Hi Fam, Would like to sell my account
as i no longer playing this game, and decided to quit this game,
Looking forward for serious buyer who willing to continue the journey of my account,
If youre interested, do not hesitate to add me in discord to discuss further!
517 energy / 422 CP,
39b silver on the market.
Hex Sov Wep (Main)
Pen Sov Wep (Awak with Garmoth)
Pen BS Offhand (With Garmoth)
Pen Nouver c20 (With Garmoth)
Pen Artina Sol Updraded (With Garmoth)
6 Nov Kharazard acc's
Exalted Vell's Heart
Pen Dawn Earring
Pen Disto Earring
Pen Taebak Belt
Pen Sicil Necklace
Pen Centaur Belt
2 Pen Narc Earrings
11 cups for acc's
2 Wailing armor's
2 Silent armor's
4 Kabua's Artifact
Krogdalo's Sanctuary (3 t10's Horses)
Hp / Mana infinite potions
2 Carracks (1 of them full blue gear)
1 Forest Path Wagon
41 Storage maids / 15 Central market maids
32 Characters (3 of them with 2k+ weight, and most of them are lvl 62+)
1606 Loot scrolls
295 Radiant Shakatu's Seal
ALOT of failstacks and artisans