Ok, ever since I joined this site , (Very Recently, Heh) I have been using the exploits on here and scams on here a lot. I have even posted some of my own scams that I have come up with.
Over this past month I have made some money onto a paypal account. I don't need to disclose how much but it is a nice sum.
The problem is that I cannot donate to MMOwned because I have a spending limit on my paypal account. My parents are like Nazi's and would never allow me to get a real paypal account if they knew what I was doing.
I was wondering if anyone here knew how to get one of those Virtual Credit Cards so that I can get rid of the spending limit on my paypal account, or if there is any other way.
I would of course pay you for your trouble and some extra.
I need this so that I can donate to MMOwned among many things, such as I am going to buy my brother a WoW account for X-Mas but I have the spending limit >.<