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    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Priest macros!

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    So i came across this @ priest forums and i thought it was quite usefull so.. i give you! WALL OF MACRO TEXT! <3Hope you find something usefull

    General Macros

    Cast a spell:

    • Cast the highest rank of spell_name that you know:
      /cast spell_name
      example: /cast Flash Heal
    • Cast the Nth rank of spell_name:
      /cast spell_name(rank N)
      example: /cast Greater Heal(rank 2)
    • Cast a sequence of spells (you of course need to press the macro again everytime you want the next spell of the sequence to be cast):
      • Cast the spells spell_name1, spell_name2, spell_name3 (etc...) in this order (you can precise the rank to use too):
        /castsequence spell_name1,spell_name2,spell_name3
        example: /castsequence Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection
      • Same, but the sequence will start again to the first spell after N seconds:
        /castsequence reset=N spell_name1,spell_name2,spell_name3
        example: /castsequence reset=10 Inner Fire, Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection

        You can replace one (or more) of the spell names by item names to use items instead of casting spells in this sequence.

    • Cast a random spell from the list spell_name1, spell_name2, spell_name3 (etc... and you can precise the rank to use too):
      /castrandom spell_name1,spell_name2,spell_name3
      example: /castrandom Holy Fire,Smite(rank 1) (not sure if there's any way to make that useful )

      You can replace one (or more) of the spell names by item names to use items instead of casting spells from this list.

    Use a trinket (or another equipped item):

    • Use the trinket in the upper slot:
      /use 13
    • Use the trinket in the lower slot:
      /use 14
    • Use the trinket called trinket_name wherever it is:
      /use trinket_name
      example: /use Zandalarian Hero Charm

    Equip an item:

    • Equip the item called item_name as if you right-clicked it in your bag:
      /equip item_name
      example: /equip Anathema
    • Equip the item called item_name in the inventory slot N (Rings are 11 and 12, Trinkets are 13 and 14, and you probably don't care about the others):
      /equipslot N item_name
      example: /equipslot 13 Zandalarian Hero Charm

    Use an item from your bags:

    • Use an item called item_name wherever it is stored:
      /use item_name
      example: /use Major Mana Potion
    • Use a random item from the list item_name1, item_name2, item_name3 (etc...):
      /userandom item_name1,item_name2,item_name3
      example: /userandom Black War Tiger,Black War Steed
    • Use items in a sequence of items one after each other:
      See the spell cast macros (/castsequence)

    Target someone:

    • Target the unit called target_name:
      /tar target_name (example: /tar Bigtank)
    • Target someone by unit identification:
      • Target yourself:
        /tar player
      • Target your focus ("focus" is a new unit identification that can be set fast and remembers an important target for you, probably a main tank, a mage that often dies, a boss or something like that. See the "Set focus" macro below):
        /tar focus
      • Target the Nth party member (you aren't the 1st, there are 4 party members in a full group):
        /tar partyN
        example: /tar party2
      • Target the Nth raid member:
        /tar raidN
        example: /tar raid8
      • Target the target of a unit which identification is unit_ID:
        /tar unit_ID
        example: /tar party1target
      • Target the pet of a unit which identification is unit_ID:
        /tar unit_IDpet
        example: /tar raid3pet or even /tar raid23pettargettargetpet. Not sure it'll help a lot though...

    • Target your last target:
    • Clear your target:

    "Focus" is a new unit identification that remembers an important target for you, probably a main tank, a mage that often dies, a boss or something like that (copy-pasting myself, yes, i know ^^).

    • Focus can be set on any unit that has an identification (see above in the targeting macros what identifications are). To set the unit which identification is unit_ID as your focused unit, use:
      /focus unit_ID
      example: /focus (probably the one you're gonna use most)
    • Target your focused unit:
      /tar focus
    • Clear your focused unit:
    Random Macros

    Yes, this post needs a serious update

    Ask a random mage / druid for buffs / water
    (seen on the french UI forum, thanks Magus)
    /run a=0 d={} for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do if UnitClass("raid"..i)=="Mage" then a=a+1 d[a]=UnitName("raid"..i) end end local n=d[random(1,a)] SendChatMessage("Hi, "..n..", may I have an Intellect Buff please?","WHISER",nil,n)
    This is an example, you have to replace Mage and the text of the whisper depending on what you're asking for. (The ..n.. basically means that the name of the person you are gonna whisper will be displayed here. You could use a simple message as well of course)

    You're spammed by LFG people? Answer automatically when invited to join a group:
    It works with 2 macros:

