Thank you for making this! I went ahead and added you! My Discord tag is traumabin#3119! I look forward to discussing this with you!
Thank you for making this! I went ahead and added you! My Discord tag is traumabin#3119! I look forward to discussing this with you!
This is Awsome, Please accept my invite on discord Jetfuel#7682
sended a friend request Sora#5361 am very inrested in the bot
Would like to buy your temtem bot
hello ! I add you as friend on discord, I am interest in your bot
Everyone has been added up until this point! I look forward to talking with all of you and getting everyone set up soon! 😎
Everyone... stop right here. If you're looking for that one comment to justify your trust in this user... this is it.
At first I was afraid, I was petrified... kept thinking I could manually play temtem without any help or guide... Okay all jokes aside. I was hesitant, I contacted the person maybe around 2 am my time (because this is the time we all start looking for Temtem hacks when frustrated with endless grinds) ... I got a response within 24 hrs, and to make a long story short... It works!
I couldn't be more grateful for the legit service this person is providing. I must admit I was very skeptical about the process and thought I was going to get burned, however, here I am unburned and handling tedious Temtem tasks on pilot mode. If you are still skeptical, message the person on Discord and have the chat. If you want to reach out to me here on Owned, that's fine.
I don't know what else to say without making anyone still feel skeptical, but I can guarantee that if you go through the process you'll be satisfied.
Everyone has been added up until this point! Welcome aboard!
Hi! I was following your post for a while and Im interested in purchasing the bot! Please reach out to me Cranola#4803
Hi! I was following your post for a while and Im interested in purchasing the bot! Please reach out to me JACK#7869
Hey! Can you reach me in discord? heliquia#2675
thank you!
Everyone has been added up until this point! I look forward to getting everyone setup and answering any questions you may have 😄
Last edited by lordnamsat; 06-15-2021 at 02:32 AM.
added you looking to buy