            pub map_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x240: [u8; 0xDC],
            pub unk_2: u32,
        impl ObjectManager {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x3749980;
        pub struct Keybinding {
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x18],
            pub next: Pointer<Keybinding>,
            _pad_to_0x30: [u8; 0x10],
            pub key: Pointer<String>,
            _pad_to_0x40: [u8; 0x8],
            pub action: Pointer<String>,
        impl Keybinding { }
        pub struct Keybindings {
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x18],
            pub next: Address,
            _pad_to_0x30: [u8; 0x10],
            pub key: Address,
            _pad_to_0x40: [u8; 0x8],
            pub action: Address,
        impl Keybindings {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x31CF8D8;
        pub struct Unit {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xDC: [u8; 0xB4],
            pub dynamic_flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x68],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x158: [u8; 0x4],
            pub rotation: f32,
            pub pitch: f32,
            _pad_to_0x500: [u8; 0x3A0],
            pub unit_info_ptr: Pointer<UnitInfo>,
            pub display_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x6E8: [u8; 0x1DC],
            pub cast_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x710: [u8; 0x24],
            pub cast_start: u32,
            pub cast_end: u32,
            pub chan_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x720: [u8; 0x4],
            pub chan_start: u32,
            pub chan_end: u32,
            _pad_to_0x8C0: [u8; 0x198],
            pub aura_table_1: Address,
            pub aura_table_2: Address,
            _pad_to_0xD75D: [u8; 0xCE8D],
            pub class: u8,
            _pad_to_0xD790: [u8; 0x32],
            pub in_combat_flag: u32,
            pub unit_flag_one: u32,
            _pad_to_0xED88: [u8; 0x15F0],
            pub health_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEEC0: [u8; 0x134],
            pub health_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0xEF80: [u8; 0xBC],
            pub target: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xEFB4: [u8; 0x24],
            pub race: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFB7: [u8; 0x2],
            pub gender: u8,
            pub power_type: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFC0: [u8; 0x7],
            pub level: u8,
            _pad_to_0xEFE4: [u8; 0x23],
            pub faction: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF010: [u8; 0x28],
            pub mount_id: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF208: [u8; 0x1F4],
            pub power_current: u32,
            _pad_to_0xF230: [u8; 0x24],
            pub power_max: u32,
        impl Unit { }
        pub struct Item {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0x150: [u8; 0x128],
            pub id: u32,
            _pad_to_0x178: [u8; 0x24],
            pub owner: GUID,
            pub container: GUID,
            _pad_to_0x1B8: [u8; 0x20],
            pub stack_count: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1CC: [u8; 0x10],
            pub durability_current: u32,
            pub durability_max: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1E0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub flag: u32,
            _pad_to_0x2F4: [u8; 0x110],
            pub enchant_id: u32,
            pub enchant_expiry: u32,
        impl Item { }
        pub struct MacroManager;
        impl MacroManager {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x31F5CC8;
        pub struct Quest;
        impl Quest {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x37BC390;
            pub const CURRENT: usize = 0x37DF644;
            pub const NUM: usize = 0x37BC1B0;
            pub const NUM_CHOICES: usize = 0x37EEC50;
            pub const REWARD: usize = 0x37EEC58;
            pub const TITLE: usize = 0x37EA790;
        pub struct Inventory {
            pub equipment_first: u32,
            _pad_to_0x110: [u8; 0x10C],
            pub equipment_last: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1E0: [u8; 0xCC],
            pub bag_slot1: u32,
            _pad_to_0x1F0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bag_slot2: u32,
