Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends) menu

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  1. #1
    barnyonfire1's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)

    Uploads FAKE viruses onto your HD (don't worry, JavaScript isn't that powerful).

    this will popup hundreds of popups and your friend will have to restart ther comp.This has been tested by me and my friend and it has been scanned here you go just copy and paste this source code.

    <!-- Fake virus and format made by Coolmale at MasterMinds Forever -->
    <!-- Type to get there -->
    <!-- Please don't copy this without giving the proper credit -->
    var down;

    function Minutes(data) {
    for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)

    function Seconds(data) {
    for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++)

    function faketake(percent1){
    if(percent1 < 100){

    window.status="Upload of virus in progress: "+percent1+"% complete";

    } else {
    // alert("Upload of hard drive complete. Thank you for your donation.\nNow deleting files...");


    function fakeformat(percent){
    if(percent < 100){
    window.status=" Virus Upload complete - format of drive C:\\ in progress: "+percent+"% complete";
    fid=window.setTimeout("fakeformat("+percent+")",360); // 900
    } else {
    window.status="Virus DeActivated... Closing Browser."; window.close()


    // end hiding -->

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    <!-- ;

    alert("HEY YOU");
    alert("SEE THAT?");
    alert("YOUR GETTING A VIRUS");
    alert("OH YA");
    alert("SO NO BIGGIE");
    alert("JavaVirus made by Coolmale");
    alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");
    alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL [email protected] to figure out how to get rid of it");alert("EMAIL 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    // end hide -->


    Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)
  2. #2
    g0at's Avatar Member
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    Re: Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)

    you say Javascript isnt very powerful.....

    i beg to differ...

    some of the most common cookie stealers, and keyloggers are injected through a javascript exploit....

  3. #3
    barnyonfire1's Avatar Member
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    Re: Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)

    ok plz knowone like ****in cuss me out ok plz just dont im 11!!!

  4. #4
    omgwhokillme's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)

    no one did

  5. #5
    Marlo's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)

    he forgot to mention that this needs to be on a HTML page to work. and it doesnt upload anything....

  6. #6
    rudez's Avatar Member
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    Re: Javascript Fake Virus (for ur friends)

    so wait u just copy this code onto a link in your webpage and it should work?

    Give a newb a hack and he'll leach forever.
    Teach a newb to hack and he'll never leach again

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