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  1. #46
    igo2war's Avatar Member
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    will you tell how you did unlimited mana?

    [Collab] Devilian - Multi-Hack
  2. #47
    Parog's Avatar Kitsune Da-O! M.L.G. CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by xviet4xlife View Post
    I'm guessing if they play the game in any other way besides using Steam to download the game, and playing on a Steam account. I could be wrong, simply because all i know is playing Devilian online through Steam.
    If you play through steam and you're not banned, and I play through the glyph launcher, and our offsets were the same... What other client is there?

    Can someone who was banned tell me where you usually launch the game from?

    Anyway for a Senior/High-ranking/Experienced "Game Modifier" like you, you wouldn't be going in naked with a public version of Cheat-Engine right? You must have certainly employed a *what you call it* Ring-0 (not sure) hiding driver?
    Just to make it clear, I recently re-installed Cheat Engine, so I'm using it out of the box. I figured if GG was enabled, it would auto close it like it does in every other game it's enabled in.

    The next time you guys see the error about Game Guard, can you take a screenshot or write down exactly what it says, case sensitive, with every space included?
    Last edited by Parog; 01-08-2016 at 07:48 PM.
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  3. #48
    soseeri402's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Parog View Post
    When are the DC's happening? What were you doing exactly?

    Also, can you confirm you've been banned twice already from using the hacks here ONLY? Do you have game guard activated?

    If you got banned for the speed hack, it's because the server compared the last few positions and it was impossible for you to get from point A to B in that time. If that's the case, I would email Trion. They have been having issues with servers not responding for sometimes up to 10 seconds. If you're mounted and running from mobs to stay alive (as they keep attacking you when it does that, even if you can't see it) and go too far, it'll DC you. So send them an email and tell them you were running from mobs because the server was lagging and you had pulled a lot, and when the server stopped lagging, it kicked you. That's a 100% probable thing and even though they don't have a solution for the lag, they're aware of the problem. If anyone else gets banned for teleporting / speed hacking, email them that.

    I ran around an entire dungeon yesterday though, so I'm not sure why people are getting DC'd, other than the server lagging. Because that would happen even without using the speedhack.

    You seem better at explaining this simply than I am. Thanks!

    Sorry, I should have mentioned; The hack looks for the BASE MOVEMENT SPEED. So unequip all of your movement speed gear before activating it, or it won't change the right address and could lead to undesirable results, or just no results at all. Thanks for the feedback!

    sorry for having such a such a such a sooooo late reply!!
    sry (((
    i didn't pay for the internet -.- (forgot) so they shutted down my internet for almost a day ..XD
    so basically wat i did was i went to test out each and every options for ur hack
    in total 9 accounts banned. (call me LEGIT TRYER)
    i'll list out for all 9 accounts for what i did and whats the result

    -for all the accounts i followed up all the basic quests until lvl 13.then, went to do underground path (lvl13dungeon) till lvl 17 then spammed krandlash den (lvl 17 dungeon) then went on for lvl 20 (necro)

    to make it Super accurate, i only used CE (public downloaded a new one to confirm) didn't do any additional settings for the CE/CT
    only used the one you have uploaded

    1. Move speed / zoom / master / aaspeed all on - lasted for lvl 13
    2. Move speed / zoon / master on - lasted for lvl 12
    3. Move speed / zoom on - lasted for lvl 16
    4. Move speed only - lasted for lvl 13
    5. Move speed for tutorial only / zoom / master / aa speed - lasted for lvl 19
    6. Zoom / master / aaspeed till lvl 21 then on move speed - lasted for lvl 22
    7. zoom / master/aaspeed until lvl 27 then on move speed - lasted for lvl 30
    8. Move speed / aaspeed only - lasted for lvl 13
    9. move speed / master - lasted for lvl 13
    -confirmed move speed causing prob-
    tried one with non of your hack on only used autoit - still alive
    master and aaspeed gives like 0.5% chance to get you banned if ppl see you but not that hardcore bannable issue
    tried one with autoit (fixed the public version abit to fit for myself and enabled those options that was disabled - still alive)

    Those account i didn't use move speed - i can say its all up

    didn't touch the hack shield so i suppose it was up
    tried out in US-Asperon server only.
    Loged in using Glyph - trion
    [Collab] Devilian - Multi-Hack-error1-png
    one of the error i got
    Last edited by soseeri402; 01-09-2016 at 01:19 AM.

