Sick of wasting your time farming pressing keys on your keyboard? let our farming bot do the work for you!
Should work in ANY KMS/GMS/SEA server.
The bot currently tested and in GMS , ElunaMS , MapleRoyals , ExtremeMS , CastelaMS , It should work in any other server aswell
With 3 types of farming bots!
Auto Mode - Set the locations you want to attack and let the bot do the rest!
Platform Mode - Set the areas you want to attack and let the bot do the rest!
Script Mode - Write your own rotation to integrate with the app to make it as accurate as you want!
Auto Rune solver:
Solves almost any possible rune (Even customized runes), the only thing it doesnt solve is spinning runes (Will probably solve in the future)
All Modes have:
Auto Buff - auto buff you at a certain time | Buffs can be timed after other buffs!
Auto Consumables - choose the buffs you want to use and let the bot buff you!
Auto Sol Janus placement - you can set your Sol Janus at a specific locations in the map!
Auto Erda Shower placement - you can set your Erda Shower to be activated at a specific location in the map!
Auto Mode and Platform Mode can create up to 3 rotations that will be swapped randomly in every given time!
Telegram and Notifications
No need to sit infront of your computer just toggle the notifications and when:
Elite boss appear - you will get a notification and auto cc up to you!
Players Detection - when a player enter your map you will be notified and you can set the bot to automatically cc for you!
Player disconnected - disconnected from the server? dont worry there is auto login! you will also be notified!
Lie detector - Lie Detector appeared? dont worry you will be notified as soon it appear!
Take a screenshoot remotely and see whats going on!
Take a short video of the game!
Type remotely via telegram command!
Start/Stop any of the bots remotely
Auto CC - Change channel for you every certain time
Auto Attack Mode- Attacks on the way to the locations you set
and many more options
Contact me on Discord: AutoCuber1
or join
Exteme ( ExtremeMS )
Eluna ( ElunaMS )
Aries ( AriesMS )
MapleOrigin ( Originms )
Ranmelle ( Ranmellems )
Kaizen ( kaizenms )
Castela ( Castelams )
Dream ( DreamMS )
and list go on.....