Originally Posted by
hi i see this cheat but the hacker is making me pay
can sum1 get the cheat free?? i want to pay once 400 but he say no?
Hey. No cheat should charge a lifetime sub because the cheat can possibly be patched. Then the user will be angry because he or she expected a lifetime sub. I do now offer different monthly subscriptions though instead of just one month to select users. Lastly, lol.. You're asking for a cracked version? That's mean. I'll give you l33t code
00007FF62853A110 | 4C:8BDC | mov r11,rsp |
00007FF62853A113 | 53 | push rbx |
00007FF62853A114 | 48:83EC 50 | sub rsp,0x50 |
00007FF62853A118 | 33C0 | xor eax,eax |
00007FF62853A11A | 49:8D53 C8 | lea rdx,qword ptr ds:[r11-0x38] | [r11-38]:&"PE"
00007FF62853A11E | 48:8BD9 | mov rbx,rcx |
00007FF62853A121 | 48:8941 18 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x18],rax |
00007FF62853A125 | 48:8941 20 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x20],rax |
00007FF62853A129 | 48:8941 28 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x28],rax |
00007FF62853A12D | 48:8941 30 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x30],rax |
00007FF62853A131 | 44:8D40 30 | lea r8d,qword ptr ds:[rax+0x30] |
00007FF62853A135 | 48:8941 38 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x38],rax |
00007FF62853A139 | 48:8941 40 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x40],rax |
00007FF62853A13D | 48:8941 48 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x48],rax |
00007FF62853A141 | 48:8941 50 | mov qword ptr ds:[rcx+0x50],rax |
00007FF62853A145 | 33C9 | xor ecx,ecx |
00007FF62853A147 | 49:8943 C8 | mov qword ptr ds:[r11-0x38],rax | [r11-38]:&"PE"
00007FF62853A14B | 49:8943 D0 | mov qword ptr ds:[r11-0x30],rax |
00007FF62853A14F | 49:8943 D8 | mov qword ptr ds:[r11-0x28],rax |
00007FF62853A153 | 49:8943 E0 | mov qword ptr ds:[r11-0x20],rax |
00007FF62853A157 | 49:8943 E8 | mov qword ptr ds:[r11-0x18],rax |
00007FF62853A15B | 49:8943 F0 | mov qword ptr ds:[r11-0x10],rax |
00007FF62853A15F | FF15 3BF99C02 | call qword ptr ds:[0x7FF62AF09AA0] |
00007FF62853A165 | 48:85C0 | test rax,rax |
00007FF62853A168 | 0F84 DD000000 | je sc2_x64.7FF62853A24B |
00007FF62853A16E | 66:90 | nop |
00007FF62853A170 | 48:8B4424 40 | mov rax,qword ptr ss:[rsp+0x40] |
00007FF62853A175 | 4C:8B4424 20 | mov r8,qword ptr ss:[rsp+0x20] |
00007FF62853A17A | 48:8B5424 38 | mov rdx,qword ptr ss:[rsp+0x38]