LARGE OSRS Account Stock | Account Seller | 99 Slayers | HCIM Pures + Mains | UNIQUE! menu

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  1. #1
    KanyeRS's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
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    LARGE OSRS Account Stock | Account Seller | 99 Slayers | HCIM Pures + Mains | UNIQUE!

    10% OFF ALL ACCOUNTS UNTIL 01/01/2025

    Discord: kanye_ | Always request a confirmation PM as I have imposters off-site

    - 500+ Vouches off-platform in the OSRS Blackmarket Community
    - $100,000+ dealt with via Account Sales, Middlemanning, GP Sales, etc..
    - Tons of high end, unique, account sales with ZERO recoveries
    - I am solely an account creator to sell. All my workers create accounts safely and efficiently for re-sell.

    Payment Methods
    Cashapp Bitcoin
    Cashapp from wallet with web receipt (depending upon the person/their feedback)
    Other payment options available via websites that take these such as Eldorado/Playerauctions


    Hardcore Ironman Stock

    Pure | Pure Quests | 99 Contruction | 99 Hunter (80-99 at Herbi + Herbi Pet) | 71 Herb Banked XP | 89 Agility | 1250+ Total | Membership until 10/25 | $950 - STATS | BANK
    99 Fishing | 99 Mining | 99 Firemaking | 500+ Crates | $450 - IMAGES
    Barrows Gloves + Base 80 Melee | Full Void | Torso + Dragon Def + Extras | $275 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    Barrows Gloves + Base 80 Melee | Full Void | Torso + Dragon Def + Extras | $275 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT | B
    Barrows Gloves + Base 80 Melee | Full Void | Torso + Dragon Def + Extras | $275 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT | C
    Barrows Gloves + Base 80 Melee | Full Void | Tomb | Torso + Dragon Def + Extras | $275 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT | D
    Barrows Gloves + Base 80 Melee | Full Void | Torso + Dragon Def + Extras | $275 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT | E
    Barrows Gloves | 68 Combat | 900+ Total | $210 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    99 Thieving + Thieving Pet | 99 Firemaking (1,610 Rewards) | $210 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    99 Thieving | 99 Firemaking (1,668 Rewards) | $200 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    99 Firemaking (500+ KC) | 83 Hunter | 70 Agility | $100 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT


    Ironman Stock
    Pure | Quested | 1300+ Total | 99 Construction | 99 Hunter + Herbi Pet + Herb Sack | 89 Agility | 70 Herb Banked XP | $750 - STATS | QUESTS | BANK
    Med Level | 87 Slayer | RFD + Lunars | 40M+ Bank | $600 - STATS | QUESTS | BANK | PREVIOUS BLACKMARK
    Barrows Gloves | Tome | Full Pyro | Rocky Pet & MORE | $180 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT


    Skillers, Pures, & Zerkers
    2X Obby Infernal Pure | 52 Combat | ANCIENTLESS INFERNO | $2,000 - IMAGES
    99 Slayer Voider | Infernal & Quiver | Max Range/Mage | 50 ATT/43 PRAY/42 DEF BUILD | RFD+LUNARS+MM2+ATT QUESTED+FULL VOID | $700 - IMAGES
    92 Combat Max Voider | Infernal & Quiver | AGIL Pet | 200+QP (RFD/Lunars/MM2/DS2/Anchor) | $575 - IMAGES
    99 Slayer Voider | Max Range/Mage | 50ATT/43 PRAY/42 DEF BUILD | RFD+LUNARS+MM2+ATT QUESTED+FULL VOID | $500 - IMAGES
    50 Attack Maxed Pure | Infernal & Quiver | Previous Blackmark | $425 - IMAGES
    Level 3 Skiller | Base 70 Stats | 1,000+ Total | Skilling Outfits | $200 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    Void Starter | RFD+LUNARS+MM2+FULL VOID | Quested for 50ATT/42 DEF | $130 - IMAGES
    75 Defense Pure | 1 Attack + 1 Strength | Trophy Account | $100 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    Barrows Gloves + Lunar Starters | $65 - IMAGES *NOTE STATS MAY VARY*
    99 Magic + 10 HP | $65 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT


    Max 2277 Main | Diaries + Quests Complete | Blood Torva | Infernal + Quiver | 7 Pets | $3,000 - IMAGES
    Quest Point Cape Mains | <100 Combat | 321/321 QP | $350 - IMAGES | VPN ACCOUNT
    I'm always having workers make new inventory so if you are interested in an account please reach out - it may be coming soon.


    - I am not responsible for any infractions/mutes/bans after the account is sold.
    - I will not provide any recovery information for the account. Should the account get locked for reasons such as location/IP changes, I will assist you in getting it unlocked for the warranty period.
    - You may resell my account but I would not provide any support. I will most likely buy back the account for a % of the market value. HCIM that die I will also re-purchase with a discount offered on a new HCIM purchase.
    - I offer a warranty period of 1 month to assist with unlocks/recovery.

    Note: I've sold 500+ accounts easily with no concerns, recoveries, scams, sketchiness, etc.. I typically will attempt to assist outside the one month period but I label the one month to ensure people don't try to re-sell and get me to recover to scam. Realistically there shouldn't be any concerns with the account and on rare occasions accounts get locked due to IP changes (within the first 24 hours typically).

    LARGE OSRS Account Stock | Account Seller | 99 Slayers | HCIM Pures + Mains | UNIQUE!

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