Why are there still bots when all bots will be banned?
I just don't understand why are there still so many bots since all accounts associated with bots will be banned. You will be banned after 1 week or latest 2 weeks. How come people still use bots?
Are there botted accounts which have not been banned after 1 month of full botting?
I bot because F*** Niantic. I am a light botter with 3 accounts per week so I have something to play around with on work trips. They get banned and I make 3 more and so on.
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Im a heavybotter with 400+accounts in the same day, almost 2 weeks old accounts and just 5-10 bans so far. So no, niantic isnt banning ALL bots
Active Member
Why you still living when you know eventually you'll die...
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I can assure you there are bots out there that Niantic can not detect. Are they available to public? No, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, so your statement "all bots will be banned" is invalid
Originally Posted by
I can assure you there are bots out there that Niantic can not detect. Are they available to public? No, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, so your statement "all bots will be banned" is invalid
That's totally wrong, Niantic can detect all bots due to the broken protocol API, we're all aware about that.
You're perma banned? Join the team purple!
Just create as many as account and bot to high level, and hope niantic ban and unban ur account like what they did recently, den ur account would be legit since then
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johnnxiv (1 members gave Thanks to khai5535 for this useful post)
Originally Posted by
That's totally wrong, Niantic can detect all bots due to the broken protocol API, we're all aware about that.
Please not again, you already proved knowing jackshit about it.
do something do it to your fullest that's the saying
so hack to ur fullest if you're scared dont hack / bot / 3rd party software be legit
because niantic not fully blocked the bot
Originally Posted by
Maybe some private bots are using other and better API
If someone has information about a undetected bot, even if it's not free, I'm listening
There isn't another API - the API is provided by niantic...
It hurts my eyes just to read some parts of this topic. Im out.