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  1. #1
    tihifniz's Avatar Contributor
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    Download and play Pokemon GO on iPhone - The easy way!

    Alright i saw the other thread someone posted about changeing your apple id and stuff for you to be able to download and play pokemon go in countrys where it havent been released yet, theres a much faster and easier way to do it, which doesnt require you to change your apple id. The problem with changeing your apple id is that you wont be able to update your other apps, anyways lets get started:

    For non jailbroken users, ios 8.x - 9.x ( this does not work on ios 10 ):

    1. Open up Safari on your iphone and go to this link: - T?i mi?n phí app Pokémon GO ( its safe, i promise )
    2. Press 'Download Now'
    3. Choose 'Non-Jailbreak' and press 'Download Now' again
    4. It should now ask if you want to open the page in App Store, press 'Open'.
    5. A popup will show, saying: would like to install 'Pokemon GO' , press 'Install'
    6. When the download is complete, you are done if you have ios 8.x and are now able to play the game.

    Extra steps for ios 9.x only:
    7. When download is complete go to Settings -> General -> Profiles and Device Management -> Under Enterprise Apps you click on ' Yestech Technology Joint' -> Press Trust, and then Trust again.
    8. You're done!

    For jailbroken users, ios 8.x - 9.x:

    Follow all the above steps.

    Because you are jailbroken your game will not be able to open, because Niantic have added jailbreak detection into their game, to fix that do the following:

    1. Go into Cydia, go to your Sources, and add the following repo:
    2. When the repo is added, search for a tweak named 'Masterball' , install it and respring.
    3. You are now able to play the game!
    Last edited by tihifniz; 07-12-2016 at 04:36 AM.

    Download and play Pokemon GO on iPhone - The easy way!
  2. #2
    Fadelol's Avatar ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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    There is literally no reason to use any method like this which installs a software from a third party regardless of how safe it is supposed to be when you can get it anywhere from the App Store using the following method I wrote down in another thread:

    - Log out of your Apple ID, don't worry you will be logging back onto your original Apple ID before playing
    - Change your region to Australia
    - Go to the App Store and download any free app, you will be prompted to login to an existing Apple ID or create a new one
    - Chose to create a new one and select Australia as your country/region and select 'None' for billing. I tried with USA as well but could not get it working there
    - Once you have created your new account go back to the App Store, search and download Pokémon Go
    - Log out of your new Apple ID and log back onto your original Apple ID
    - Launch the game, play and have fun

    Google for an actual adress and fake telephone number to use for your new account if you cannot get it to work with gibberish.
    The reason why you are to download any free app is because then, and only then from what I understand, it will allow you to create an Apple ID without any payment information. If you create a new account from the iPhone settings you have to enter billing information.

  3. Thanks Willy, Niro007 (2 members gave Thanks to Fadelol for this useful post)
  4. #3
    VeryHappyTeddy's Avatar Banned
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    Very helpful

  5. #4
    Mr_Jr's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by VeryHappyTeddy View Post
    Very helpful
    Please stop digging up old threads this is the 5th one so far.

  6. #5
    eazyCv's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by veryhappyteddy View Post
    very helpful
    stop bringing back 3 weeks old posts........

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