[3.3.5a] Object manager and stuff. Supposedly written in c++ ... not sure if is c++
I already announced this kind of spaghetti (335 (wotlk) Bot? Object manager and more. C++ ? Release ... ?!)here, but because I didn't present it in any attractive way, it didn't become popular.
Now, I'm re-posting it here for the reason that it suits for this forum and moreover, I added a lot of new "features".
I hope this will help somebody.
Bon apetit!
Last edited by tutrakan; 11-29-2016 at 05:11 AM.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks
stoneharry (1 members gave Thanks to tutrakan for this useful post)
If you explain what this is better then you will get a better response. Most people on this forum will not understand what a object manager is, why they would want to memory edit, even what is injection in this context. There's few software engineers here and even less familiar with memory editing. I do not know of any public private server that makes use of memory editing other than to allow modification to protected interface files and such.
A useful resource for those already familiar with C++ programming and memory editing.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks
tutrakan (1 members gave Thanks to stoneharry for this useful post)
1. I find it better because it is written at beginner level and easy to understand (me, myself, I am a beginner).
Further, I'm not using any third party libs (like boost for example) that adds more complexity and lowers the comprehensibility.
2. I saw that all of the top threads are announcing Gasai's, Zzuck's, Morpher3, WiNiFiX Fishing Bot, Vandra's vHack Multihack ... etc.
And I thought here was the right place to dump mine too. Sorry for that.
Last edited by tutrakan; 11-30-2016 at 01:29 PM.
Am I missing something? I don’t see any code…