I will show you how to get REALLY much views for your crappy video at YouTube, Mediafire, ...
You will need:
- Firefox
- ReloadEvery
If you don't have Firefox, you can download it here:
Mozilla | Firefox web browser & Thunderbird email client
When you installed Firefox, you need this plugin called "ReloadEvery":
Download and install the " Tor & Privoxy & Vidalia & Torbutton bundle" (you need it, because YouTube checks the IP and only 50 visits/IP do count as a view) from here:
Tor: Download
When you have installed all of them go to the page of your crappy video and enable Tor at the right bottom of the browser (Just click on it, so it says "Tor enabled" and gets green):
Right-click anywhere on the page, go on "Refresh every...." and choose 30s.
If your browser is faster, then choose the thing, that goes best for you.
Open some new tabs (5 or so) and go to your video on all of them.
Then right-click again and select "Activate for all Tabs"
Thats all.
Now you just have to wait.
EDIT: DON'T OVERDO IT! Youtube might see it and ban you from their site. Happened to me once.
_________________________________by MATADOR