Hi, I searched on forums about my report/dispute case of scam and could not find any.
My OC account that is banned: nodiac (mem...28-nodiac.html)
I did a little research on the forums and ended finding this thread: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/...ell-trade.html
I did 2 trades with him and I can prove that it was a legitimate trade with skype and paypal logs, I can't show you the virtual goods I got because I have already traded/wasted them.
As reading thru the thread I discovered that every single trader within that thread got banned aswell. Someone responsible for this care to explain?
When I login to my account, I get this message:
I Request a ban lift. I will provide all the information I can to prove my innocence in this.You have been banned for the following reason:
involved in scamming
Date the ban will be lifted: Never