            _pad_to_0x200: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bag_slot3: u32,
            _pad_to_0x210: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bag_slot4: u32,
            _pad_to_0x230: [u8; 0x1C],
            pub backpack_first: u32,
            _pad_to_0x320: [u8; 0xEC],
            pub backpack_last: u32,
            _pad_to_0x3B0: [u8; 0x8C],
            pub bank_slot_first: u32,
            _pad_to_0x560: [u8; 0x1AC],
            pub bank_slot_last: u32,
            _pad_to_0x570: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag1: u32,
            _pad_to_0x580: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag2: u32,
            _pad_to_0x590: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag3: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5A0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag4: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5B0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag5: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5C0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag6: u32,
            _pad_to_0x5D0: [u8; 0xC],
            pub bank_bag7: u32,
        impl Inventory { }
        pub struct Map;
        impl Map {
            pub const MINIMAP_SUBZONE_TEXT: usize = 0x37A8528;
            pub const SUBZONE_TEXT: usize = 0x37A8520;
            pub const ZONE_TEXT: usize = 0x37A8518;
        pub struct Globals;
        impl Globals {
            pub const BAG_GUID: usize = 0x38012E0;
            pub const CHAR_SELECT: usize = 0x36E19D5;
            pub const CORPSE_POSITION: usize = 0x31EAAE0;
            pub const CVAR_BASE: usize = 0x37A9EE8;
            pub const DIALOG_WINDOW_OWNER_GUID: usize = 0x3458840;
            pub const FOCUS_GUID: usize = 0x3458828;
            pub const FRAMESCRIPT_REGISTERFUNC: usize = 0x3457EA8;
            pub const GAME_TIME: usize = 0x3458280;
            pub const GET_PARTY_INFO_ACTIVE_PARTY: usize = 0x37AA8E8;
            pub const IN_GAME_STATUS: usize = 0x37A92D0;
            pub const KEY_BINDINGS: usize = 0x31CF8D8;
            pub const LAST_ENEMY_GUID: usize = 0x3458808;
            pub const LAST_FRIENDLY_GUID: usize = 0x3458818;
            pub const LAST_TARGET_GUID: usize = 0x34587F8;
            pub const LOADING_SCREEN: usize = 0x33DBFE8;
            pub const LOADING_SCREEN_TAXI_SPLINES: usize = 0x341EF20;
            pub const LOGIN_SCREEN: usize = 0x36E2628;
            pub const LOOT_WINDOW: usize = 0x37AAB74;
            pub const MOUSEOVER_GUID: usize = 0x37A92D8;
            pub const NUM_CHARACTERS: usize = 0x36E19F8;
            pub const PET_GUID: usize = 0x37AA9F8;
            pub const PLAYER_GUID: usize = 0x3691E00;
            pub const PLAYER_NAME: usize = 0x31BB318;
            pub const TARGET_GUID: usize = 0x34587E8;
            pub const ZONE_ID: usize = 0x37A91D0;
        pub struct GameObject {
            pub vmt: Address,
            _pad_to_0x10: [u8; 0x8],
            pub r#type: u8,
            _pad_to_0x18: [u8; 0x7],
            pub guid: GUID,
            _pad_to_0xA0: [u8; 0x78],
            pub flags: u32,
            _pad_to_0x108: [u8; 0x64],
            pub position: Position,
            _pad_to_0x148: [u8; 0x34],
            pub name: Pointer<GameObjectName>,
            _pad_to_0x210: [u8; 0xC0],
            pub owner: GUID,
        impl GameObject { }
        pub struct Runes {
            pub start_time: u32,
            _pad_to_0x20: [u8; 0x1C],
            pub end_time: u32,
            _pad_to_0x48: [u8; 0x24],
            pub default_type: u32,
            _pad_to_0x60: [u8; 0x14],
            pub rune_type: u32,
        impl Runes {
            pub const BASE: usize = 0x37DE1C0;
    Shit, beat me to it 👍 Can't add more rep sadly 🥲❤️
    "May all your bacon burn"

  4. Thanks goblin2kx (1 members gave Thanks to Razzue for this useful post)
  5. #3
    klumpen's Avatar Active Member
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    Thanks G/R
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    Originally Posted by Razzue View Post
    Shit, beat me to it 👍 Can't add more rep sadly 🥲❤️
    It's a team effort Haven't diffed against prior versions or blasted the binary with IDC labeling yet. Hint hint!

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