Hey guys i have a battle.net account with two accounts attached. The main account has a 90 boomkin full malevolent/ 90 warrior pve/pvp arms/prot gear. also has a 88 pally/87 priest/86 rogue/85 mage/85 druid. The second account has a 85 shaman/85 lock. Most of the 85's have some good mop gear so you can move into leveling pandaria with ease. I am looking to consilidate to account with less alts. I would love a pvp account with a rogue main. I would also look for a warlock/hunter/dk/pally at max level. Let me know what you have for trade. i would be willing to take an account with just two 90's that are well geared. THe account also has 40k gold on the main realm.. Hit me up on skype Gnomicus89