Sorry for the lack of uploads recently. Any future client binaries will be added here: Binary Collection - Arctium WildStar Development Wiki
Hey Jadd,
Do you have the time to upload the current localized WildStar strings? I know that you posted some information how to get them. Unfortunately I don´t know how to use them.
Edit: Updated Wiki..
Last edited by JuceMMOCrawler; 06-28-2014 at 09:50 AM.
Does anybody still have the old binaries?
depends on your definition of "old binaries".
Stringtable(s) and Datatables are still useable, textures are broken afaik
Canceled Projects: Wildstar Datamining site .... R.I.P
I meant the old Wildstar64 executables, which is being linked to earlier in this thread (but the links are dead)
Well I'm going to revive this little old thread.
Binary collection: Wildstar Binary Collection
This should be the most complete one including old and new files.