  4. Thanks Parog (1 members gave Thanks to soseeri402 for this useful post)
  5. #49
    Lithi Defi's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by xviet4xlife View Post
    I already breakpoint all those function through Steam version of Devilian online. None of them are active except occasionally antihackclientauthglyph.cpp. Game guards is not active. I did get "AntiHack" unicode active after i disconnected, which i'm assuming is what sends Trion information in case the server detects a possible hack.

    Still not ban yet from level 1 - 46. Speed hacked, messed with my XYZ coords. And unlimited mana. Everything is fine with me. Do not use on gameguard protected version obviously.
    Unlimited mana? Could u tell how? ;-)

  6. #50
    soseeri402's Avatar Member
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    would be awesome if either parog or xviet4xlife send me the unlimited mana as CT as PM for me to test it out tho

  7. #51
    Parog's Avatar Kitsune Da-O! M.L.G. CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by soseeri402 View Post
    sorry for having such a such a such a sooooo late reply!!
    sry (((
    i didn't pay for the internet -.- (forgot) so they shutted down my internet for almost a day ..XD
    so basically wat i did was i went to test out each and every options for ur hack
    in total 9 accounts banned. (call me LEGIT TRYER)
    i'll list out for all 9 accounts for what i did and whats the result

    -for all the accounts i followed up all the basic quests until lvl 13.then, went to do underground path (lvl13dungeon) till lvl 17 then spammed krandlash den (lvl 17 dungeon) then went on for lvl 20 (necro)

    to make it Super accurate, i only used CE (public downloaded a new one to confirm) didn't do any additional settings for the CE/CT
    only used the one you have uploaded

    1. Move speed / zoom / master / aaspeed all on - lasted for lvl 13
    2. Move speed / zoon / master on - lasted for lvl 12
    3. Move speed / zoom on - lasted for lvl 16
    4. Move speed only - lasted for lvl 13
    5. Move speed for tutorial only / zoom / master / aa speed - lasted for lvl 19
    6. Zoom / master / aaspeed till lvl 21 then on move speed - lasted for lvl 22
    7. zoom / master/aaspeed until lvl 27 then on move speed - lasted for lvl 30
    8. Move speed / aaspeed only - lasted for lvl 13
    9. move speed / master - lasted for lvl 13
    -confirmed move speed causing prob-
    tried one with non of your hack on only used autoit - still alive
    master and aaspeed gives like 0.5% chance to get you banned if ppl see you but not that hardcore bannable issue
    tried one with autoit (fixed the public version abit to fit for myself and enabled those options that was disabled - still alive)

    Those account i didn't use move speed - i can say its all up

    didn't touch the hack shield so i suppose it was up
    tried out in US-Asperon server only.
    Loged in using Glyph - trion

    one of the error i got

    This helped a lot. Thank you. I have a fairly sure idea of what caused that. For the time being. Do not use the speed hack.

    I managed to crash once, freeze once and get a Gino crash reporter to pop up once as well... In a nutshell, the game changes the location of the AoB, and the fact that it was rewriting the old value at that location when disabling before re-enabling caused some very very unexpected results.

    When we do AoB edits like is used for this, we have to be precise, it's like changing a steel beam on a sky scraper. Yeah, we change the type of beam, but we also need a certain height, weight etc. If we accidentally put the beam where it shouldn't, and overwrite a beam of a longer size with our short one, all comes collapsing and it's very unpredictable.
    What's a Parog?
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  8. Thanks soseeri402 (1 members gave Thanks to Parog for this useful post)
  9. #52
    soseeri402's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Parog View Post
    This helped a lot. Thank you. I have a fairly sure idea of what caused that. For the time being. Do not use the speed hack.

