WoW Classic 1.15.3.x - Trouble Locating Player Temporary Enchants
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to obtain mainhand/offhand temporary weapon enchant data for any of the current classic builds?
It almost looks like there should be a pointer to the player's inventory/equipment at offset 0x14060 from the player base. I attempted to find this in IDA via GetWeaponEnchantInfo().
In the 1.12 client temporary weapon enchants (fishing lures, flametongue/rockbiter, rogue poisons, etc) had their own offset separate from the aura table. Not sure if this is still the case.
EDIT: I'm guessing it is not the case. Seems like you can get the required info via iterating through the item objects in the object manager though and polling their offsets for temporary weapon enchant id and expiry timestamp. Please feel free to ignore my question if this is the only way.
Here are some insignificant pointers/offsets from the current build I would like to share:
object_manager = 0x38c5420
player_guid = 0x380d8b0
mouseover_guid = 0x3924d78
chat_frame_open = 0x37dbc24
# target guid ptrs, starting at: xmmword_7FF6208C5EF8
player_target_guid = 0x35d4398 # ??
# camera mgr
camera_manager = 0x37e95b0
# camera ptr
camera = 0x39E0
Thank you.
Last edited by dreadcraft; 4 Weeks Ago at 07:06 AM.
"temp_enchant_id": 0x2F4,
"temp_enchant_duration": 0x2F8,
This may be outdated..
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie~ Recently I'm trying to study how to execute API externally and get the return value of API, as well as the release of aoe spells, come on!
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dreadcraft (1 members gave Thanks to qop1832 for this useful post)
Originally Posted by
"temp_enchant_id": 0x2F4,
"temp_enchant_duration": 0x2F8,
This may be outdated..
Thank you, sir!
You’re correct; iterating through item objects in the object manager is likely the best approach for the current build. If you continue having issues, checking recent WoW Classic resources or tools for updated methods might help. I had too many assignments to handle, so I used domypaper.com to help with one of my papers. The service was fast and professional, and the quality of the paper was outstanding. If you’re a student who needs help managing your workload, I highly recommend this service. It’s a great way to get your papers done on time without compromising on quality. I’m really satisfied with the results and will definitely use this service again in the future.
Last edited by BrandonStevens11; 1 Week Ago at 03:31 AM.
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dreadcraft (1 members gave Thanks to BrandonStevens11 for this useful post)
Originally Posted by
All good now?
Nope lol. too busy with work to mess around in IDA lately.
0x14060 looks like the right offset from the object/unit/player base address to get inventory info but what im looking at there doesnt appear to be correct.
i might try and get a modified version of CE and play around with the debugging tools next week if i have time.
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dreadcraft (1 members gave Thanks to Razzue for this useful post)
*(WowGuid)(*(IntPtr*)(PlayerAddress + 0x14068) + i * SlotEnum)
Thank you, Razzue & qop.