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    Bossman4's Avatar Active Member
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    Deadmines Guide

    Heres another guide. Enjoy


    This whole mess started with me adventuring in the Westfall with my first Beta character. There I was, walking around with my level tenish mage, trying to stay alive against hordes of strange mechanical golems and rampaging Defias Bandits. Eventually I started to adapt and by gaining more levels I was more easily dealing with situations that were thrust upon me, however I was completely unprepared for what was coming…

    The Deadmines & The Defias Brotherhood:

    The principal quests of the Westfall relate to the “Defias Brotherhood”; a group of bandits who all wear red face cloths. This “quest tree” relating to the Brotherhood in the Westfall consists of several quests that eventually lead to the thrilling climax of the Deadmines and the slaying of Edwin VanCleef.

    The Deadmines represents the longest quest that you can go through in the Westfall, and truly requires a group of people to take it on, as you must proceed into the Deadmines Instance to take on this monumental Quest.

    Instances & What They Mean:

    For those of you who don’t yet know there is extremely little load time in World of Warcraft. In fact the only noticeable load time is when the game is starting up and when you enter an Instance (even these are small waits however). Instances are basically the Dungeons of World of Warcraft and require a few things before taking them on in most cases.

    Firstly, an Instance usually requires the presence of a group to win it over. A solo character attempting to tackle an Instance will need to be of significant level to even consider the attempt (and may still possibly fail). World of Warcraft is a team game; those who attempt this Solo might want to continue adventuring in the safety of the open world.

    Now that I’ve drilled the necessity of a group into your head, I would go out and find one to help you get through this Instance. Messages such as: “L(ooking)F(or)G(roup) Deadmines” or “LFG V(an)C(leef)” usually come up whenever I’m in the Westfall so finding a group should not be incredibly difficult.

    As for the group itself I would make sure you have at the very least one character capable of resurrecting dead characters (be it a Paladin, Priest, or Warlock). Instances are different then the real world as when you die in an instance you spawn back in the real world, and going back to the Instance will reform you at the entrance of the Instance. Considering the Deadmines is a two to three hour undertaking (depending on the group) you defiantly do NOT want to be killed and have to start the Instance all over again.

    It goes without saying that you need to protect that healer from any sort of painful death that could be thrust his/her way. Just be certain that the healer knows, out of everyone in the group he/she has permission to run away like a scared child if everything goes wrong.

    As for the rest of the group I would suggest getting an even mix of melee, magic, and some ranged fighters (Hunters & Druids are nice for this). This will usually make for a well-proportioned group.

    On a final note before you head off to the Deadmines, be aware of the possibility to form a Raid Group (an assemblage of groups tackling the same Instance). In my times going through the Deadmine I found that while I was with a Raid Group the Instance went by much more quickly (15 characters going through a dungeon will make anything quick), however the experience gained from killing enemies as well as loot is horrendously decreased.

    So once you have your group formed, you’re ready to tackle the Deadmines!

    Moonbrook and the Deadmines Entrance:

    The entrance to the Deadmines is located in the abandoned town of Moonbrook (now conveniently filled with Defias members). You will actually be shown the house that leads into the mines at the end of the previous quest where you must escort the Traitor to the same building.

    From here everything gets harder, the enemies below consist of Defias Mages and Diggers as well as the occasional Taskmaster. These enemies are classified as “Elite” and have a dragon emblazoned border for their stats. If you and your group cannot handle these guys, then you might want to continue hunting Harvest Watchers in the fields.

    You’ll have to fight your way through a series of these enemies before you reach a large open stretch of mine where you can see the Instance off into the right distance. From here you and your group can make the quick dash into the portal without fear of enemies stalking you into it.

    Welcome to the Instance.

    Deadmines and Rhank’Zor: This background should seem familiar; it’s still just the bleak walls of the Deadmines. Much like when you started you will continue going through the mines at your groups pace, engaging with Defias Diggers as well as the occasional mage or taskmaster. Again, if this proves to overwhelm your party I would suggest pulling back now and save yourself some frustration.

    Eventually however you will get through the darkness of the Mine and reach what seems to look like a more mechanical based room. Well actually the first thing you should notice is the he blue ogre striding around in the distance. This ogre is Rhank’Zor; he is the first “boss” of the Deadmines.

