hello, i was wondering wich kind of bot the gold sellers use to spam in cities i would like to use it 1 for my website, if any1 can help me with a perfect bot ill pay.
hello, i was wondering wich kind of bot the gold sellers use to spam in cities i would like to use it 1 for my website, if any1 can help me with a perfect bot ill pay.
Buying-Gold Eu servers.
You want a bot that just spams through macros or you want one that creates new characters and runs to city etc?
one that creates new characters and runs to city etc
Buying-Gold Eu servers.
well 1 with macros is ok too since its not so different
Buying-Gold Eu servers.
You are the worst kind of person.
I used to be a Super Mod. Now I'm just Super, thanks for asking.
why lol?.....you make me feel sad
Buying-Gold Eu servers.
make a macro that is like
/2 ur add here
( dont know if this will actually send it to trade )
and then use prospector and set the timing different it will spam ur message every X ms
rhis doesnt help u with the whoeo make a char and then move it there but it will message spam for u
if not find a free macro program that u can send
enter key then ur message then enter again every so often
and just choose trade before u start it