.Skull pixel animation request avatar
Just a simple free to use avatar setup I made - a tweening pixel skull animation.
Simple tween and pencil art, also do the bitmap font with pencil tool.
Request setup
String:<string> or <no>
String color:<color>
Gradient:<color1 (up)> to <color2 (down)>
or Fill:<color>
Gloss: <Yes> or <no>
Shade:<Yes> or <no>
Border:<Yes> or <no>
Border color: <N/A> or <color>
Skull animation layer style: <Normal> or <overlay(default)>
Skull color: (if Skull animation layer style is normal) <color>
Miscellaneous: I'd like <blabla>
I try to do this as industrial as possible to speed up the process and keep it tidy
Example without string ( free to use ).

Example string

another design in the pixel skull animation series comming up. I do not take off-topic requests at the moment.