    When engaging Rhank’Zor I would suggest getting someone to lure him over to the group (a Hunter with a bow, or a mage with a fireball for example). Beware however; Rhank’Zor does have other Defias members in the room with him, so try not to lure them in on top of the big blue ogre.

    Once Rhank’Zor gets close have your melee fighters (or as gaming slang goes, “Tanks) engage him up close and personal while the magic users and ranged fighters widdle him down from afar. The ogre should not be able to stand up to a concentrated group attack and will quickly fall. If not… well let’s just say this guy is nothing compared to what’s coming.

    A Goblin and his Toy:

    Once “Big’n’Blue” has been dealt with, and the spoils of war are properly distributed I would suggest a “Rebuff” (Activating all your supplementary magic and abilities like Auras). From here on it’s back into the bleak background of the Deadmines once more.

    This time another veritable swarm of Diggers, Mages, and Overseers will stand between you and the next section of the Mines. Deal with these small enemies as you have before, being sure not to bring them all down on you at once, and being sure not to let anything happen to your healers.

    Once you go through the mass of Defias you will come to a large closed door. Heal, rest and then open that door right up and get ready for the next section of the Deadmines. Welcome to the Mast Room.

    Upon entering the Mast Room you should be engaged by a goblin or two; dispatch them then do some scouting of the rest of the room. Be careful however as there is something a bit more devious at work here…

    *IMPORTANT*: The “boss” monster that inhabits this room has a walking path that can take it out of view, so do not rush blindly forward without checking your sides or you may be ambushed by a really big and bad enemy!

    After clearing the goblins of the room you are now ready to engage the boss, the big honking machine that has been stumbling around the room needs to be taken down. The Goblin Shredder is actually two “bosses” in one. First off the Goblin Shredder itself and then the goblin that pops out when you destroy it.

    The Goblin Shredder is defeated in pretty much the same pattern as Rhank’Zor; lure it out and then assault it with everything you have. Watch out for the goblin that emerges from the wreckage as he could pick off an already wounded character if things go badly enough.

    Be certain to loo the corpse of the Shredder as it has a special quest item that needs to be taken to a gnome in Stormwind.

    With the Shredder defeated I would take this time for washroom breaks and getting a refill on your coke. Get ready for the next part of the Deadmines!

    I Thought this was a Mine:

    Well guess what happens now? Yes you get to go back into the Mine and rumble with more Defias enemies, and now there’s some tricky little goblins mixed in with them. I guess this place is called a Mine for a reason.

    This venture in the Mine continues for a little bit longer, until you reach another door that opens to reveal the next section of the Deadmines. You have now reached the Goblin Foundry.

    Beware, the goblins here are actually decent in combat and have several tricks up their sleeves; including mechanical golem pets and fire related effects. Venture forth carefully and be sure to keep the healer safe. Unless you’ve made exceptional time it is very likely that the enemies at the front of the dungeon have respawned and any deaths that cannot be resurrected will require a restart of the Instance.

    Once you’ve cut a swathe through the green menace you’ll be forced to engage with Gilnid the Smelter. There is nothing really special about Gilnid aside from the fact he’s a larger goblin. Deal with him as you’ve dealt with the rest of the goblins.

    After Gilnid falls you can continue into the next section of the mine. Once you go through another batch of Defias Diggers you’ll come across some “Gun Powder” and just a few seconds away is a big cannon pointing at a locked door that you can use the gunpowder on.

    If you have a rogue in the group, get them to pick the lock on the big door instead. If not get ready for a fight when you blow the door open…

    What Comes After Q?,.. ARRRRRRrrrrrrr:

    We’ve gone from a Mine, to a Lumber mill, to a Foundry, of course we need something to top this all off and what better then a Pirate Ship? This is the final part of the Deadmines Instance and it’s by far the hardest. Get ready for some tough fights.

    Depending if you blow up the door entrance or not, you will be engaged by a horde of Defias Pirates, dispatch them as normal and then heal and Rebuff because this ship is going to be a tough one.

    It will take some time to get to the ramp that leads onto the ship itself, be aware of the patrolling Pirates and deal with them as they come. Once you reach the Ramp to the ship get ready for a tough battle.

    The first “boss” battle in this area is against the large Tauren First Mate of the Pirate ship; Mr. Smite. Smitey is a powerful close combat opponent and will most defiantly smash even experienced combatants given enough time. Your best bet to defeat this huge giant is to pummel him with magic and hold him with close combat specialists. Any Defias Pirates that are drawn into the combat should be killed ASAP, or if possible polymorph until Smitey has been taken down.

