Hi all im selling my battle net account it is a US account
it has diablo 3 + reaper of souls
heroes of the storm - with most heroes unloc
and WoW WOD
my characters are all on oceanic servers:
100 - warrior 637 (H) - thaurssian
100 - lock 632 (H) - jube'thos
100 - priest 625 (A) - frostmourne
100 - druid 613 (H) - thaurissan
100 - shaman 615 (H) - barthillias
92 - rogue (H) - frostmourne
90 - pally (A) - frostmourne
many mounts including, fae dragon, sky golem, netherdrake, iron skyreaver, grinning reaver, bloodhoof bull, ravenlord, core hound, obsidian nightwing, x-53 touring rocket, spectral windrider/griffin
looking for $200 ONO, email me on [email protected] or add me on skype yo.jaz