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    noes's Avatar Contributor

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    League of Legends level 30 account (Inc. Rare skins)

    Hello there,

    I'm selling my LoL account (EUW)

    Here's a list of the champions I own/don't own including there skins (Highlighted the more 'special' skins)

    Ahri - All skins
    Akali - NOT OWNED
    Alistar - Unchained Alistar
    Amumu - NO SKINS
    Anivia - Hextech Anivia
    Annie - Gothic Annie
    Ashe - NO SKINS
    Blitzcrank - Definitely not Blitzcrank [Rare from Halloween 2011]
    Brand - NOT OWNED
    Caitlyn - NO SKINS
    Cassiopeia - NO SKINS
    Cho'Gath - Gentleman Cho'Gath [Legendary]
    Corki - Hot Rod Corki + Baron Corki [Legendary]
    Dr Mundi - Toxic Dr. Mundi [Legacy] + Corporate Mundi [Legendary]
    Evelynn - NO SKINS
    Ezreal - NOT OWNED
    Fiddlesticks - Party Fiddlesticks [Legendary]
    Fizz - Tundra Fizz
    Galio - NOT OWNED
    Gangplank - All skins apart from Ghost Gangplank [Including X-mass 2011 Gangplank]
    Garen - NO SKINS
    Gragas - EQ Gragas
    Graves - Hired Gun Graves
    Heimerdinger - Blast Zone heimerdinger + Snowmerdinger [X-mass 2011 Skin]
    Irelia - NO SKINS
    Janna - NO SKINS
    Jarvan - NO SKINS
    Jax - NO SKINS
    Karma - NO SKINS
    Karthus - Grim Reaper Karthus
    Kassadin - NO SKINS
    Katarina - NO SKINS
    Kayle - Judgement Kayle
    Kennen - NOT OWNED
    Kog'Maw - Lion Dance Kog'Maw [Legendary]
    Leblanc - NOT OWNED
    Lee Sing - Dragon Fist Lee Sing
    Leona - NOT OWNED
    Lux - Commander Lux
    Malphite - Shamrock Malphite [Legacy]
    Malzahar - NO SKINS
    Maokai - X-mass Maokai [X-mass 2011 Skin]
    Master Yi - Chosen Master Yi
    Miss Fortune - NOT OWNED
    Mordekaiser - Dragon Knight Mordekaiser [Legacy]
    Morgana - NO SKINS
    Nasus - K9 Nasus [Rare PAX skin]
    Nidalee - NO SKINS
    Nocture - Haunting Nocture [Halloween 2011 Skin]
    Nunu - Demolisher Nunu
    Olaf - Brolaf [Legendary]
    Orianna - NO SKINS
    Pantheon - NOT OWNED
    Poppy - NO SKINS
    Rammus - NO SKINS
    Renekton - NO SKINS
    Riven - NO SKINS
    Rumble - Rumble in the Jungle
    Ryze - Uncle Ryze
    Sejuani - NOT OWNED
    Shaco - Mad Hatter Shaco
    Shen - NO SKINS
    Shyvana - NOT OWNED
    Singed - Surfer Singed
    Sion - NO SKINS
    Sivir - Pax Sivir [Rare Pax Skin]
    Skarner - NO SKINS
    Sona - NO SKINS
    Soraka - NO SKINS
    Swain - Bilgewater Swain
    Talon - NOT OWNED
    Taric - NO SKINS
    Teemo - NO SKINS
    Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana
    Trundle - Lil' Slugger Trundle
    Tryndamere - King Tryndamere
    Twisted Fate - Musketeer Twisted Fate
    Twitch - Gangster Twitch
    Udyr - Black Belt Udyr
    Urgot - NO SKINS
    Vayne - NO SKINS
    Veigar - White Mage Veigar
    Viktor - Prototype Viktor
    Vladimir - NO SKINS
    Volibear - ALL SKINS
    Warwick - NO SKINS
    Wukong - NOT OWNED
    Xerath - ALL SKINS
    Xin Zhao - NO SKINS
    Yorick - Gravekeeper Yorick
    Zilean - Shurima Desert Zilean



    Not owned Champions:

    Interested? Add me on MSN: [email protected] or just make a post.

    And offer ahead, I don't know the value of LoL accounts.

    League of Legends level 30 account (Inc. Rare skins)

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