As the title States.
I am selling brand new account that comes with a free Level 90 character. These accounts are upgraded all the way to MOP, so add Draenor and your good to go. Here is what INcluded in this package:
Brand New account that comes with 30 days Free Gametime!!
Level 1-90 Powerleveling of a Character you design
You pick:
Race/Class/Faction EU or US Realm
Package includes:
First aid to 600
Cooking to 600
2 Professions of your choice to 600!!
You also pick the character name, the realm and everything!! All of this will be done within a 4 day period at the most. This is all done by hand leveling no bots whatsoever. Can read my other thread about powerleveling and see all my positive reviews for all the accounts Ive done recently. (Powerleveling Service 90-100 Cheap Service)
At the end of the process you will be provided the original Account Code so that you and you alone have access to it. These are fresh brand new accounts!!
I have a total of 4 available with these packages.
You can add Warlords of Draenor as well and get a leveing all the way to 100 for a bit more on the price. Open to offers but don't low ball either
Add me to Skype: MilkWODSeller
Thank you for looking