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  1. #1
    DoctorBeautiful's Avatar Private
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    Do you have any paranormal experiances?

    Email: [email protected]
    Phone Number *US ONLY - TEXT ONLY*: 1-209-304-7863
    Skype: DoctorBeautiful22

    My name is Kyrie Newton aka Walter Pitcher and I am 18 years old. I really love film and I love capturing everything on camera. I've been thinking about all these ghosts movies and stories.. Some of them have to have some type of truth right? I'm filming a documentary about paranormal experiences. I need someone who has, what they believe, a paranormal experience within their home, or some type of location.

    I will be the person to believe your story, share the truth with me, and the rest of the world.

    I would really love to come stay the night at a place that's supposedly haunted, whether it be your home or something else.

    I'm trying to find out the truth about paranormal/haunted experiences.

    If you believe some type of property is haunted, I would love to come film there.

    You can text me at: 1-209-304-7863
    or email me at the link above.

    Do you have any paranormal experiances?
  2. #2
    Remus3's Avatar Hobby 3D Character Artist Ex-Super Mod CoreCoins Purchaser
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    is free sex included?! because the activities didnt start til the moaning got super loud.
    must recreate this. /sarcasm-

    serious note:
    ehhh good luck mate in your endeavors.

    Think before you post. You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent.

  3. #3
    Watcher's Avatar Former Staff CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Had a lot of experience. Since when i was small and used to live in Morocco had my father leave a big plate of meat on the roof once a week. For the spirits we had living in the house as there was a lot of activity there specially thursday/friday as it was time that my father would leave meat for them. But i never saw them as something bad as they were only after bad people who entered the house tormenting them. Those 2 nights you heard them actually running and there seems to be a lot of them and not just 1. But since we came to Holland it got a bit out of control as they got now nobody leave meat for them. We had already twice now that people who visited the house and went to the restroom who were completely healthy were found dead in the restroom. And they were round the age of 30 so not even old or something.

    And i think i brought 1/2 with me when i moved to Holland. Because always feel the presence around and show up now and then when someone bad is around me. One of the close encounters was with a ex of my. Just hooked up with her and she was sleeping at my place. And while i was sleeping something very bad/depressing and almost like pure evil it felt entered the room and woke me up. Had my dog downstairs who went completely nuts and trying to break the door. What i saw was the room was dark and a bit light from the moonlight coming inside. But when whatever came in the room was like a big shadow making the room darker then dark. And i got actually pissed because i had experiences with them and was angry because i know that i did nothing wrong and thought it came from downstairs so went downstairs to scare it away. And seems it came for my ex. Because when i came back upstairs she was completely white and could not speak for 10minutes and just had this blank stare. After the 10minutes she started to explain what actually happened. She told me that a man stood infront of her very close up to her face with his whole face covered in snake tattoos and they were similar like the ones i got tattooed on my arm. And just stood there untill i came back upstairs. From what she told me that she wanted to scream but she was not able too. And that was the last time i saw here damn spirits messing up my dates ^^.

    Got a lot more stories like this for you but seems always to occur when someone is bad around me. I can't really help you with a haunted house because the one in Morocco is closed down now we moved to other city.

  4. #4
    vinnpaull87's Avatar Member
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  5. #5
    terryclarson78's Avatar Member
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    I once saw a person looking through the window, I swear no one was there, from what I see this is something more typical than usual but it has really happened

  6. #6
    terryclarson78's Avatar Member
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    the same, reading your experiences amazes me a lot

  7. #7
    GreenBernard's Avatar Member
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    I can’t say that I personally encountered something truly mystical. However, I admit that this may be the case. There are some things that shouldn't work but work very well. The simplest example is Tarot cards - Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meanings🃏 | Tarotreadingfree You may not know anything about this and this is your first time picking up a deck of cards. However, the alignment clearly indicates those points in your life that are relevant and important. How does this happen?

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