Europe Region
Achievement points: 10000
Characters included: 5x rank 1 death knight
Mounts (130) including:
Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake
Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling
Vindictive Gladiator's Storm Dragon
Fearless Gladiator's Storm Dragon
Ferocious Gladiator's Storm Dragon
Notable titles:
Rank 1 Wild Gladiator
Rank 1 Warmongering Gladiator
Rank 1 Vindictive Gladiator
Rank 1 Fearless Gladiator
Rank 1 Ferocious Gladiator
Hero of the Horde: Ruthless
Notable transmog:
Death Knight - Cataclysmic Elite s11 & Legion Elite s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7 & SL Elite s1
Priest - Cataclysmic Elite s11
Warlock - Ruthless Elite s10
Notable tabards:
Wrathful Gladiator's Tabard
Wild Gladiator's Tabard
Warmongering Gladiator's Tabard
Dominant Gladiator's Tabard
Demonic Gladiator's Tabard
Notable illusions:
Sinful Flame
For more information & potential purchase please contact me on my discord: phn171