Now everyone can make money on the Internet
Today, while watching some videos I found a new way to earn money on the internet very interesting.
I was quite amazed because although a lot of time surfing the web had never heard of this scheme
that seems to generate very safe here any more money home. And this time I bet not just me that I need, right?
BeRuby is a portal that serves as an intermediary between multiple sites known to us: Facebook, YouTube, Hi5, Ball, etc.. BeRuby which pay to get us there.
The idea is simple: earn a percentage BeRuby we won part of that percentage and the percentages paid site that wins with our visit.
In BeRuby there are also several online shopping sites and if there are ever going to buy something, we always get a discount next stop on our account BeRuby.
The site is very simple and can be a good way to earn some money doing what you do every day.
Of course you will gain very little, but how many more people were able to register you'll also increase your profits.
Just when you register you will receive 1 EUR in the account after accessing the sites that use more: Facebook and YouTube had 1.02 euros.
Every 10 EUR which will join in your account, you can ask for payment.
Here is a proof of payment to a colleague
It's safe, it's profitable and it's free!
I'm already experimenting, if you want to try clicking here: BeRuby.