Welcome to easy2play's Store
Join on our community for more information for this game and many others:
Discord group: Easy2play
Support and sales discord: jonash6584
Feature List
1-Automatic register accounts.
2-Automatic complete the starting village tutorial.
3-Repair damaged gear.
4-Fix the weight capacity to unload the weight on bank.
5-Automatically will use the Auction House.
6-Can use multiple accounts on same device, 1 account 1 key.
7-Can deposit silver automatically on Guild bank.
8-Unload unique items on storage bank.
10-Support all maps.
11-Support all main professions for farming. (Ore miner, Quarrier, Lumberjack, Skinner, Harvester and Fishing).
12-Automatically will equip and buy the best tool for your profession.
13-Can customize your own routes.
14-Move to specific map (used for hearth tasks, take this need to do manually, then move it automatically).
15-Customize your item Tier list and other tasks.
16-Have proxy functionality itself. (Proxys are acquired separately, highly recommended for multibotting).
Also we have many other tools like:
World of warcraft bots #wow bot
Night crows bot
New world bot
Ni no kuni bot
PoE2 bot
Moonlight sculptor bot
Arthdal Chronicles bot
and much more, if you are looking for some tool on specific let me know, probably i can beat your reseller price.
Join on our community for more information for this game and many others:
Discord group: Easy2play
Support and sales discord: jonash6584