Support guide-How to carry to Diamond menu

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  1. #1
    Mortalqt's Avatar Member
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    Support guide-How to carry to Diamond

    Hello, I'm a Diamond 1 support player on Eu-west and i make this guide to help players get into supporting.In this guide you will learn which masteries/runes/summoners are the best for each situation, as well as how to itemize/position/ward and pick the best champion your team needs.


    1/13/16 I use this masteries for all in champions such as leona or thresh to increase the amount of damage i can take.

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    0/9/21 I use this one for ranged supports like sona and nami. This is by far the best masteries for this kind of champions because you get the 3% increased movement speed from Utility as well as the extra health and armor from defense,extremely useful if you are playing against blitzcrank or thresh where you have to constantly position yourself to avoid getting hooked.

    Support guide-How to carry to Diamond-0921-jpg

    9/0/21 Best masteries for zyra.The magic penetration is scaling with her plants and if combined with magic penetration runes you can do insane damage.
    Support guide-How to carry to Diamond-9021-jpg


    Quintessences: You can choose between Health or Gold per 10. I almost always use Heath quintessences and the reason is that i like to play aggressive and win my lane.The extra 78 hp will always make you come on top in a trade.Also Health quintessences are great for match ups where you have a "squishy" support like sona and the enemy has blitzcrank,it gives you that extra layer of defense you need.

    Seals: Flat armor.

    Glyphs: Flat magic resist if there is a ton of early magic damage from the enemy support or adc for example corki+leona,otherwise use magic resist per level to scale better for mid-late game.

    Marks:For marks you can choose from Magic penetration,hybrid,armor.I almost always use armor marks because i like playing aggressive and in an all in situation i will always come on top.The only time i will use magic penetration or hybrid is if I'm playing zyra or lulu on a 2v1 lane and i want to completely abuse the enemy top.

    Summoners: The options you have here are Exhaust+Flash or Ignite+Flash. Exhaust is great and should be always picked up over ignite if the enemy has an assassin in mid lane like zed or ahri so you can shut him down.Ignite is best for lane because it gives you that extra bit of damage you need to shut down even the aggressive champions like thresh.

    Starting items:
    You have 3 options here.
    a.4 sight wards,1 vision ward, 1 health pot and 1 mana pot. (2 health pots if you are playing leona or thresh)
    b.3 sight wards,2 vision wards,1 health pot.
    c.1 sight ward,3 vision wards,1 health pot and 1 mana pot. (2 health pots if you are playing leona or thresh)
    The 1st one will give you that extra bit of mana sustain in lane. The 2nd start is slightly better though because you can clear 2 spots from the enemy wards and make them vulnerable to jungle ganks. The 3rd start is if enemies have evelynn in their team.

    Warding:Coming soon...
    Positioning:Coming soon...
    Combinations: Coming soon...
    Last edited by Mortalqt; 09-16-2013 at 09:08 AM.

    Support guide-How to carry to Diamond
  2. #2
    phadeb's Avatar Member
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    Winter is coming soon, not the rest of the guide.

    Support guide-How to carry to Diamond-3747cc8e77636bd52b9e3ddc572c13a5bfc6810bcd1bb503d8cce478978e6899-jpg

  3. #3
    ROCKLEE2014's Avatar Private
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    Bracing myself!!!

  4. #4
    EliteEloBoost's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    +1 this thread is very helpful, people are finally starting to notice that in the current Meta supports are the ones carrying bot lane right now its a nice change of pace

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