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  1. #1
    Gabbz's Avatar Contributor
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    [PQR] [PvP] Lists

    I think we should put together certain PvP lists that helps the Profilers to do some fast PvP Scripts without having to search the internet and compile lists.

    List is based from Sheepmoons PvP Profiles

    local Stun = {
    	108194,		-- Asphyxiate
    	115001,		-- Remorseless Winter
    	91800,		-- Gnaw
    	91797,		-- Monstrous Blow (Dark Transformation)
    	102795,		-- Bear Hug
    	33786,		-- Cyclone
    	99,			-- Disorienting Roar
    	2637,		-- Hibernate
    	22570,		-- Maim
    	5211,		-- Mighty Bash
    	9005,		-- Pounce
    	110698,		-- Hammer of Justice 
    	113004,		-- Intimidating Roar 
    	113056,		-- Intimidating Roar 
    	117526,		-- Binding Shot
    	3355,		-- Freezing Trap
    	1513,		-- Scare Beast
    	19503,		-- Scatter Shot
    	19386,		-- Wyvern Sting
    	90337,		-- Bad Manner 
    	24394,		-- Intimidation
    	50519,		-- Sonic Blast 
    	56626,		-- Sting 
    	118271,		-- Combustion Impact
    	44572,		-- Deep Freeze
    	31661,		-- Dragon's Breath
    	118,		-- Polymorph
    	61305,		-- Polymorph: Black Cat
    	28272,		-- Polymorph: Pig
    	61721,		-- Polymorph: Rabbit
    	61780,		-- Polymorph: Turkey
    	28271,		-- Polymorph: Turtle
    	82691,		-- Ring of Frost
    	123393,		-- Breath of Fire 
    	126451,		-- Clash
    	122242,		-- Clash 
    	119392,		-- Charging Ox Wave
    	119381,		-- Leg Sweep
    	115078,		-- Paralysis
    	105421,		-- Blinding Light
    	115752,		-- Blinding Light 
    	105593,		-- Fist of Justice
    	853,		-- Hammer of Justice
    	119072,		-- Holy Wrath
    	20066,		-- Repentance
    	10326,		-- Turn Evil
    	113506,		-- Cyclone 
    	605,		-- Dominate Mind
    	64044,		-- Psychic Horror
    	8122,		-- Psychic Scream
    	113792,		-- Psychic Terror 
    	9484,		-- Shackle Undead
    	87204,		-- Sin and Punishment
    	2094,		-- Blind
    	1833,		-- Cheap Shot
    	1776,		-- Gouge
    	408,		-- Kidney Shot
    	113953,		-- Paralysis 
    	6770,		-- Sap
    	76780,		-- Bind Elemental
    	77505,		-- Earthquake
    	51514,		-- Hex
    	118905,		-- Static Charge 
    	118345,		-- Pulverize
    	710,		-- Banish
    	54786,		-- Demonic Leap 
    	118699,		-- Fear
    	5484,		-- Howl of Terror
    	6789,		-- Mortal Coil
    	30283,		-- Shadowfury
    	104045,		-- Sleep 
    	89766,		-- Axe Toss 
    	115268,		-- Mesmerize 
    	6358,		-- Seduction 
    	7922,		-- Charge Stun
    	118895,		-- Dragon Roar
    	5246,		-- Intimidating Shout 
    	20511,		-- Intimidating Shout 
    	132168,		-- Shockwave
    	105771,		-- Warbringer
    	107079,		-- Quaking Palm
    	13327,		-- Reckless Charge
    	20549		-- War Stomp
    local Root = {
    	96294,		-- Chains of Ice 
    	91807,		-- Shambling Rush 
    	339,		-- Entangling Roots
    	45334,		-- Immobilized 
    	102359,		-- Mass Entanglement
    	110693,		-- Frost Nova 
    	19185,		-- Entrapment
    	128405,		-- Narrow Escape
    	50245,		-- Pin 
    	54706,		-- Venom Web Spray 
    	4167,		-- Web 
    	122,		-- Frost Nova
    	111340,		-- Ice Ward
    	33395,		-- Freeze
    	116706,		-- Disable
    	113275,		-- Entangling Roots
    	123407,		-- Spinning Fire Blossom
    	113275,		-- Entangling Roots
    	87194,		-- Glyph of Mind Blast
    	114404,		-- Void Tendril's Grasp
    	115197,		-- Partial Paralysis 
    	64695,		-- Earthgrab 
    	63685,		-- Freeze 
    	107566,		-- Staggering Shout
    	39965,		-- Frost Grenade
    	55536,		-- Frostweave Net
    	13099		-- Net-o-Matic
    local Snare = {
    	45524,		-- Chains of Ice
    	50435,		-- Chilblains
    	115000,		-- Remorseless Winter
    	50259,		-- Dazed 
    	58180,		-- Infected Wounds
    	61391,		-- Typhoon
    	127797,		-- Ursol's Vortex
    	110610,		-- Ice Trap (Hunter)
    	35101,		-- Concussive Barrage
    	5116,		-- Concussive Shot
    	61394,		-- Frozen Wake 
    	13810,		-- Ice Trap
    	50433,		-- Ankle Crack 
    	54644,		-- Frost Breath 
    	121288,		-- Chilled 
    	120,		-- Cone of Cold
    	116,		-- Frostbolt
    	44614,		-- Frostfire Bolt
    	113092,		-- Frost Bomb
    	31589,		-- Slow
    	116095,		-- Disable
    	118585,		-- Leer of the Ox
    	123727,		-- Dizzying Haze
    	123586,		-- Flying Serpent Kick
    	110300,		-- Burden of Guilt
    	63529,		-- Dazed - Avenger's Shield
    	20170,		-- Seal of Justice
    	15407,		-- Mind Flay
    	3409,		-- Crippling Poison
    	26679,		-- Deadly Throw
    	119696,		-- Debilitation
    	3600,		-- Earthbind 
    	77478,		-- Earthquake 
    	8034,		-- Frostbrand Attack
    	8056,		-- Frost Shock
    	51490,		-- Thunderstorm
    	18223,		-- Curse of Exhaustion
    	47960,		-- Shadowflame
    	1715,		-- Hamstring
    	12323,		-- Piercing Howl
    	1604		-- Dazed 
    Here Comes a Sheep script. Its Based on Sheurons with some modifications. At the end i have removed a couple of line so its just will sheep my mouseover target. You can edit if you want to use on focus etc. Problem with that is in PvP the target will be immune to sheep after the third so the script will just stand and cast sheep. You can also use a modifying key as COKX do. I have edit out that part also but its easy enough to modify. I added a not UnitIsUnit("target","mouseover") so we dont sheep our target.