    • The first macro has to be used once when you log in to load the "mod":
      /run if not AnsInvL then AnsInvL=1 local f=CreateFrame("Frame","AnsInvF") f:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") end AnsInvT={"ubrs","brd","strat","scholo","dm"} AnsFun=function(n) SendChatMessage("No, sorry","WHISPER",nil,n) end
    • The second macro toggles the auto-answer between on and off:
      /run local a=not AnsInv local f AnsInv=a DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage((a and "On") or "Off")if a then f=function()for k,v in AnsInvT do if strfind(strlower(arg1),v)then AnsFun(arg2)break end end end else f=function()end end AnsInvF:SetScript("OnEvent",f)

    To enable this function, you have to use the 1st macro once, and then the 2nd macro. To disable it, use the 2nd macro. To re-enable it, use the 2nd macro too, etc.
    (There is a small addon that does it better, I know i saw it on but I couldn't find it back today :/ Anyway it's possible to make this one better using the little "how to make an addon" below)

    Macro options

    Options are the way macros can make very slight choices for you. Usually, it won't really be a decision but more a way to make a compact button that does several things depending on a situation, but you'll always know what it will cast when you press it. Basically, the syntax looks like that:
    /command [option] action; [option1,option2] action
    I don't want to give a lot of theory, so I'll just list the options and give examples, it's probably the best way to explain.

    The options sorted from the one i consider the most useful to the stupidest, so read the first 5/6 ones before to request a macro

    • Executes an action on a specified unit rather than on your target (here unit_ID, see the part about targeting macros above to know what unit identifications are):
      example: /cast [target=targettarget] Flash Heal (casts Flash Heal on your target's target)
      example: /cast [target=focus] Shield (casts a shield on your focus target, a mage AoEing for instance, see the "focus" part above)
    • Executes an action only if the target is friendly:
      example: /cast [help] Shield
    • Executes an action only if the target is enemy:
      example: /use [harm] Zandalarian Hero Charm
    • Executes an action only if you are in shadowform:
      example: /cast [stance:1] Mind Flay;Renew (casts mind flay if you are in shadowform, renew if you aren't)
    • Executes and action depending on if you are pressing alt/ctrl/shift or not
      example: /cast [modifier:ctrl] Prayer of Fortitude;Power Word: Fortitude (casts PWF, or PoF if you pressed ctrl while clicking)
    • Executes an action only if you are in combat:
      example: /cast [combat] Flash Heal;Greater Heal (casts flash heal if you are in combat, if not, it casts greater heal instead)[/i]
    • Executes an action depending on if you're mounted or not:
      example: /use [mounted] Reins of the Black War Tiger;Major Healing Potion (will either use a healing pot, or dismount so you can press it again to use the healing pot)
    • Executes an action only if you're channeling a spell
      [channeling] (or [channeling:spell_name] for a test on a specific spell)
      no example, i couldn't think of something
    • Executes an action only if your target is dead
      example: /cast [dead] Resurrection;Greater Heal
    • Other options that aren't really useful in my opinion (at least for priests):
      • [stealth]
      • [flying]
      • [indoors]
      • [outdoors]
      • [swimming]
      • [pet:name or family] (choose depending on if your pet has the given name or is from the given family)
      • [actionbar:bar] (choose depending on if an action bar is shown or not. i didn't get the point)
      • [button:button (same as "modifier" but with any button, i think)
      • [equipped:invslot or itemclass or itemsubclass (probably for rogues: if i have a dagger, then evicerate, else blablabla)

    • Another important thing: /stopmacro
      This command is meant to be used with an option, and if the requirement of the option are matched, it stops the macro. For example:
      /cast inner focus
      /stopmacro [help]
      /cast holy fire
      /s Be burnt!

      (casts inner focus (with a stopcasting to remove the "little" cooldown), then if your target is friendly, it stops; else, it continues and casts holy fire and says a stupid sentence that i could have made better)
    • A last and not really important thing: #show
      If you want a macro to show a specific spell's cooldown/range, it is easy, you just have to put #show spell_name at the beginning. Example:
      #show Mind Blast
      /cast inner focus
      /cast mind blast

      (without the #show, this macro's button would have displayed inner focus' cooldown and no range thing, while now, it will show mind blast's cooldown and will be colored when you're out of mind blast's range)
    • Macros that always try to cast a "no GCD" spell.
      Those macros (the example above with inner focus and mind blast), which are supposed to be used instead of your normal spell (here: mind blast) have an annoying side effect: they trigger a written error message (and a vocal one, depending on your settings) when the bonus spell (here: inner focus) is on cooldown ("This spell isn't ready yet").
      There's a way to correct that and make those macro good again, it is to use _incoming advertising_ an addon i have made and posted here:
      How to use it? It's written on the page there, but basically, you have one command to stop errors and one to enable them again: /err0 and /err1. The previous macro would become:
      #show Mind Blast
      /cast inner focus
      /cast mind blast

      And voila, no more error spam
    Useful Macro Examples

    I will write here the macros that appear later in this post, either in my answers to other priests or in suggestions if you have a favorite macro that you would like to be added. I'm probably not gonna add everything, I'll try to keep the redundancy as low as possible, and I will rather thank you in the thread than in this post to make it less messy (unless you want a copyright ^^).
    This post will be divided in several "mini-post" as soon as i can make enough real categories. At the moment, it would be worthless.

