Download and play Pokémon GO on iOS/Android (bypassing restriction) menu

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  1. #1
    Willy's Avatar Elite User
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    Download and play Pokémon GO on iOS/Android (bypassing restriction)

    Easy, go to hackerlols thread and follow his small guide.

    There's two ways to installing Pokémon GO on iOS:
    1. Create a new Apple ID and set your location to a place where the game is released (ex. New Zealand).
    - Do this by going into settings, iCloud, "Sign Out", "Create a new Apple ID".
    (Set payment details to "None" and billing address to any address in ex New Zealand, any will do)

    2. Change the location of your existing Apple ID.
    - You will not lose any apps but may prevent you from updating apps bought in other countrys.
    -> Go to settings, iTunes & Apple Store, tap your Apple ID, "View Apple ID", Country/Region, Change Country/Region.
    (No payment details are needed but a new address is needed, any will do)

    Download and play Pokémon GO on iOS/Android (bypassing restriction)
  2. Thanks Smitten, Laykith, Kenneth, Fadelol, Ket (5 members gave Thanks to Willy for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Fadelol's Avatar ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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    For iOS I wrote more of a step by step guide as the ones I found were pretty vague:

    - Log out of your Apple ID, don't worry you will be logging back onto your original Apple ID before playing
    - Change your region to Australia
    - Go to the App Store and download any free app, you will be prompted to login to an existing Apple ID or create a new one
    - Chose to create a new one and select Australia as your country/region and select 'None' for billing. I tried with USA as well but could not get it working there
    - Once you have created your new account go back to the App Store, search and download Pokémon Go
    - Log out of your new Apple ID and log back onto your original Apple ID
    - Launch the game, play and have fun

    Google for an actual adress and fake telephone number to use for your new account if you cannot get it to work with gibberish.
    The reason why you are to download any free app is because then, and only then from what I understand, it will allow you to create an Apple ID without any payment information. If you create a new account from the iPhone settings you have to enter billing information.
    Last edited by Fadelol; 07-11-2016 at 09:59 PM. Reason: Some added information

  4. Thanks Ket, Willy (2 members gave Thanks to Fadelol for this useful post)

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