    You need to set target = Custom when making this ability
    if not polyfunctions then
    function BeingTarget(t)
        if UnitIsUnit("target",t) then return true end
        for i=1, GetNumGroupMembers(), 1 do
          local member = "party"..tostring(i)
          if UnitIsUnit(member.."target",t) then return true end
      function CanbeCC(t)
        local debuff = { 118, 90337, 82676, 49203, 1499, 51514, 6770, 20066, 19386, 5484, 6358, 
                         8122, 5782, 2094, 33786, 605, 19503 }
        if not  HaveDebuff(t,debuff,1) 
        and not BeingTarget(t) 
        and not PQR_IsOutOfSight(t) 
        and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(t) 
        and UnitCanAttack("player",t) 
        and IsSpellInRange(tostring(GetSpellInfo(118)),t) == 1 
        then return true end
      polyfunctions = true
    --if IsRightShiftKeyDown() and not GetCurrentKeyBoardFocus() then 
    if CanbeCC("mouseover") and not UnitIsUnit("target","mouseover") then PQR_CustomTarget = "mouseover" return true end
     -- elseif CanbeCC("focus") then PQR_CustomTarget = "focus" return true end 
    -- else 
    --    for n=1,GetNumArenaOpponents() do
       --  if CanbeCC("arena"..n) then PQR_CustomTarget = "arena"..n return true end
     --  end
    --  end
    Last edited by Gabbz; 10-30-2012 at 07:13 AM. Reason: added CC part
    Looking for exploiters and botters to Elder Scrolls Online.

