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  1. #31
    MrGingerbread's Avatar Member
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    When will you be inviting people?

    DreamPoeBot v3.14.13  Support Thread
  2. #32
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Hi MrGingerbread, the test stage is already begun (almost 4 weeks ago) and will continue till the end of the current league.
    Go join the test, all you have to do is to send me a pm, and ill give you instructions.


  3. #33
    leryss's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by alcor75 View Post

    -Its fast! data are read at an average of 30ms.

    You telling me that the main loop of your tool is 30ms ? Thats ~33 FPS not really the definition of fast...

  4. #34
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by leryss View Post
    You telling me that the main loop of your tool is 30ms ? Thats ~33 FPS not really the definition of fast...
    Data read every 30ms doesn’t mean the main loop also execute once every 30ms ( With help of threads or coroutines ).

  5. #35
    leryss's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    Data read every 30ms doesn’t mean the main loop also execute once every 30ms ( With help of threads or coroutines ).
    I personally dont want to separate the two, it would introduce a ton of race conditions that will make your life a nightmare if your tool is internal, since you will be running the main loop on an incomplete game state. And you dont have a way to synchronize them unless you hook game functions and add locks and semaphores to the game code...

    My guess is that this is an external tool since that would explain the awful 30ms state read and the fact that his framework is compatible with an older very popular one (ahem poehud). My rule of thumb is below 0.1ms state read when idle (when in hideout/town), below 1ms when in regular combat (farming in regular maps) and below 2ms when in stress conditions with thousands of entities (juiced maps, simulacrum etc). If my engine doesnt satisfy these conditions I'm spending my day in a profiler.

    I'm not trying to hate, just pointing out that 30ms is not a fast time to sync with the game state

  6. #36
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by leryss View Post
    I personally dont want to separate the two, it would introduce a ton of race conditions that will make your life a nightmare if your tool is internal, since you will be running the main loop on an incomplete game state. And you dont have a way to synchronize them unless you hook game functions and add locks and semaphores to the game code...
    that was my experience too (in the software I am developing) I used co-routine solve this issue. Not sure what he did. Let's wait for him to reply.

    However, I was making an HUD and I am not reading a lot of POE memory. He is making a bot and reading a lot more peo memory. So my experience should be very different from his.
    Last edited by GameHelper; 07-06-2021 at 02:46 PM.

  7. Thanks alcor75 (1 members gave Thanks to GameHelper for this useful post)
  8. #37
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Hi Zaafar and leryss

    You guys should really give it a try, and see how fast the Framework is.
    I'm perfectly able to use any game skill with perfect target precision and no desync.

    As Zaafar pointed out, co routime solve most of the problems, and i run a custom version of it that i adapted to my need.

    leryss, no i was not refering to poehud, what i do is alot more complex than that, and while a hud is possible with DPB, and it offer many opportunity, the original idea around this Framework was to expose the more game informations possible (i think i dont exaggerate saying that 80/85% of the game is covered already, and i'm adding what is missing in this days, as requests come), and offer a way to interact with it, so that the more experienced coder can really fully automate the game (almost every aspect of the game).

    Im sorry but i'm not going to go into details about the technique i used to make sure the actions and memory are in sync, or how i make sure 2000 game object are read without melting your cpu (not going to give numbers, b/c it really depend on what cpu you are using) but i worked alot on cpu and memory optimization, the result is really satisfactory (i used to run 28 instance on a Ryzen 3950, before GGG screved theyr game and pushed it to suck all the resources it use now.)

    There is still plenty of time before next league start, so i really encourage you to try it, and see its potential...its free.


  9. Thanks GameHelper, dirkbach666 (2 members gave Thanks to alcor75 for this useful post)
  10. #38
    Sychotix's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    My guess is reading the memory in a couple giant chunks all at once =P I considered trying to implement something like that into HUD, but it is a method I'm not super familiar with... plus apparently you have to try and play nice and skip sections of memory that might throw exception on read so I decided it wasn't worth the effort.

    If only I wasn't bored of PoE... I'd probably have a lot of fun with an API like this.

