The newest addition to OwnedCore is here. Introducing Trade Safe. A website ran middle man service that allows you to buy and sell virtual goods with confidence. Allow us to take on the burden of "who goes first"? for you. This is not just for gaming but can be used for trading or selling of anything online. Let's get you acquainted.
To start you want to
click here or go to . This brings you to the home base of Trade Safe including a breakdown of how it works, an FAQ covering any question you might have, support ticket function, and access to creating and viewing your trades.
On the top left you should see these three options.
Create Trade: This is where the trading process begins. Here You can see your available insurance, trade type (Escrow coming soon), and a section to enter the OwnedCore member you would like to begin trading with. Once a name is entered you should see new options in front of you.
-Choosing Buyer or Seller-
-Entering what you are trading-
-Item Value in USD-
-Middle Man Fee-
Once this information is filled out you are now in the process of trading. A new page comes up showing how far along the process your trade is, a trade log of the whole transaction with time stamps, and a chat function for everybody involved.
My Trades: Here you can see the trades you have going on at any given time. Clicking View on this page brings you back to the page with chat, trade logs, and completion progress.
Trade Safe FAQ: Brings you back to Trade Safe home base with FAQ, How it works, and Support Ticket function.
If you have any questions about Trade Safe please feel free to use this thread as an open dialogue. Comments, suggestions, and questions are all welcome and encouraged.