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  1. #1
    automationarmy's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    What's going on with Gil prices?!?

    Since I know some of you guys are much much more versed in this area than I... I'm curious. I have always considered doing some multiboxing for Gil and have never bothered for one reason or another. Finally I decided to do so and the only thing holding me back was hardware.

    I decided to use my tax return to set up a multi box rig and invest in several accounts to get started. This was in March. Gil was going for about 30/m.
    By the time my tax return arrived it had literally dropped by half. Gil was now going for 15/m which made me question if I missed my window, question blowing my tax return, and question it's viability. Still after inquiry I was told their was a recent dupe and prices would recover.

    Fast forward another few weeks. Stuff has arrived and been assembled, and I look at prices. 9/m!!!!! WTF?!?
    Let me guess... Another dupe? Somehow I doubt that. Now I'm almost positive it was a wasted idea/venture and am curious if anyone can offer some insight?

    Is it just going to go down down down? As much effort as it takes to earn 1m regardless of method, it blows my mind that it's being sold at these prices. I simply cannot understand it. Should I be looking at wow? Ugh!

    Thanks for your thoughts

    What's going on with Gil prices?!?
  2. #2
    llI's Avatar Member
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    Gil prices will never be stable, what you do is play the market, slowly bot to get up a bit of money, not too much so it doesn't raise flags, moment gil prices go up a bit dump the gold and start to bot more.

  3. #3
    Jaladhjin's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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  4. #4
    automationarmy's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Lol gotta love the internet. Supply vs demand never crossed my mind! (That was sarcasm FTR)

    So the market is simply so saturated that the price has dropped 300%? I'll buy it.. Which was my assumption as per the original post. More concerned about whether or not we can expect to see it go back up by any fraction of that.

    I didn't mean stabilize as jn stay at one price perpetually. I meant come to rest within a certain range (which is hopefully quite a bit higher than it is currently). Wow for example has stayed within a 5 dollar range for as long as I can remember and at this point (10 years in) id imagine the market has reached a pretty predictable point.

    I guess the post was spurned by a bit of panic after the continual downward trend. I couldn't understand how one was making any money at all at this point with any reasonable number of accounts. If we are being honest, I was blowing a regular 15A circuit with just one pc so In adding another plus AC for the summer, I'm already going to have extension cords running all over the house like a madman. People must be using a darn mini nuclear power plant to run their office!

    Regardless, I have been fighting cancer for a few years now and felt my wife deserved me to contribute a bit more than I currently do. It was jump into this, or mine. I went with this as it allowed me to enjoy it a bit. This was when the market was much higher and I could do better than break even after costs and electricity however lol.

    I just want to make sure I get started with the right game. As well as the game is doing I was a bit shocked. I considered wow as well however at this point and after hearing people say their is no money in it - I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss my window.

    Thanks for the replies gentlemen. Somehow in some way they served as a bit of reassurance. Onward I go it seems.

    If theirs anything to add though - by all means!

  5. #5
    Jaladhjin's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    I think the problem is you want more assurance than anyone can actually give you considering gaming markets are..volatile as ****..would be too kind a description..

    Sucks but that's how I look at it..
    Thirsty Shameless Beg: LFW on Retail WoW US. Any Boosting Groups Looking For A Leveler I'm Very Interested! Please PM Me! 🤘😁🤘

  6. #6
    prettypinkcloud's Avatar Member
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    Just a note, barely worth mentioning, but no market can drop over 100%, it can only grow over 100%. Just a teaching moment so you don't sound stupid in front of anyone else in the future.

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