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  1. #1
    ELKIDO's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW services
    CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Thanks G/R
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    ⭐Buying Warmane Icecrown accounts and coins ⭐ Safe deals and instant payment ⭐

    Discord: Click here
    Skype: Click here

    Payment methods-READ FIRST
    Paypal goods and services.
    For repeated customers other payment options can be discussed.

    I am buying any amount of warmane coins. Instant payment via many payment options.
    Note: we are not buying warmane gold.

    Currently i am looking to purchase Warmane Icecrown accounts

    Requirements for warmane icecrown:
    -Your account must have at least one BIS geared character or close to bis.
    -High achievement characters always wanted
    -Gear, race, class etc doesnt matter, we accept all kinds of characters.
    -If you cant provide original email, price offered will be lower or i can refuse to purchase it


    Question: But man, i can sell all of my 8 characters via warmane system and get 350 coins for each of them. That way i will get much more money!
    Answer: Go ahead and do it. Good luck with it.

    Question: I have original email but i cant give it to you, is that a problem?
    Answer: Its not a problem, but keep in mind that price you will get goes WAY down.

    Question: Can i get paid with crypto,skrill,webmoney and so on?
    Answer: No, im paying via paypal goods and services only, unless you have sold me something in the past and proved trustworthy.

    Question: I want to sell my character for coins via warmane system or trade it.
    Answer: No. Im not paying with coins or trading characters. Im only paying with cash
    Discord-CLICK HERE || Skype-CLICK HERE || Website: www.wow-accountshop.com
    All major wow servers l Accounts l Gold l Powerleveling and boosting

    ⭐Buying Warmane Icecrown accounts and coins ⭐ Safe deals and instant payment ⭐

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