  11. #39
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    DreamPoeBot v3.15.7 Is out, for now i accept only direct apply and invite people personally.
    Send me a PM if you are interessed.

  12. #40
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by alcor75 View Post
    80/85% of the game is covered already.
    2000 game object are read
    Pretty sure updating offsets of 80% of the game (or 2000 game objects) every league would be PITA! So I wanted to share my experience with you. Before this league, I created around 40 patterns which didn't break due to the new league update and automatically updated 95% of my private HUD at (actually before) league start. Last 5% was updated manually within mins of the league start. Also, those 40 patterns were created after carefully analyzing the POE game functions ( not every "What access this data" candidate is a good candidate). So what are you doing to make your league start/offset updating less PITA?
    Last edited by GameHelper; 07-26-2021 at 10:49 PM.

  13. #41
    Aoooooooo's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    Before this league, I created around 40 patterns which didn't break due to the new league update and automatically updated 95% of my private HUD at (actually before) league start. Last 5% was updated manually within mins of the league start. Also, those 40 patterns were created after carefully analyzing the POE game functions ( not every "What access this data" candidate is a good candidate).
    I also wrote a offset updater, only 50% work, maybe I need to analyze poe game functions in more depth.

  14. Thanks kromatikal (1 members gave Thanks to Aoooooooo for this useful post)
  15. #42
    pushedx's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by zaafar View Post
    Pretty sure updating offsets of 80% of the game (or 2000 game objects) every league would be PITA! So I wanted to share my experience with you. Before this league, I created around 40 patterns which didn't break due to the new league update and automatically updated 95% of my private HUD at (actually before) league start. Last 5% was updated manually within mins of the league start. Also, those 40 patterns were created after carefully analyzing the POE game functions ( not every "What access this data" candidate is a good candidate). So what are you doing to make your league start/offset updating less PITA?
    Originally Posted by Aoooooooo View Post
    I also wrote a offset updater, only 50% work, maybe I need to analyze poe game functions in more depth.
    Make a thread in the General PoE section for this, as to not get off-topic in this one, and I don't mind talking about this type of stuff.

  16. #43
    GameHelper's Avatar ★ Elder ★ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by pushedx View Post
    Make a thread in the General PoE section for this, as to not get off-topic in this one, and I don't mind talking about this type of stuff.
    done: How to quickly update 200k offsets every league

  17. #44
    alcor75's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by darvel View Post
    If I understood correctly that you are selling a base for a bot, to which you need to add your modules and functions in C, and this product is designed for programmers. Maybe I don’t understand something, but why should I pay you 10$ every month if I’m a programmer, when I build my bot myself from scratch. The main part of the bot is not injection, but interaction with the game - auto lvling, routines, etc. You have to write all this from scratch. Why do you need a programmer?) Or did I misunderstand something?) If you make some convenient constructor, like a blueprint or Zennoposter blocks, then your product makes sense, and so, I think, very few people will be interested.
    Hi, and tnx for this question, it give me the opportunity to explain DPB a little more, and explain my vision and hopes for the future.

    First of all i would like to clarify that the Framework offer API support mainly for Net.Framework 4.8 (not C, that is a totally different language), and that mean that you can inport DPB exe into your project, and virtually code whatever you like in many different languages.

    Regarding the API DPB offer, and the reason you should use it, if you already know how to code:
    DPB offer a large vastity of ready to use functions that allow you to get information about `all` the ingame objects around you, you included, and with information i mean virtually everything, from simple things, like Hp, mana, all your buffs, all your minion, monster mods, position, to more complex info, like all objects on ground, doors, chests portals, transactions, its a list to long to mention here, i hope 'All the info a human can get from the game' are available in real time give the idea.
    You also get access to 85/90% of the ingame interfaces, and every one has its specific API ro interact with and read info, to mention a few cool example:
    Full stash support, for currency stash, Map stash Essence stash, quad and normal, full support for Anointing Ui, Prophecy Ui, Haggle and Exchange Ui, Buy and Sell from Npc, and full conversation with Npc, Full support for the Atlas, including socketing/un-socketing watchstones in the various regions, or the atlas inventory (Atlas support also mean information about the maven and conquerors), support to Passive tree to add points and even jewels (cluster jewels is under development), Expedition support ( you can place explosive and detonate, info about remaining explosive or active mods included), full Blight support, Tower upgrade, info about the pump and the event in general, as long as rewards.

