Private server - Warmane Icecrown account
Price - 250$
Account Donation rank: Premium
9x lvl 80 characters,
Every character have 6k + gearscore,
Every character have fast flying,
Every character have dual talent specialization except hunter and 6239 gs rogue,
Every character have all best enchants and gems on all items,
Some with RS HC and LOD Achievements
Overall gold balance is 22k
All gs of gear mentioned is PVE
6349 gs / troll rogue + decent pvp gear
6091 gs / tauren feral druid
6394 gs / LOD/RS 25 HC achi / undead warlock
6067 gs / orc hunter
6354 gs / LOD achi / DBW HC / troll rogue
6054 gs / orc warlock
6251 gs / troll mage
6088 gs / 1Heroic mark / troll mage
6239 gs / troll rogue
Payment methods - Crypto, Paypal, Skrill
Can go through middle man with + 15$ to cover part of fee
Discord contact username - baki_2
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