    [PQR] [PvP] Lists
  2. #2
    Ninjaderp's Avatar Banned
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    Great idea, I think a lot of people might find this useful in making profiles! +rep

  3. #3
    Mirabis's Avatar Member
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    This is a life saver +rep

  4. #4
    failroad's Avatar Banned
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    heres a prolist for cc's

    -- Death Knight
    [108194] = "CC", -- Asphyxiate
    [115001] = "CC", -- Remorseless Winter
    [47476] = "Silence", -- Strangulate
    [96294] = "Root", -- Chains of Ice (Chilblains)
    [45524] = "Snare", -- Chains of Ice
    [50435] = "Snare", -- Chilblains
    --[43265] = "Snare", -- Death and Decay (Glyph of Death and Decay) - no way to distinguish between glyphed spell and normal.
    [115000] = "Snare", -- Remorseless Winter
    [115018] = "Immune", -- Desecrated Ground
    [48707] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Anti-Magic Shell
    [48792] = "Other", -- Icebound Fortitude
    [49039] = "Other", -- Lichborne
    --[51271] = "Other", -- Pillar of Frost
    -- Death Knight Ghoul
    [91800] = "CC", -- Gnaw
    [91797] = "CC", -- Monstrous Blow (Dark Transformation)
    [91807] = "Root", -- Shambling Rush (Dark Transformation)
    -- Druid
    [102795] = "CC", -- Bear Hug
    [33786] = "CC", -- Cyclone
    [99] = "CC", -- Disorienting Roar
    [2637] = "CC", -- Hibernate
    [22570] = "CC", -- Maim
    [5211] = "CC", -- Mighty Bash
    [9005] = "CC", -- Pounce
    [102546] = "CC", -- Pounce (Incarnation)
    [114238] = "Silence", -- Fae Silence (Glyph of Fae Silence)
    [81261] = "Silence", -- Solar Beam
    [339] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots
    [19975] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Nature's Grasp)
    [45334] = "Root", -- Immobilized (Wild Charge - Bear)
    [102359] = "Root", -- Mass Entanglement
    [50259] = "Snare", -- Dazed (Wild Charge - Cat)
    [58180] = "Snare", -- Infected Wounds
    [61391] = "Snare", -- Typhoon
    [127797] = "Snare", -- Ursol's Vortex
    --[dontknow] = "Snare", -- Wild Mushroom: Detonate
    -- Druid Symbiosis
    [110698] = "CC", -- Hammer of Justice (Paladin)
    [113004] = "CC", -- Intimidating Roar [Fleeing in fear] (Warrior)
    [113056] = "CC", -- Intimidating Roar [Cowering in fear] (Warrior)
    [126458] = "Disarm", -- Grapple Weapon (Monk)
    [110693] = "Root", -- Frost Nova (Mage)
    [110610] = "Snare", -- Ice Trap (Hunter)
    [110617] = "Immune", -- Deterrence (Hunter)
    [110715] = "Immune", -- Dispersion (Priest)
    [110700] = "Immune", -- Divine Shield (Paladin)
    [110696] = "Immune", -- Ice Block (Mage)
    [110570] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Anti-Magic Shell (Death Knight)
    [110788] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Cloak of Shadows (Rogue)
    [113002] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Spell Reflection (Warrior)
    [110791] = "Other", -- Evasion (Rogue)
    [110575] = "Other", -- Icebound Fortitude (Death Knight)
    [122291] = "Other", -- Unending Resolve (Warlock)
    -- Hunter
    [117526] = "CC", -- Binding Shot
    [3355] = "CC", -- Freezing Trap
    [1513] = "CC", -- Scare Beast
    [19503] = "CC", -- Scatter Shot
    [19386] = "CC", -- Wyvern Sting
    [34490] = "Silence", -- Silencing Shot
    [19185] = "Root", -- Entrapment
    [128405] = "Root", -- Narrow Escape
    [35101] = "Snare", -- Concussive Barrage
    [5116] = "Snare", -- Concussive Shot
    [61394] = "Snare", -- Frozen Wake (Glyph of Freezing Trap)
    [13810] = "Snare", -- Ice Trap
    [19263] = "Immune", -- Deterrence
    -- Hunter Pets
    [90337] = "CC", -- Bad Manner (Monkey)
    [24394] = "CC", -- Intimidation