    And i can go on for hours, b/c when i say 'you can automate everything but Heist, Delve I'm not laying.

    Last thing i want to mention is the way the framework interact with the game,
    In the last years we are used to see many china bots that rely on packets manipulation to provvide fast to update bots, able to do things usually the game dont allow you to do (like loot items out of the screen), while this is super cool, this is also the most easy way for GGG ro detect bots (change 1 packet Id in a small patch and catch them all).

    DPB do not send packets ever, and the injection ( that for security reason ill not describe in detail) use the most advanced technologies know un 2021 (probably neither that know).

    Please note: Im not claiming 'With DPB you will be safe' b/c there are so many other factor ro account for in the Ban equation, but for sure the Framework offer one of the higher degree of security available today.

    The full DPB update, at league start, usually take 48/52h, on average league, and newer went after 70h even on big league.

    For those that already know me, its clear that its not all about the money, i try to help people in all the way i can, while at the same time making a life from what i mostly like, game and coding .
    `The Vision` behind DPB, is mainly to create a solid community of people able to help each other coding their dream automation, but also to give opportunity to those like me that like to code to sell their work to those willing to reward talented programmers that hardly find a real work in the `standard society` (yes DPB offer a way to sell custom code, and i take NO FEE on those sell, all goes to the developer).
    Everything start with a not so old framework created by `pushedx`, at that time i was only a lumberjack with a deep passion for computer and poor knowledge of coding, i immediately felt in love with that framework and started to trade of my sleep time with the power to learn and create what was giving me a lot of joy, bots.
    When the project closed, i passed a long time of depression, but then my wife pushed me to try to create something similar and so i did, and DPB born.
    I'm not willing to get rich, I'm not a company with business target, and i usually dont count the hours i spend working daily, and neither how much those hours are paid, as long as i can live from my passion, I'm a happy man and continue to do what i like.

    To conclude, there is a lot of work behind DPB, not to mention the continuous support I (and the community that is constantly growing) give to new comers, or old user that are trying to improve their code, and there is no big company behind it, only passionate persons, like you, that just try to live on a border of the traditional society.

    I saw a post on this thread that is trying to advertise some other tools (and is perfectly fine for me, i myself probably shouldn't have posted DPB on this section of Ownedcore) but then the same person try to throw
    mud on my name, without linking the source of those accusation or giving me the opportunity to defend myself, i feel sad for him, and I'm not warry about this, b/c i know people already had a chance to know me in the past, and know that i value persons over money.

    Sorry if this post seem a little longer that it should have been (I had a good teacher), but i wanted to be as much clear as possible.

    Best regards to everyone

    P.S. Send me Pm if you still want to try DPB, I'm personally handling every single invitation, to keep the quality of the community as high as i can.

    To `pushedx` that started all this and allow me to live a small dream.
    To `Ownedcore` that live this thread alive.
    To `All` those that believe in me and make DPB possible.

  18. Thanks uumas, dirkbach666, TehCheat, Sychotix, Aoooooooo, coll931091 (6 members gave Thanks to alcor75 for this useful post)
  19. #45
    Sychotix's Avatar Moderator Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by alcor75 View Post
    I saw a post on this thread that is trying to advertise some other tools (and is perfectly fine for me, i myself probably shouldn't have posted DPB on this section of Ownedcore) but then the same person try to throw
    mud on my name, without linking the source of those accusation or giving me the opportunity to defend myself, i feel sad for him, and I'm not warry about this, b/c i know people already had a chance to know me in the past, and know that i value persons over money.
    I have removed said post as it is against the rules, and uncalled for.

    I'd also like to remind everyone (mostly others) that this is not a trade thread and that talk of buying/selling this or any tool is not allowed. This is sort-of a support/discussion thread for the tool as it currently would have no place (and would get lost) in the trade section until he begins selling it.

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