    I managed to crash once, freeze once and get a Gino crash reporter to pop up once as well... In a nutshell, the game changes the location of the AoB, and the fact that it was rewriting the old value at that location when disabling before re-enabling caused some very very unexpected results.

    When we do AoB edits like is used for this, we have to be precise, it's like changing a steel beam on a sky scraper. Yeah, we change the type of beam, but we also need a certain height, weight etc. If we accidentally put the beam where it shouldn't, and overwrite a beam of a longer size with our short one, all comes collapsing and it's very unpredictable.
    i got what you mean and i agree hard
    BTW do you have skype?

  10. #53
    xviet4xlife's Avatar Contributor
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    cheat_name = "MyCheat"
    local pattern = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 42 00 00 C8 42 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 A0 40 00 00 A0"
    local replace = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 42 00 00 C8 42 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 41 00 00 A0"
    -- edit the name of the cheat
    -- edit the pattern to search
    -- edit the replacement bytes
    -- use ?? to ignore the bytes
    -- do not edit the code below
    local scans = AOBScan(pattern)
    if scans == nil then
      showMessage("Unable to find pattern:\n"..pattern)
      local saved = {}
      local length = (#replace + 1) / 3
      for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
        local backup = readBytes(scans[i], length, true)
        local bytes = {}
        for hex in string.gmatch(replace, "%S+") do
          local size = #bytes + 1
          if hex == "??" then
            bytes[size] = backup[size]
            bytes[size] = tonumber(hex, 16)
        saved[i] = backup
        writeBytes(scans[i], bytes)
      _G[cheat_name] = {
        ["scans"] = scans,
        ["saved"] = saved
    local vars = _G[cheat_name]
    if vars ~= nil then
      local scans = vars.scans
      local saved = vars.saved
      for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
        writeBytes(scans[i], saved[i])
      vars.scans = nil
      vars.saved = nil
      vars = nil
      _G[cheat_name] = nil

    This will change movement speed to 8. 8 is the same movement speed value as a Holiday Husky, which in regards to the server is a verified value. This has effectively reduced some crash i was getting.

    Keep in mind every time you enter a dungeon you have to re-enable the hack. i suggest before going into the dungeon, turn the speed hack off. Then enter dungeon. Then re-enable the speed hack.

    Do not enable/disable this script during a loading screen.

    If ANYBODY can edit the script so that it only enables, and does not revert the bytes back to its normal state then that would be much appreciated.

    Also if anybody can enhance the script to function better, please share with me. Thank You. I'll return the favor.

  11. #54
    Parog's Avatar Kitsune Da-O! M.L.G. CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by xviet4xlife View Post

    If ANYBODY can edit the script so that it only enables, and does not revert the bytes back to its normal state then that would be much appreciated.

