Dear MMOwned users.
The time has come to present to you the latest version of my (perhaps unnoticed) WoW "Bot": Nodefarmer!
Original post @
Now it is updated, but still in a BETA section.
I still havn't got any betatesters but I hope an updated and new post will get me atleast 1 or 2 testers to check whether the mouse gets into correct position (middle of screen) or not.
I have enhanced the program with the following:
A basic GUI with some configurations (Antiafk and Nodes are the current setups)
A more usercontrolled "bot".
SVN is up, but still needs ALOT of configuration.
Whiper detection is beeing looked into more further in september.
Custom icon (lol)
Added 2 menus (SPELLCHECK PLZ!): Websites and an About section.
Doesn't matter if you use a left handed or a right handed mouse.
1. Have WoW running in windowed mode and the node you want to farm zoomed into your 1st person view.
2.Setup and start the AntiAfk (runs in background) first.
3.Then you can go over to the Nodes tab and set it up and start farming!
F1 hides the program.
F2 shows it again.
Delete stops the program.
F4 stops the AntiAfk program.
CBA to upload newer pictures, just 1 more tab added, nothing fancy.
Scan(v1.0): Virustotal. MD5: 35536986326756c7eda11e11231fbceb archive damaged Suspicious File
Scan(v1.5): Virustotal. MD5: db22f85b761fb341eff0dbc97c256414 archive damaged Suspicious File
Archive is NOT damaged, no idea why it says that and for the suspicious file, may be because it's written in AutoIt.
Thanks for reading and if you use it, don't be afraid to post.
Suggestions, comments, flames, bugreports etc. may be posted here or sent in an e-mail to: [email protected]
Green = Fully functional stuff. Red = beeing worked on.
Working on version 1.5. Have some small issues with this version, you SHOULD be able to login to 1 of your WoW accs through this imo so I'm adding this to the next version.
Also adding some nifty tooltips.
Eta = Friday this week.
Small preview on v 2.0:
Added a useless/usefull stuff tab with stuff like:
Dance every x minutes.
Yell every x minutes.
Logout after x minutes/hours.
Shutdown comp after x minutes/hours.
Automaticly go into stealth, without making them macros.
People who's downloaded the first version may want to replace it with this mainly if they want an autologin or not, decide for yourselves.
V1.5 with the Auotlogin has a major flaw. Now I'm at my real computer so I don't have the source atm but I'll get it e-mailed to the evening.