    Desperate Prayer for Shadowpriests

    • If you are not in Shadowform, the first click will cast Desperate Prayer, the second one will cast Shadowform.
      If you are in Shadowform, the first click will remove Shadowform, the second click will cast Desperate Prayer, and the third click will cast Shadowform again.
      The cycle resets after 10 seconds, you can of course change it.
      /cast [stance] Shadowform
      /castsequence [nostance] reset=10 Desperate Prayer, Shadowform

    Shackle Undead macros

    • If you have no focused unit or if your focused unit is dead, this macro will in one click: set focus on your current target, put the orange raid target icon on it, and shackle it.
      If you already have a focused unit that is alive (probably because you have already used the macro once), it will cast shackle on it without changing your target.
      If you don't know what this means, as it's extremely helpful, either try it to understand how it works or just post here and I'll try to explain it better.
      /focus [target=focus,noexists]
      /focus [target=focus,dead]
      /cast [target=focus] Shackle Undead
      /run SetRaidTarget("focus",2)
    • Reset the previous macro (might be useful in a messy fight in which you want to shackle a new target before the old one is dead). It removes the raid target icon on your focused unit (unless it's not your icon but a new one, because the raid leader might have set your target to skull for some reason and you don't want to remove skull). Then it clears your focus.
      /run if GetRaidTargetIndex("focus")==2 then SetRaidTarget("focus",0) end

    Shadow PvE cycle

    • It will cycle your shadow spells with a decent (but not optimal) order. VE isn't included, you have to press it separately if you want it up. The macro starts back to the beginning of the cycle if combat ends or if you change target. It's a "1 button Karazhan raid" macro. Don't forget that some parts of the instances require more than that
      /castsequence [nochanneling:Mind Flay] reset=target/combat Vampiric Touch,Shadow Word: Pain,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Shadow Word: Pain,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay

    Mount / Dismount

    • When you bind your mount to a key, if you mount and press the key right after, there is a mechanism that prevents you from dismounting during about 1 sec (except if you right click the mount buff). It is annoying because it happens from time that you mount and want to dismount right after (a mob spawns, you are attacked, anything like that). This macro will mount and dismount faster than a simple use of your mount item:
      /dismount [mounted]
      /stopmacro [mounted]
      /use Black War Steed Bridle

      Of course you have to replace the name of my mount with the name of yours. You can just open your bags, write the first part of the macro, and shift+click on your mount to automatically write the last line with no spelling mistake. I'll edit that when the [flying] option becomes available.
    And that was it Layrajha
    • Grim Batol = CREDIT!

    Priest macros!
  2. #2
    Adosi's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Very nice guide +rep

  3. #3
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Even tho you're a warr, you could find a use for some of it

    Ohh and by the way, you might wanna check this out, Adosi.
    Last edited by Nugma; 05-08-2007 at 06:18 AM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

  4. #4
    Shizmaster's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Great stuff. never took the time to learn the macro system in WoW, so I think maybe I will now. Thanks +rep
    I like you. That being said; when I take over the world, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless.

  5. #5
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Ohh and try this macro out: ./castsequence [nochanneling:Mind Flay] reset=target/combat Vampiric Embrace,Vampiric Touch,Shadow Word: Pain,Mind Blast,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Blast,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Shadow Word: Pain,Mind BlastVampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay
    Set the icon to the questionmark and there, have fun mashing one button

  6. #6
    kelat's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Priest macros!

    666 posts.

    6): 6): 6):

  7. #7
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Kapow Kelat! :d

  8. #8
    lag's Avatar The ERP Chicken
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Originally Posted by kelat
    666 posts.

    6): 6): 6):
    Kelat, that was your worst post ever. -666 rep.

    Marlo was here || idusy was here cause he feels left out || Im in ur sig , shardin ur letters - Flying Piggy || Errage was here- Wait, what? || ''Edge was here'' imo =P || Dragonshadow's name makes this too long |2d is hot|

  9. #9
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Noes Lag

  10. #10
    kelat's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Priest macros!

    aye, ill agree it was twas an evil post, best not to waste too many words on it. :O

  11. #11
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Originally Posted by kelat
    aye, ill agree it was twas an evil post, best not to waste too many words on it. :O

  12. #12
    Alkhara Majere's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Please watch where you post.

  13. #13
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Priest macros!

    Originally Posted by Majere
    Please watch where you post.
    Will do

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