Advanced Model Edits - Rules
General site rules apply here as well!
If you haven't already read them, DO IT NOW!
You are allowed to post following things in this section:
- World Building
- Area Changes
- Custom Models (Also model & animation porting etc.)
- Other professional and 'advanced' edits
Do NOT post following things in this section:
- Questions or Requests
- Tools
- Programs
- Model swaps
- Texture Swaps/Reskins
- UI modifications (logo edits and such)
- Anything that can be described with the word 'simple'
- Offtopic discussion
Name your thread properly and remember to [TAG] your thread titles!
-Here are some [TAG]s you can use: [World Building] [Area Change] [WIP] [Showoff] [Release].
(WIP stands for "Work In Process")
"my island" WRONG
"Xel's own little island" WRONG
"Xel's own little island" [World Building]" WRONG
"<Xel's> own little island" WRONG
"[Xel's own little island]" WRONG
"[World Building] Xel's own little island" CORRECT!