    [126246] = "CC", -- Lullaby (Crane)
    [126355] = "CC", -- Paralyzing Quill (Porcupine)
    [126423] = "CC", -- Petrifying Gaze (Basilisk)
    [50519] = "CC", -- Sonic Blast (Bat)
    [56626] = "CC", -- Sting (Wasp)
    [50541] = "Disarm", -- Clench (Scorpid)
    [91644] = "Disarm", -- Snatch (Bird of Prey)
    [50245] = "Root", -- Pin (Crab)
    [54706] = "Root", -- Venom Web Spray (Silithid)
    [4167] = "Root", -- Web (Spider)
    [50433] = "Snare", -- Ankle Crack (Crocolisk)
    [54644] = "Snare", -- Frost Breath (Chimaera)
    [19574] = "Immune", -- Bestial Wrath
    [54216] = "Other", -- Master's Call (root and snare immune only)
    -- Mage
    [118271] = "CC", -- Combustion Impact
    [44572] = "CC", -- Deep Freeze
    [31661] = "CC", -- Dragon's Breath
    [118] = "CC", -- Polymorph
    [61305] = "CC", -- Polymorph: Black Cat
    [28272] = "CC", -- Polymorph: Pig
    [61721] = "CC", -- Polymorph: Rabbit
    [61780] = "CC", -- Polymorph: Turkey
    [28271] = "CC", -- Polymorph: Turtle
    [82691] = "CC", -- Ring of Frost
    [102051] = "Silence", -- Frostjaw (also a root)
    [55021] = "Silence", -- Silenced - Improved Counterspell
    [122] = "Root", -- Frost Nova
    [111340] = "Root", -- Ice Ward
    [11113] = "Snare", -- Blast Wave - gone?
    [121288] = "Snare", -- Chilled (Frost Armor)
    [120] = "Snare", -- Cone of Cold
    [116] = "Snare", -- Frostbolt
    [44614] = "Snare", -- Frostfire Bolt
    [113092] = "Snare", -- Frost Bomb
    [31589] = "Snare", -- Slow
    [45438] = "Immune", -- Ice Block
    [115760] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Glyph of Ice Block
    -- Mage Water Elemental
    [33395] = "Root", -- Freeze
    -- Monk
    [123393] = "CC", -- Breath of Fire (Glyph of Breath of Fire)
    [126451] = "CC", -- Clash
    [122242] = "CC", -- Clash (not sure which one is right)
    [119392] = "CC", -- Charging Ox Wave
    [119381] = "CC", -- Leg Sweep
    [115078] = "CC", -- Paralysis
    [117368] = "Disarm", -- Grapple Weapon
    [116709] = "Silence", -- Spear Hand Strike
    [116706] = "Root", -- Disable
    [113275] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Symbiosis)
    [123407] = "Root", -- Spinning Fire Blossom
    [116095] = "Snare", -- Disable
    [118585] = "Snare", -- Leer of the Ox
    [123727] = "Snare", -- Dizzying Haze
    [123586] = "Snare", -- Flying Serpent Kick
    [131523] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Zen Meditation
    -- Paladin
    [105421] = "CC", -- Blinding Light
    [115752] = "CC", -- Blinding Light (Glyph of Blinding Light)
    [105593] = "CC", -- Fist of Justice
    [853] = "CC", -- Hammer of Justice
    [119072] = "CC", -- Holy Wrath
    [20066] = "CC", -- Repentance
    [10326] = "CC", -- Turn Evil
    [31935] = "Silence", -- Avenger's Shield
    [110300] = "Snare", -- Burden of Guilt
    [63529] = "Snare", -- Dazed - Avenger's Shield
    [20170] = "Snare", -- Seal of Justice
    [642] = "Immune", -- Divine Shield
    [31821] = "Other", -- Aura Mastery
    -- Priest
    [113506] = "CC", -- Cyclone (Symbiosis)
    [605] = "CC", -- Dominate Mind
    [88625] = "CC", -- Holy Word: Chastise
    [64044] = "CC", -- Psychic Horror
    [8122] = "CC", -- Psychic Scream
    [113792] = "CC", -- Psychic Terror (Psyfiend)
    [9484] = "CC", -- Shackle Undead
    [87204] = "CC", -- Sin and Punishment
    [15487] = "Silence", -- Silence
    [64058] = "Disarm", -- Psychic Horror
    [113275] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Symbiosis)
    [87194] = "Root", -- Glyph of Mind Blast
    [114404] = "Root", -- Void Tendril's Grasp
    [15407] = "Snare", -- Mind Flay
    [47585] = "Immune", -- Dispersion
    [114239] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Phantasm
    -- Rogue
