Hello, I'm quitting World of Warcraft after years of playing and would like to sell my account to someone for a reasonable price.
Level 100 Human Hunter | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory Hunter
Level 100 Blood Elf Paladin | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory Paladin
Hunter info
3080 arena rating in 3v3 and 2740 in 2v2
Full epic pvp gear (3 blue pvp items only)
Some pve items also (mixed with pvp epic 660ilvl)
All flight speeds
7/7 normal high-maul achievement
over 20 epic 100 followers with high item levels
700 Leatherworking/Skinning
700 Cooking
Level 3 Garrison with some level 3 buildings
Other info
There is also a 90 Hunter with rank 1 title too (same season) and 3080+ arena exp
The 100 Paladin isn't really geared, just max level, and has all flight speeds
There is also a 84 Deathknight on the account (alliance)
Gold: There isn't too much gold, about 1-2k between the characters
If you wish to discuss more please add Sak0493 to Skype, I'm looking to sell the account for 300 euro. Payment to be made over paypal, I am a verified user.
There is gametime until 18/2/2015