I've just registered here to ask this. Long ago there were a flood of pixel-based fish bots that were floating around the interwebs. With many disadvantages, they also had the great advantage that they did no memory access to any other application, using only directx output buffers to read and generating system key events. This meant that only players could report you, and was generally safer if you passed the suspicion filter (anyone fishing 24/7 is either botting or in a vegetative state)
I've noticed the trend shift to memory viewing applications. MrFishit for example advertises itself as "no f**** color recognition". I am a bit paranoid though, and would really love to find a good old-fashioned eyedropper tool on the bobber type of bot.
So, question is, is there such a bot still being developed ? and why the trend shift towards memory reading?
I would develop one myself if there are none, but... i'm lazy enough to prefer to ask first.