Boost ppl for cash, bother ? menu


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  1. #1
    uheldig's Avatar Member
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    Boost ppl for cash, bother ?

    Hi, ive considered making a post in the WTS section about boosting ppl in d3 (level-grift-gem) any job really, but with years in the community I pretty mutch know that I wont get any jobs without a megaflashy colorfull post and lots of vouchers.

    Reason to why ive considered it is as simple that I kinda wanna take a peek in the wow world again, but I _really_ cant be arsed with paying them for gametime when I got the feeling ill do as so many times before:
    Pay for gametime > read about the newstuff > mount > jump jump jump run run run.. > say hello to old wow buddies. etch, and log out after 1hour
    hate the fact that i fall for the same thing over and over again bla bla, you get my point..

    All in all, will I waste my hours of setting up a good WTS post and figure out how cheap my service will be, considering the tiny chance there is for getting customers as a freshmen in the d3 boost scene ?

    Edit; Just delete this post.. JUST read the sticky after i made it... too dumb to manage to delete it myself even.. or blind again.. *sigh*
    Last edited by uheldig; 10-01-2015 at 09:20 AM. Reason: cuz I dont pay enuff attention

    Boost ppl for cash, bother ?
  2. #2
    ev0's Avatar ★ Elder ★

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    Please tell me what your signature is, it looks....idk yet

    edit:/// got it:
    Last edited by ev0; 10-01-2015 at 09:35 AM.
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  3. #3
    Jaladhjin's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by uheldig View Post
    Hi, ive considered making a post in the WTS section about boosting ppl in d3 (level-grift-gem) any job really, but with years in the community I pretty mutch know that I wont get any jobs without a megaflashy colorfull post and lots of vouchers.

    Reason to why ive considered it is as simple that I kinda wanna take a peek in the wow world again, but I _really_ cant be arsed with paying them for gametime when I got the feeling ill do as so many times before:
    Pay for gametime > read about the newstuff > mount > jump jump jump run run run.. > say hello to old wow buddies. etch, and log out after 1hour
    hate the fact that i fall for the same thing over and over again bla bla, you get my point..

    All in all, will I waste my hours of setting up a good WTS post and figure out how cheap my service will be, considering the tiny chance there is for getting customers as a freshmen in the d3 boost scene ?

    Edit; Just delete this post.. JUST read the sticky after i made it... too dumb to manage to delete it myself even.. or blind again.. *sigh*
    No need to waste money on game time anymore.. can buy tokens with gold similar to Eve's Plex

    As for selling services.. starting out I'd say it's all about your advertising.. get ID verified & what not here.. flashy signature.. blow some "corecoins" on anything & everything you can to offer up the appearance of effort made..

    Then what really counts is offerin' damn fine service to those few people that are willing to say ay let's give this cat a shot.. vouches from there & you'll be a mogul in no time..

  4. Thanks HI5 (1 members gave Thanks to Jaladhjin for this useful post)
  5. #4

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    Originally Posted by Jaladhjin View Post
    As for selling services.. starting out I'd say it's all about your advertising.. get ID verified & what not here.. flashy signature.. blow some "corecoins" on anything & everything you can to offer up the appearance of effort made..

    Then what really counts is offerin' damn fine service to those few people that are willing to say ay let's give this cat a shot.. vouches from there & you'll be a mogul in no time..
    Easier said than done. Go look at the D3 section, it's full of 1 rep sellers and none of them make enough money to make it worth the time they put into it. I know that for a fact because many of those new sellers have come to me asking if they could help me out with boosts and get a cut.

    I'm not telling you to start selling or to not bother, just stating the facts. It's very difficult to start in any market nowadays, certainly when there are already many established sellers. I don't want to sound like I'm showing off, but my team makes 5 digits $ every month.

    We got into D3 during beta, that's when we started offering D3 related services. And of course there was no real competition back then, and that's how it took off and worked for us until today & still going strong

    Give a good service for a good price & good luck

    PS: My only advice is: if you think you can make more money selling D3 services then do it. Otherwise go get a 9 to 5 job. I know sellers who only earn about 1 euro an hour which still boggles my mind until today.
    Last edited by D3Boost; 10-01-2015 at 05:27 PM.

    ✅ DISCORD: D3Boost#2193 ✅ SKYPE: d3pleveling ✅

  6. #5
    Hi1234567's Avatar Member
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    Yeah I don't think it's possible

  7. #6
    teak's Avatar Member
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    not needed

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