[US] 2 Cata Accounts - 10 Level 85 Chars - Level 4 Guild menu

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  1. #1
    jpb007's Avatar Private
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    [US] 2 Cata Accounts - 10 Level 85 Chars - Level 4 Guild

    After five years of on and off play I'm looking to get out of the game. This auction consists of two separate Cataclysm accounts under a single Battle.net account. I am the original owner of both accounts. Included in these accounts are:

    - 2 Cataclysm Accounts (1 Battle.net ID)
    - 10 Level 85 Characters
    - 325k+ Gold
    - Level 4 Alliance Guild that houses my Alliance Characters


    Account One:
    85 Draenei Paladin - 525 Jewelcrafting / 525 Mining: Profile
    85 Draenei Warrior - 525 Blacksmithing / 525 Mining: Profile
    85 Draenei Priest - 525 Enchanting / 525 Tailoring: Profile
    85 Draenei Mage - 525 Herbalism / 525 Alchemy: Profile
    85 Night Elf Rogue - 525 Engineering / 525 Skinning: Profile

    Account Two:
    85 Draenei Hunter- 510 Leatherworking / 525 Skinning: Profile
    85 Night Elf Druid - 525 Inscription / 525 Herbalism: Profile
    85 Draenei Death Knight - 525 Jewelcrafting / 525 Mining: Profile
    85 Draenei Shaman - 525 Alchemy / 525 Heralism: Profile
    85 Tauren Warrior - 450 Engineering / 525 Mining: Profile

    In addition, there is a level 80 Warlock on Account One.


    The level 4 guild is an alliance side guild that I've housed my characters in during the process of leveling, and has six guild tabs. The guild is just a million experience or so from Level 5. I'll be happy to provide more details to serious buyers.

    As you can see, in this auction you get everything you need to be completely self sufficient. Every class and every profession, on two accounts that will let you dualbox your way through the game if you so desire.


    I don't have a set price in mind, please PM me with offers. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to ask.


    [US] 2 Cata Accounts - 10 Level 85 Chars - Level 4 Guild
  2. #2
    conker900's Avatar Member
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    hmm thought the max gold was 200k some not 300k some? and i like how you hide the server so we can't see its a private server nice job fail!

  3. #3
    gimmeurlife's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by conker900 View Post
    hmm thought the max gold was 200k some not 300k some? and i like how you hide the server so we can't see its a private server nice job fail!
    You must play a lot of private servers that aren't patched to Cata yet if you don't know that Blizzard raised the gold cap from 214k to 999,999g 99s 99c when they released Cata. He also covered his server and char names for his own protection. If you're int erested i'm sure you can e-mail him ans work something out to get any additional info you require such as server pics if it's indeed legit.

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