    [2094] = "CC", -- Blind
    [1833] = "CC", -- Cheap Shot
    [1776] = "CC", -- Gouge
    [408] = "CC", -- Kidney Shot
    [113953] = "CC", -- Paralysis (Paralytic Poison)
    [6770] = "CC", -- Sap
    [1330] = "Silence", -- Garrote - Silence
    [51722] = "Disarm", -- Dismantle
    [115197] = "Root", -- Partial Paralysis
    [3409] = "Snare", -- Crippling Poison
    [26679] = "Snare", -- Deadly Throw
    [119696] = "Snare", -- Debilitation
    [31224] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Cloak of Shadows
    [45182] = "Other", -- Cheating Death
    [5277] = "Other", -- Evasion
    --[76577] = "Other", -- Smoke Bomb
    [88611] = "Other", -- Smoke Bomb
    -- Shaman
    [76780] = "CC", -- Bind Elemental
    [77505] = "CC", -- Earthquake
    [51514] = "CC", -- Hex
    [118905] = "CC", -- Static Charge (Capacitor Totem)
    [113287] = "Silence", -- Solar Beam (Symbiosis)
    [64695] = "Root", -- Earthgrab (Earthgrab Totem)
    [63685] = "Root", -- Freeze (Frozen Power)
    [3600] = "Snare", -- Earthbind (Earthbind Totem)
    [77478] = "Snare", -- Earthquake (Glyph of Unstable Earth)
    [8034] = "Snare", -- Frostbrand Attack
    [8056] = "Snare", -- Frost Shock
    [51490] = "Snare", -- Thunderstorm
    [8178] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Grounding Totem Effect (Grounding Totem)
    -- Shaman Primal Earth Elemental
    [118345] = "CC", -- Pulverize
    -- Warlock
    [710] = "CC", -- Banish
    [54786] = "CC", -- Demonic Leap (Metamorphosis)
    [5782] = "CC", -- Fear
    [118699] = "CC", -- Fear
    [5484] = "CC", -- Howl of Terror
    [6789] = "CC", -- Mortal Coil
    [30283] = "CC", -- Shadowfury
    [104045] = "CC", -- Sleep (Metamorphosis)
    [31117] = "Silence", -- Unstable Affliction
    [18223] = "Snare", -- Curse of Exhaustion
    [47960] = "Snare", -- Shadowflame
    [110913] = "Other", -- Dark Bargain
    [104773] = "Other", -- Unending Resolve
    -- Warlock Pets
    [89766] = "CC", -- Axe Toss (Felguard/Wrathguard)
    [115268] = "CC", -- Mesmerize (Shivarra)
    [6358] = "CC", -- Seduction (Succubus)
    [24259] = "Silence", -- Spell Lock (Felhunter/Observer)
    [118093] = "Disarm", -- Disarm (Voidwalker/Voidlord)
    -- Warrior
    [7922] = "CC", -- Charge Stun
    [118895] = "CC", -- Dragon Roar
    [5246] = "CC", -- Intimidating Shout (aoe)
    [20511] = "CC", -- Intimidating Shout (targeted)
    [132168] = "CC", -- Shockwave
    [105771] = "CC", -- Warbringer
    [18498] = "Silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order
    [676] = "Disarm", -- Disarm
    [107566] = "Root", -- Staggering Shout
    [1715] = "Snare", -- Hamstring
    [12323] = "Snare", -- Piercing Howl
    [46924] = "Immune", -- Bladestorm
    [23920] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Spell Reflection
    [114028] = "ImmuneSpell", -- Mass Spell Reflection
    [18499] = "Other", -- Berserker Rage
    -- Other
    [30217] = "CC", -- Adamantite Grenade
    [67769] = "CC", -- Cobalt Frag Bomb
    [30216] = "CC", -- Fel Iron Bomb
    [107079] = "CC", -- Quaking Palm
    [13327] = "CC", -- Reckless Charge
    [20549] = "CC", -- War Stomp
    [25046] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Energy)
    [28730] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Mana)
    [50613] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Runic Power)
    [69179] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Rage)
    [80483] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Focus)
    [129597] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Chi)
    [39965] = "Root", -- Frost Grenade
    [55536] = "Root", -- Frostweave Net
    [13099] = "Root", -- Net-o-Matic
    [1604] = "Snare", -- Dazed

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