    Be aware that Mr. Smite is a hard opponent and it is very likely you may lose a member or two during the fight. Just make sure the healer is kept safe, you are now at the point of no return as if the healer dies things will quickly go downhill.

    Once Smite has been smitten (hehehe, I just had to) you will have to scale the ship to reach the top. Be prepared to engage with Pirates and Pirate Mages as you make your way to the top of the large sea ship. Once you near the top of the vessel there is one more “boss” baddie before the infamous VanCleef.

    The Goblin Captain GreenSkin is not pleased you’ve invaded his ship and he’ll come out with a small posse of Pirates to show his opinions of you. Depending on when he comes to meet you in battle your party might not be ready and forced to make a retreat. Remember that if worst comes to worst have the healer jump into the water so they live.

    Captain GreenSkin is another straightforward “boss” to kill, it’s his group of pirates that can cause difficulty. Be certain to deal with the pirates (be it killing or polymorphing) before dealing with GreenSkin himself. Once the Goblin Captain is slain get ready for the final battle.

    Edwin VanCleef Must Die:

    The main reason for coming into the Deadmines is to obtain the head of Edwin VanCleef, well here is your chance. This battle is the hardest of the entire Instance and trust me when I say you don’t want to pooch this one (I did and I had to redo the ENTIRE Instance).

    VanCleef resides inside the little room on top of the ship and will not leave unless you attack him or stray to close. Take a quick break before engaging him to set-up your spells, abilities and any potions you want on hand for the battle. Also be sure that the healers know if things go sour to hop into the water!

    When you’re ready start by pulling out VanCleef with magic or a ranged attack, this will also drag out a few of his hidden friends. Make sure if you have a mage to have him polymorph these extra goons, and be sure NOT to cast any area of effect spells or abilities or they will reverse the polymorphing. If there are no mages in the party, be sure to kill the goons ASAP.

    VanCleef will slice through most things that stand in his way, so make sure your most powerful melee fighters are engaged with him while magic and ranged attacks are being thrown at him as well. Under such pressure even VanCleef should buckle and then victory is yours!

    Once VanCleef is dead take his head from his corpse and then be sure to do a victory dance on the deck of the ship!

    Getting the Cook and Getting Out:

    Taking a quick stroll down the opposite side of the ship will take you on the path needed to reach the mine exit on the other side of the ship. Also while you make this trip be certain to pummel on the Murloc Cook of the ship as he usually has something moderately good to drop.

    Deal with any remaining Pirates on the way out and then head through the portal in the opposite mineshaft. You will come out just south of Moonbrook in the Westfall, but that’s it! You’ve completed the Deadmines!

    By now (if you’re like me) it’s probably around three in the morning and you work the next day. So pat yourself on the shoulder, be sure to thank everyone in the group for helping out, sell any loot you don’t need, return the head and finish the quest, and then last of all go to your class trainer to see what spiffy things you can now learn!


    That’s it in a nutshell! The Deadmines is just ONE of the Instances in World of Warcraft. Even though this is the first “TenTon Guide” I do intend to write a few more pertaining to other areas. For not however you can satisfy all you’re World of Warcraft needs over at where we’ll be giving away a pre-order copy of WoW every week until the game goes gold!

    Please give REP.

    Deadmines Guide
  2. #2
    Allenzo's Avatar Member
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    Re: Deadmines Guide

    Kool, +rep
    Main, 60 human war illidan
    alt1, 40 dwarf hunter illidan
    alt2, 10 night elf hunter illidan

  3. #3
    diba's Avatar Member
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    Re: Deadmines Guide

    I did this on Allakazam bossman -2 :confused:;num=1;page=1

  4. #4
    Gnaughty's Avatar Member
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    Re: Deadmines Guide

    how long exactly did that take you to write?

  5. #5
    Whodini's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Deadmines Guide

    please close thisand bann bossman for ripping peoples guides with no cred

    My Krew - S4 Druid T6 Rogue S4 Warlock

  6. #6
    Glikko92's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Deadmines Guide

    posted b4 sorry

  7. #7
    Eci's Avatar Member
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    Re: Deadmines Guide

    Don't ask for rep.

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