My first bot has officially launched at *link removed by Apoc*. I will be launching several additional bots on the network over the next several weeks for SWTOR. My first bot is designed to level from 15 - 50 using starship missions. The bot is extremely easy to use once you set it up, and paths can be made for numerous starship missions for both factions. The following paths are currently supported:
Empire - Sarapin Assault
Empire - Jabim Escort
Empire - Taspan Ambush
Empire - Skaross Fortification
Empire - Sullust Interception
Empire - Ezran Outpost
Empire - Clouds of Vondoru
Republic - Syvris Evacuation
Republic - Kovor Ice Field
Republic - Pakuuni Defense
Republic - Drexel Sweep
Republic - Makem Te Assault
Republic - Fondor Escort
More missions may be added in the future, but these are the best ones to get from 15 - 50 the fastest. Once set up, the bot can run attended overnight, whether it is succeeding or failing the missions. Currently, the bot is undetectable and does not use any form of injection. It is an 'image based' bot (not pixel), and uses several advanced algorithms to synchronize it's state. Currently the price is set at 30$/month per license for the entire upcoming bot suite. I can also offer bulk discounts for licensing if you are looking to use the bot for a large number of machines.
I have a forum set up along with live chat to help you with setting it up. I have a team of professionals to help maintain the bot, do server maintenance, provide excellent customer service, and manage sales.
I am offering a FULL refund if you cannot get the bot working, and I am offering special discounts to MMOWNED members that are interested in purchasing several licenses!