i have a b.net account with 2 wow lisences in it and with the following characters.
i am the OO of the account from day 1 and will provide ID Scan and SQA.
397 S.Priest ( has 8/8 DS normal and 2/8 hm ach) us illidan horde - WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.
395 Warlock ( has 8/8 normal DS and 1/8 hm ach) us barthilas alliance - Level 85 Human Warlock | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
396 Hunter (has 8/8 normal and 3/8 hm DS ach) - us illidan horde server - WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.
392 Rog (has 8/8 normal ds ach , has 170 clusters on 1st part of leg quest) on us sargeras alliance - WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.
390 Mage (also have pvp gear set with 390 ilvl ) us barthilas horde - WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.
394 warrior (has 8/8 normal DS ach) us barthilas horde - Level 85 Orc Warrior | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory
385 DK just OK gear on us barthilas horde -http://www.maskedarmory.com/anonymous-wow-armory-profile-79077.html
Plus , the same b.net account has 1 more account which is eligible for SoR.
Plus , the account has a lvl 70 druid lvl 71 rog lvl 70 paladin and mage for pvp only on amanthul server.
1 account with 1-2 very geared (PVE) characters except shaman / druid
please post here first with what u have to offer and i will provide my contact information.