    Also if anybody can enhance the script to function better, please share with me. Thank You. I'll return the favor.
    cheat_name = "MyCheat"
    local pattern = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 42 00 00 C8 42 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 A0 40 00 00 A0"
    local replace = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 42 00 00 C8 42 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 41 00 00 A0"
    -- edit the name of the cheat
    -- edit the pattern to search
    -- edit the replacement bytes
    -- use ?? to ignore the bytes
    -- do not edit the code below
    local scans = AOBScan(pattern)
    if scans == nil then
      showMessage("Unable to find pattern:\n"..pattern)
      local saved = {}
      local length = (#replace + 1) / 3
      for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
        local backup = readBytes(scans[i], length, true)
        local bytes = {}
        for hex in string.gmatch(replace, "%S+") do
          local size = #bytes + 1
          if hex == "??" then
            bytes[size] = backup[size]
            bytes[size] = tonumber(hex, 16)
        saved[i] = backup
        writeBytes(scans[i], bytes)
      _G[cheat_name] = {
        ["scans"] = scans,
        ["saved"] = saved
    local vars = _G[cheat_name]
    if vars ~= nil then
      local scans = vars.scans
      local saved = vars.saved
      vars.scans = nil
      vars.saved = nil
      vars = nil
      _G[cheat_name] = nil
    I feel the area we're looking at is a memory allocation area, memory is constantly being replaced around the areas it finds it. I'm looking at what writes the address to those areas right now so it can be 1 edit only, at the same place every time.
    Last edited by Parog; 01-09-2016 at 02:31 AM.
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  12. #55
    xviet4xlife's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Parog View Post
    cheat_name = "MyCheat"
    local pattern = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 42 00 00 C8 42 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 A0 40 00 00 A0"
    local replace = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C8 42 00 00 C8 42 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 41 00 00 A0"
    -- edit the name of the cheat
    -- edit the pattern to search
    -- edit the replacement bytes
    -- use ?? to ignore the bytes
    -- do not edit the code below
    local scans = AOBScan(pattern)
    if scans == nil then
      showMessage("Unable to find pattern:\n"..pattern)
      local saved = {}
      local length = (#replace + 1) / 3
      for i = 0, scans.Count - 1 do
        local backup = readBytes(scans[i], length, true)
        local bytes = {}
        for hex in string.gmatch(replace, "%S+") do
          local size = #bytes + 1
          if hex == "??" then
            bytes[size] = backup[size]
            bytes[size] = tonumber(hex, 16)
        saved[i] = backup
        writeBytes(scans[i], bytes)
      _G[cheat_name] = {
        ["scans"] = scans,
        ["saved"] = saved
    local vars = _G[cheat_name]
    if vars ~= nil then
      local scans = vars.scans
      local saved = vars.saved
      vars.scans = nil
      vars.saved = nil
      vars = nil
      _G[cheat_name] = nil
    I feel the area we're looking at is a memory allocation area, memory is constantly being replaced around the areas it finds it. I'm looking at what writes the address to those areas right now so it can be 1 edit only, at the same place every time.
    I have already looked into this. The address that writes to this area is a float function. It handles not only movement speed, but a wide variety of in game, non movement speed related stuff. In fact that's what a lot of stuff is in this game. That's why i believe array of byte scanning script is the best way to effectively change your movement speed without having to deal with the hassle.

  13. #56
    Parog's Avatar Kitsune Da-O! M.L.G. CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Originally Posted by xviet4xlife View Post
    I have already looked into this. The address that writes to this area is a float function. It handles not only movement speed, but a wide variety of in game, non movement speed related stuff. In fact that's what a lot of stuff is in this game. That's why i believe array of byte scanning script is the best way to effectively change your movement speed without having to deal with the hassle.
    You know how to read ASM a lot more than I do, so I'll take your word on it and I'm also not getting anywhere after hours of trying. I learned a lot about the structure though, it's nice.

    Smitten (Thank you!!!) gave me a hand with lua to periodically check for a variable. All I've got left to do for it to self-update until it's toggled off is learn to store the address of the AoB and pass the AoB for that lenght to compare and see if it matches either the speed we set it at, or the base movement speed.
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  14. #57
    soseeri402's Avatar Member
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    New update -
    you shud double check for att speed/masterskill / zoom
    either of it
    cos just got me banned for my chat which i made just for botting

  15. #58
    aktinidio's Avatar Member
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    I use the glyph version. i made new account. i ll use the attack speed hack and i ll tell ya if they will ban me today

  16. #59
    Parog's Avatar Kitsune Da-O! M.L.G. CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    Updated -- Should be a lot safer.

    If you already got banned, make sure you at least create a new account on a browser with no cookies or use private/incognito mode (So they don't see you come in logged in as your banned account) and use a proxy to create a new account. I'd also recommend changing IP, but not everyone has a dynamic IP or has access to a VPN.
    What's a Parog?
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  17. #60
    mephuser1000's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Parog View Post
    Updated -- Should be a lot safer.

    If you already got banned, make sure you at least create a new account on a browser with no cookies or use private/incognito mode (So they don't see you come in logged in as your banned account) and use a proxy to create a new account. I'd also recommend changing IP, but not everyone has a dynamic IP or has access to a VPN.
    If Trion wants to go all the way like NCSoft/ArenaNet blacklisting, changing IP and removing cookies won't help.

    You will need to
    - Reinstall Windows
    - Change HWID
    - Change all the Serial ID on HDD, GFX, CPU
    - Change Mac ID on Network Card, Cable Modem and Router.

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