Title says it all,im willing to trade my last big blizzard bear card / code for a diablo 3 prepurchase.
I have sold 2 of them atm,used 1 on my own account.Both mounts were sold for gold on Stormscale-EU.
I obtained the mounts legit-way,meaning me and my friend last summer had ~15 cards.
I agree to either mail you the card if you live in EUROPE and you pay the mailing fees OR just hand you the code and fully guide you how to obtain the mount.
The mount is BoA,meaning once you redeem it you can send it around all your characters and all your characters will have the extremely rare mount and FoS "Big Blizzard Bear".
The mount is worth around 250$,the reason for me to do this trade so cheap is because of one simple reason - Im not putting my IRL cash in games,ever.Every gametime ive bought also comes from ownedcore.
This offer wont stand long.I will give you my battle.net information in order for you to prepurchase it!
If you are interested,please add me on Skype / MSN -
Skype - Jancha007
MSN - [email protected]